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    I'm thinking of you hon. You are not alone. I can't get on chat from work anyway but I will check when I get home and see if you are there. WE CARE :l



      This support and encouragement is amazing.
      I just got a computer last week
      through God's grace a customer of mine who fixes computers sold me this one for $200
      I have never had my own online before
      thank you for the encouragement
      I am here.



        Hi Christine ... Welcome!

        I'm still struggling with my fight with Alcohol ... I just wanted to say that most of us alcoholics have some really awful feelings too ... such as shame, guilt, little self-worth at times, feeling lonely, unloved, unloveable, depression, anxiety ... well, you know what I mean - and the list could go on and on.

        Because you found your way here and are posting, it tells a big story: (1) You Do Care (even if there are some points when it feels like you don't). The fact is that if you didn't care about yourself and your family, you wouldn't be here -- so Yey! Be proud of that .. it means a LOT....... and (2) You want to get your life back and are searching for your way out of the alcohol prison. You want to fight for your life. You WANT this, and that's a great starting point!

        Let's find our way out. Let's take back control.

        There are so many of us on here in various stages of trying to fix our lives. I read people's stories and posts every day ... their ups and downs ... It helps me to know I'm not alone, and it gives me ideas and strength for trying to get myself out of this mess.

        My newest attempt is "tapering" ... I drink a lot (if you search my most recent posts, you'll see my current "story") ... so I'm going to take a few days and get it really cut back, and then try going alcohol-free. I'm not going cold turkey because I'm afraid of withdrawal. But that's just me. We're all different, and there are so many methods and supplements, etc., to try!

        Glad you found your way online .... This will be your beginning!
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.




          The one thing I love about mwo folk, is that we can all speak of our struggles without judgement.
          We're not perfect, we're not even sober. But at least we all want to let it go so that the emotional pain doesn't send us bottleside.



            you should not feel guilty and beat yourself up. It is not against the law to have a couple glasses of wine, and its not a sin or anything. You will qiut if you really want to if you quit before you can do it again, you will when you are ready. Sihn up for one of the 30 day groups, that's what I'm doing. I'm on day 24 I'm going for another 30 once Im done. Im really afraid of going back. Its like my alter ego takes over and Im back to square one.Thats why I dont want to moderate I just want to quit.
            Good Luck keep reding and posting, get the book the supps, and the cds. Alot of people say they really help.
            To get on chat just click on the chat icon and it will direct you. Talk to you soon!
            Your Friend



              hi, I first posted 2 days ago, am very in need of help and support, but no one has responded, Im not very computor literate, so maybe I have done something wrong, you seem so caring, and always respond to people on here. I have so many worries, that I use alcohol to sleep, but its taking more and more, and Im feeling worse and worse in the morning, but if I don't drink enough, then I am awake most of the night, its a viscious circle because, i'm tired if I do and tired if I don't. It all started with the menopause. I don't and have never wanted to drink during the day. Hope you get this and please reply



                robyn19;666988 wrote: hi, I first posted 2 days ago, am very in need of help and support, but no one has responded, Im not very computor literate, so maybe I have done something wrong, you seem so caring, and always respond to people on here. I have so many worries, that I use alcohol to sleep, but its taking more and more, and Im feeling worse and worse in the morning, but if I don't drink enough, then I am awake most of the night, its a viscious circle because, i'm tired if I do and tired if I don't. It all started with the menopause. I don't and have never wanted to drink during the day. Hope you get this and please reply
                Hi robyn19, and welcome.
                There have been replies to your post. You most probably haven't been back to the right thread to see them.



                  I sent you a PM (Personal Message) to try and help you find your way around.



                    Hi Robyn. I too sent you a PM in hopes we can help you find your way around the site. I can relate to the issues surrounding menopause - my drinking (which was already bad) took a turn for the worse when I was also dealing with some of those issues. We CAN find our way out of that too!

                    All the best..

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.



                      PM from me need to reply.
                      I just wanted you to know I care.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                        Hey Everyone - I'm back and reading all the incredible encouragement I have recieved. Thank you from
                        my whole heart.
                        I am still drinking wine at night sometimes. I really don't like the taste of wine which why I don't overdo it.The worst part is I'm lying to my sponsor.
                        I go to one or two meetings every day. I love them. When I share it sounds like I am getting the program.
                        And a lot of it is sinking in.
                        I know God must still love me because of the heartwarming support you people have given me.
                        I tried for tonight to be the night I stop but I got scared of the loneliness and still went out and bought
                        I am so thankful for all of you. For the acceptance. Thank you.



                          Dear Christine,
                          I do know how difficult this is.

                          Everything that is perfect is already inside you. You were born with all you need for happiness. You don't need to look for it in a bottle or anywhere else. re-discovering your self-worth is all part of your recovery
                          Your sponsor may be disappointed that you have been drinking but being truthful and honest will help you both. Very few people go to AA and get it right first time. I know I didn't. Failure is nothing but another chance to succeed at what you want to do.



                            Welcome, Christine.
                            I am very happy that you are here and talking to people. Guilt and shame are such powerful emotions. However I think that if you feel you are upsetting your sponsor by being honest it may be time to find a new one that can truly help you.

                            Wishing you all the best
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                              Christine, for me getting sober has been an incredible journey that is still on-going. Stopping the drinking is very difficult, but for me has only been a small part of it. The way I drank involved a lot of dishonesty within myself, and with others. Learning to be honest with myself and others about my drinking and about many things has been a challenge too. You are not alone.

                              I encourage you to be honest with your sponsor. See what happens and take it from there.

                              Strength and hope,

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

