Drinking was never seen as taboo when I was growing up. It was often used in our house for medicinal purposes! I can remember being quite young and having whisky in hot milk when I had a cold.
Drinking was also seen as a way of comfort and relieving stress. Neither of my parents could be classed as alcoholics though.
I first drank to blackout when I was 15 on a mixture of spirits from the drinks cabinet. I lost my virginity that night too
As the years went by, I drank socially regularly, but developed a fondness for wine. I couldnt be an alcoholic, I didnt drink any rubbish. I didnt like much booze besides a nice chilled glass of white wine, and never any cheap crap either!
At 30. I married an abusive, controlling man and at 33, I ended it. He responded by physically assaulting me several times and that's when my drinking really begain to spiral out of control. 2 Bottles of wine a night was the norm. I met a nice guy 6 months later and calmed down the drinking with a bit of counselling.
But it started to escalate again and last year, within the space of 3 months, I had the double whammy of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and losing my mother with no warning to an undiscovered cancer. Cue Kitty back to 2 bottles of wine a night.
To cut a long story short, I ended up having an affair and my relationship broke up, luckily for me my old boyfriend is very supportive and wants to see me well again so has been giving me transport (I dont drive) to AA meetings since March. I have met cymru several times at AA meetings and he told me about this place.
That's the outline for now - Ta for reading