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Chicken's Tale-Feather!

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    Chicken's Tale-Feather!


    Well here goes the tale of 'Chicken-Licken Number 3'!!

    I grew up in a happy home with a commanding/generous Dad and a gentle/loving Mum and 2 brothers and 2 sisters,I was the youngest!
    There was never alcohol kept in the house, but dad would go out on special occasions and buy wine or port or beer,Ie: Xmas, Easter etc. Occasionally on a hot, summer's night he and Mum would sit outside under the stars and have a shandy together!Or in winter perhaps have an occasional Port before bed!(Learnt later that Dad tried to pickle himself when lived up-north as a young drover and was sent south to recuperate-however,never recall him drinking much at all in my life time!)
    With older brothers and sisters they all went out & socialised,no alcohol brought home.But then no one swore or cursed rule,just didn't happen!
    Mum and Dad never set curfews, didn't need to...none of us wanted to disappoint them..especially MUm!
    Although my two brothers socialised and drank (probably even/maybe light drugs)the three sisters were a close-knit group and somewhat saying that,it was not enforced by parents,we just loved eachothers company,so didn't need to go outside the family to look for it! We were three best friends!
    Eventually we grew up,eldest sister and brothers got married or in relationships etc.
    I started to go out more, a few boyfriends,nothing serious!
    Eldest brother was lead guitarist in a popular local cover band..I went along to help out and also to 'get out'! Started to drink beer or cheap drinks at local pubs of a weekend while this happened,most weekends, but would dance most of it out of my system!
    Met husband at age of 27years! He was at the time ex-navy and a hard-core drinker!His family always had spirits & wine in the house! When I moved in with him we often had wine of a weekend and got plastered. At the time we lived in a hot climate with limited social venues, so most people got together in the heat and drank!
    I learnt quickly that wine gave me a terrible heachache and a BAD hangover,switched to rum & coke! Then found preference for bourbon & diet coke..cause it really mattered to my health to drink diet drinks!*duh*
    Still really only drank weekends,but binge drinking always!
    Husband discovers that he has gout,converts to light beers...and eases up! I am still going strong!
    We decided to try for a family, I go off alcohol and get pregnant. Have only an occasional alocholic drink watered down! We move back to my home town and family when I have first child! I crash with PND(many reasons for this I think,but hubby not supportive and actually causes alot of stress for me cause he doesn't accept my problem),hubby offers me alcohol drinks to help me de-stress,start to have these more when discover I cannot breast feed due to PND effects!Guilt urghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Earnest drinking begins along with PND! Get diagnosed about 6 weeks later with PND and put on anti-D's,start to pick up but keep drinking regularly with hubby!Concsious to never put child in danger etc. Aware that am drinking more,but seem to need it as child is high maintenance!(My cop out at the time!* cringe*)
    Decide to wean off anti-D's about 5 months later when feeling ok.Dad dies unexpectedly...whole family goes into destruct mode..eldest sister has a mental health issue/breakdown and lots of family friction! Hubby and I hve a few probs but get thru them amazingly! He still not a hands on Dad! Remain on anti-d's and keep drinking to cope..don't feel much, except disbelief at what was once a loving family now at war!We three sisters are ow strongly divided (had never been the same since I might add!)
    Family recovers to a degree,we decide to try for a second child and I go off anti-d's successfully for about 12 months,in which time I fall pregnant! No alcohol,despite the depression rearing its ugly head in first trimester again, manage to hold off all alcohol & meds until 2nd trimester when start to feel better! No crutch then required! Sail through rest of pregancy and a great birth!
    Very bad post-partum haemorrhage after birth and bleed for another 10 weeks,with two other haemorrhage epsisodes in that time. (Hubby completely unsupportive at this time..sstill not sure why to this day..accept maybe the attention was on me? who knows!)Can't breast feed due to blood loss,feel guilty! Request anti-D meds from GP as can feel the depression kicking in again! Recover before further surgery is required and begin to drink again tentatively with encouragement from hubby and his family! Feeling better in general!
    Attempt to go off anti-D's again about 6 months later and within about 3 months fall in a great BIG hole!!!!! Request to go back on anti-D's and perk up again, coping better! But now the drinking is getting worse.Tend to have a few bourbon & cokes everynight with hubby (but of course he is on lights)! Tired, grumpy and fuzzy alot of the time! Realise I am dependent on it now-hate the thought! Scared of it killing me! Want to see my precious girls have their babies/lives! Sick off waking up with hangover and grumpy with kids, not fair on them.Taking it out on hubby! Sick of embarrassing self,find MWO and join!
    That's it!
    My story,such as it is!
    Glad I've got it off my chest
    *cluck cluck*

    Chicken's Tale-Feather!

    Thanks Chicken for sharing your story. I get something out of each one and yours is no exception.

    I too have lost the tight ties I had with my two sisters over the death of our Mom. so many emotions play into drinking to numb the pain.

    It does feel good to get our stories off our chests. I hope you feel even a little better having told yours.

    Best of luck and much strength in your journey!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      Chicken's Tale-Feather!

      Well done chicken for sharing your story,i hope things get better for you,stick around.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Chicken's Tale-Feather!


        Thanks for sharing your story, hope you feel better for having done so! It is amazing, isn't it to step back and look at the history of your life. We go through each moment trying to do the best we can, never really knowing how it's all going to turn out!

        I understand losing the support of your family, I have lost that too. Parents are long gone, siblings should be there for each other, right? I think it's fair to say that my 3 brothers don't even know if I'm alive or dead at this point. They are busy with their own lives, mired in their own crap. It would be so nice to have their support, a little attention from time to time, but, at this point I know it's never going to happen. You are also lacking support from your husband, dare say he is a big part of the problem, I understand that too!!

        Chicken, you have shown tremendous strength & growth since joining MWO. It's been a pleasure getting to know you! You clearly love your girls and want to be a loving, strong, AF Mom for them. You can do it for them and for yourself!

        Stay close to MWO, we are all too happy to provide the strength & support you need to be successful! I know you can do this. You have a safe, comfortable spot in the Nest with your name on it, don't forget

        Wishing you the very best!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Chicken's Tale-Feather!

          Thanks Chicken for sharing your story, stay around MWO and you will get the strength and hope that you need.

