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Oh where to begin....

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    Oh where to begin....


    Hello everyone. I will try to sum this up as tidily as possible although the story is a shambles.

    I started drinking at 17, not too much I suppose. Good family, grades, etc. Although I did feel out of the loop and socially awkward. Like many of us, alcohol made things a bit easier on that front.

    I really didn't start drinking more or less regularly until I was in my late 20's. I started working for a big internet firm and quickly moved up and around. It was then where I started drinking pretty much every night--sometimes more, sometimes a little. Mostly at bars, etc with friends. That was when I can point out now that it was becoming a problem--although at the time I wouldn't have said that. I met a girl and we dated from the late 90's until a couple years ago and she started calling me on it. This I despised and it was then when drinking began to push others out of my life.

    I was laid off from that company in 2000 and drinking really was a part of my life. It wasn't too secretive. I still drank with friends, but I also bought stuff for my house. I decided to move to MN in 2002 and suffered my first consequence--a DUI. At the time it didn't alter my habit. It just inconvenienced it. This is when my drinking began to go underground. I started to hide the bottle (in my own house) and drank more at home than I did out with friends. Not being able to drive and afraid to just pushed it behind closed doors.

    When I as laid off, I had a lot of stock from the company and thus, no reason to work. This really didn't help matters. I just spent money, drank and slowly isolated myself. My longtime girlfriend moved on and I decided to stop drinking to win her back. Also got a job. However when I realized she had really moved on, I picked up drinking again while in Hawaii at a wedding. I got back from the wedding and began a three-week bender which landed me in detox.

    From that point, I could only manage to stay sober for 2-3 months after a detox before picking up on a bad spiral downward. Went to Hazelden for treatment and that didn't work. In October, I drank again while on Prozac and had my first blackout which led me to drive my car into a tree. Spent 24 days in jail, they took the car and my license for one year and I had a nervous breakdown while in the clink.

    I really thought that was it and then it happened again in Feb. This time after detox, I moved into a Sober House for three months to get involved with the sober community. I am leaving and moving back home in June both excited, but nervous. I am taking Campral now and it seems to work wonders for my mood during this PAWS period. I am going to ask my doctor about Naltrexone because if something happens and I slip, I can deal with that. I just worry about slipping into a long, isolated bender which I can't take anymore.

    I hope there is someone out there who takes these meds, remains abstinent, slips occasionally and have them work to keep the slips from long relapses. Personally I don't care to drink again. Sure it is a stigma I wish I didn't have to deal with--especially dating. But as for a love affair with the drink I have none. Is has cost me more than the fun it provided. I just wish taking a drink didn't send me the way it does.

    Thanks for listening....

    Oh where to begin....

    Hi Kevin. Welcome to you!
    Your story is a heart rending one. I am so sorry you have lost so much. I can relate to many of your drinking habits, the isolation, the awkward social situations etc. It isnt much fun is it?
    For me I have been sober (and clean) for just over 10 months,I dont take meds (except prozac) but I do take supplements. My life has changed totally, and for the first time in years and years I am becoming happy with myself.
    I just wanted to tell you this because sometimes we think leading a sober life means the end of fun or any life really.
    Keep reading and posting, joining a daily thread might help you too? I have found that the friends I have made here have helped me immensely to stay sober too.
    Good luck and stay close to the boards.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Oh where to begin....

      Hi Kevin
      Thanks for sharing your story, i hope it helps you as i know its gonna help others, we all need identification. I know what you mean about the love affair, who needs one when the the damn other half abuses you gets you thrown into the clink etc.... Life may not have the "thrills!" booze may deliver 'occasionally', but i actually get off on the calmness & serenity now. Thanks or your honesty and keep posting here its been my life line. xxxxxxxxxxxxx


        Oh where to begin....

        Thank you

        Thank you so far for the kind words. I am almost 30 days sober and just want to prepare myself for all contingencies I will have to look for this "daily thread" you speak of.

        Indeed, community, sharing and honesty are sound ways to check yourself (before you wreck yourself). Thanks for everyone for sharing their stories and encouragement as well. Continued serenity!


          Oh where to begin....

          Kevin, there are a number of daily threads in Just Starting out section there is the Newbies Nest and ODAT (one day at a time) In General there is the Army thread, the Next Day thread.
          In Monthly Abstinence there is the AF (alcohol free) Daily thread. You will meet some great people on all these and get loads of support.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Oh where to begin....

            Thanks for sharing your story Kev. Oh and great blog, had a go at starting one myself, but didn't keep it up.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Oh where to begin....

              Hiya Kevin and welcome,

              First off congratulations on finding MWO..This is an excellent community and a god send to talk to someone quickly when your low and want to drink..Finding a daily thread is a great idea, i plan on doing that myself when i come out of detox..The support is second to none..
              You sound as if you've lost a hell of a lot..It's never too late to start building again..
              Best of luck and i hope to see you around the boards..
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Oh where to begin....

                Wishing you a warm welcome Kevin.
                Congrats on 30 days AF!!!

                This is an amazing bunch of people who are supportive and non-judgemental -- stick around:-)
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Oh where to begin....

                  Welcome Kevin and thanks for the history, sad as it is. But as has been stated, we all can understand the isolation and what that does to our psyche'.

                  All the great folks here on MYO have been a godsend for me. A place to touch base regularly. And learn so very much about not being alone in the battle with AL.



