I just discovered this site accidentally while searching the internet for Kudzu reviews and felt compelled to join. I feel a little silly moaning about my situation when so many other people on here have gone through real hardships but if you would indulge me I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself and my situation.
I haven't had any if the problems so many people have struggled with, but my drinking kind of snuck up on me. I joined weight watchers recently (to lose the last stubborn 15 lbs of baby weight) and part of that involves tracking everything you eat and drink. So there I am, with my 18 allotted points for the day, feeling pretty good until it comes to entering beverages.
I always have one or two of those large bottles of wine hanging about in the fridge but it wasn't until I saw it all laid out infront of me on the computer that it hit me. I checked it again... surely I couldn't be drinking one of those almost all to myself every day, could I? Apparently so.
I'm a stay at home mum/housewife, originally from the UK but living in Texas with my hubby & 13 month old little girl. I never thought I drank a lot as I don't pass out, get hangovers ever or ever feel drunk - a little buzzed by the time I go to bed but nothing much. I don't know anyone on this town and don't drive so I'm just indoors alone with my baby all day with no one to talk to... I get so miserable and lonely sometimes. Then the hubby gets home late afternoon, we open a bottle (me wine, him beer, although he only drinks one or 2 total) and he takes the baby while I make dinner & we chat about our day etc. It's become my social routine and I feel so ashamed now I realize just how much I'm drinking.
The problem is that now I'm aware of it and want to moderate I cant - I go a day without drinking and all I can think about is how much I want wine. I'm sorry to have rambled on so long, but it's so nice to actually express the situation. I started to research moderation, which led me to kudzu, which led me here.
I want to get a handle on this NOW, before another year goes by and I realize I'm drinking 2 or 3 bottles to myself.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Holly x