I've recognized my drinking problem for a long time...yet I've never done anything to stop it. It went from college-weekend-partying-fun to 5 nights a week. (or so). College was almost 15 years ago!!!
This morning at 9 am I opened my first beer. I was very hung-over from the night before. Pretty sure I was still drunk. Called in sick to work. Tooth ache...ER dental...that was a new excuse.
I've never drank in the morning before. I've never even had the urge (Hate mornings!! Of course, could be 'cause I'm usually hung-over). I had the beer in my hand for about 10 minutes thinking about it. As I popped it open I thought---I am one sick bitch.
I am so ashamed of myself. Despite reading it is a disease, etc, I think if I were just stronger I could "just quit."
I can go for about 3-4 days, and then the urges start. I've never been very good at asking for help. But here I am.