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hi i am back

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    hi i am back

    i am kevy i am a 36 year old recovering alcoholic. it as been a while since i have been on this site. a litle bit about my journey this far.
    from the age of thirteen i lived on the streets. this is where i was introdused to alcohol. by the age of sixteen i was classed as an alcoholic. by the age of 26 i was diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis and pancratitis. i was told i would not survive the night. by the age of thirty i was also diagnosed with avascular necrosis. which resulted in getting a full hip replacement. this was due to the alcoholism. i am sharing this with you in the hope i could help in any way. i have been alcohol free for ten years now. since the doctors told me i would not survive the night. i am left with a deep insight into alcoholism and would like to put this insight to a good use.

    hi i am back

    Wow, thanks for the inspirational story! So many of us are just starting and any help is always appreciated. Ten years is amazing,,i'm on day 6's a struggle but well worth it. Had a Dr. appt. last week with scary liver enzyme results. She ordered more tests and I'm awaiting the results. I'm frightened by what they will show but I guess I've started down the road to recovery...a long one though...thanks for joining us..
    Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


      hi i am back

      the fist step is the hardest but after a few steps you start your journey of recovery well done six days af is six steps closer


        hi i am back

        I'm always amazed at someone so young being an alcoholic. I know it is a progressive disease, but also your circumstances must have been one reason for such a rapid progression. I am truly heartfelt about your circumstances when you were a child and I'm sure I can't even imagine. Ten years is an amazing amount of time to be alcohol free and your offer of help brings you full circle. Good luck in your journey, I know you will make an impact on many.

        Everything I need is within me!


          hi i am back

          only hope my journey this far can help others it was a rockey start from the word go but now i feel i am on the rite path


            hi i am back

            wow... ten years! that is great and good that you are still on task with the dangers it could present to you.
            i am on day 10 and i am grateful for it!


              hi i am back

              kevy- your story is heartbreaking, but also an inspiration. Reading stories such as yours serve as serious reminders of why we are here and the potential consequences, as well as giving hope for redemption.
              Bless you and much love.
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                hi i am back


                Thank you so much for sharing! 10 years sober is so wonderful and inspirational to me, especially with all the hard times and difficulties you've had.

                You have given me extra inspiration to keep on keeping on with this journey.

                Wish you the best and look forward to reading more from you.
                AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                  hi i am back

                  Hi Kevy: I'm really moved by your intention to help others. I have a dear friend/male who is 36 (I'm 53 year old woman) and his drinking is just starting to create severe consequences. None nearly as severe as yours - yet. Since I'm his only friend in recovery, he talks to me the most. I don't have your experience, but I KNOW that if he doesn't stop he will go down a similar path as yours. Then, on the other hand, since he is in early stages, I always hesitate to describe how bad it can get - he suffers enough now, and I'm reluctant to project into the future - ONLY because my bottom was much higher than yours and I can only speak of my experience. We will read your post together the next time I see him. He may want to PM you? I congratulate on your sober time, but your desire to help others truly moves me. Thank you.
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                    hi i am back

                    dear red

                    my story is a long one and i hope i am able to share it with others such as your friend.


                      hi i am back

                      Kevy, your story is frightening and moving. You are quite a survivor. Wow! I hope I can do ten years just like you. That is very heroic in my book.


                        hi i am back

                        thank you for sharing stay strong and keep thinking positive
                        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

