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my story

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    my story

    I just received the My Way Out book and starter pack yesterday, flew through the book and organized all of my supplements, and I start the program tomorrow (minus the Topamax and hypno CDs, which I'm still waiting for).

    I'm a 36 year old mom of the most amazing little boy, and I don't want to miss out on anymore of his life. I've been drinking a full large bottle of red wine every day for several years, minus the pregnancy. Sometimes I end up dipping into a second bottle. I start drinking around 11:30am (there have been more than a few depressing winter mornings when I've started earlier), and I drink until around 8pm. On the days that I have to get out of the house, I'm just thinking about where I'll pick up the next bottle, or if it's been enough days since I last ordered from the liquor store (because of course I don't want them to think I have a problem!). This has been so easy for me, because I work from home and have no friends or family in the area to be accountable to (other than my husband, who is supportive). I hate myself most of the time, and wake up at 3am every morning thinking that "today will be the day I stop....". The longest I've been able to quit on my own was ALMOST 5 weeks, last year. As soon as I get that first taste, it's just impossible to stop.

    I'm excited for tomorrow. I really hope this works, because I relate so much to the My Way Out story. I look forward to sharing more of my progress on this site, and to reading about yours.


    my story

    Welcome, Brooklyn mom!
    You are off to a great start, by starting with the book and the starter pack! It sounds like you are comitted to starting a new alcohol free life! You echo my sentiments exactly when you say that you are missing out on so much, by living in the alcohol haze. Your family and friends are also missing out on knowing the Real You.

    Many here have over come this horrible addicition. We have all chosen our own "Plan". Check out The Toolbox is chock full of great ideas!

    Find people on this board who are comitted to sobriety as you are. When I was getting sober, I found a wonderful group of like mined people. We started the original 30 day thread which progressed to 60 then 90 days and so on. As we progressed, our thread progressed. This group truly helped me through my journey! In December 2009, I will be 2 years without alcohol! Wow! I can hardly believe it, but, I am so grateful to be where I am today. Before you know it, you will be celebrating milestones of your own!

    Best Wishes to You and Much Success!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      my story

      Good for you for finding this place.
      We can all relate to your story. As they say 'string a few af days together to build your strength.'
      good luck tomorrow!


        my story

        thanks KateH1 and really made me feel welcome.


          my story


          Hi Brooklynmom,

          Good safe place you've found here.

          You've made a great start gathering all the tools together.

          Keep reading. Keep posting. SHOUT if you're struggling.

          Please let us know how you're doing.

          Wishing you all the luck in the world.

          Love Jackie xxx

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            my story

            Hi Brooklyn mom,

            Glad you found the site and got the book and supplements. Sounds like a good start! The board is full of wonderful support! I'm new here too, and feeling great about it! Gotta run, but hope to hear more from you!


              my story

              Hi Brooklyn!

              I can so relate to that feeling of not having anyone to be accountable to. I always blamed everybody else for my drinking and felt like they were all trying to control me in some shape or form. If they would just leave me alone and let me get on with my life I would not be drinking the way I was. But as soon as I did feel l was left to my own devices I would drink even more chaotically than before. It was that feeling of not being accountable to anyone that finally brought me to my knees just over 8 months ago. I haven't had a drink since that day and I am truly grateful today for the help and support I've had. Not only here but in fellowship and with peers from an addiction treatment center here in Liverpool UK.

              I'm glad you have such a supportive husband. You will get the same support here from others who are struggling like you and who you may be able to relate to better concerning your fears and worries surrounding your drinking. Many of us have been where you are now and are more than willing to help you and support you. I didn't follow the MWO program unfortunately so don't know anything about it to be perfectly honest. I came here just trying to widen my support network!.

              Best of luck to you I hope you get everything you need out of MWO.

              Love and Light
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                my story

                Welcome, so glad you found the site. We are all in this together, so shout for help, read and ask questions. Good luck. It is worth will soon see.



                  my story

                  I can relate to soo many of your tales. I am having such a difficult time getting that first day behind I so much commend you on 5 weeks!!

                  One of the things that hit me most was the statement about not losing time with your boy. I'm sorry to say i lost out of the best part of my kids live's...probably close to 20 years. That is my main regret from drinking.

                  Plus wasting my potential. Keep at it and stay on this's the best you'll

