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A different Outlook

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    A different Outlook

    Today I took the family to the zoo and had a great day, then took them to dinner where my wife had a Margarita after she asked if I was ok with it. Before I would have lied when I said yes and resented her for being able to drink it and for her doing it in front of me, but today I honestly did not even think twice about it. I was a very nice feeling to enjoy their company and not be fixated on the drink. I then dropped my wife off with a girlfriend to enjoy a night of drinks and agreed to pick her up inlou of a taxi this again did not bother me as i thought it would. I have to thank GOD and my Rx for the great feeling of being AF has given me. No don't think that I will condone her doing this on a regular basis as it would not be good for us or me and I have no quams about saying that I really rather have her home but she needs time to re-find herself and also connect with friends, I really do want us to reconnect first but as the prayer goes "god grant me serennity to accept the things I can not change the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference" so I will have to let her come to me. I am 12 days AF and ready for tomorrow.


    A different Outlook

    :goodjob: gr8dad on 12 days,

    I also love that little prayer. Quick and simple and to the point.

    Now I can just tell Mr JC if I'm uncomfortable if he has a drink so he doesn't.

    We had no alcohol in the house for my first 30 days.

    Even the kids now ask if I'm comfortable with them having a drink in front of me. (they're 21 and 23).

    You're living up to your name gr8dad.

    Love Jackie xxx

    AF since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      A different Outlook

      Hi, gr8dad -

      First, congrats on 12 days. Second, you have a wonderful attitude, and by really listening to and living that little prayer's meaning you really are putting yourself on the path to success. Our own attitude and mindset play such a huge part in this battle. Not the only thing, by any means, but in my case I know it to be very true. Change your mind, change your life.

      Best wishes on your new sober life, and much love to you and your family!
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        A different Outlook

        Hi Gr8dad.
        That was lovely to read your post. You seem to have gotten yourself into a really good space right now. It very much reminds me of my hubby, he has never forced me to be any way but has let me make my own choices and find my own way.
        A controling attitude would never have worked for me either.
        Keep enjoying that serenety you have right now, it does take work but its so worth it.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          A different Outlook

          Hey Gr8dad :goodjob: on your AF days , you sound like your on the right road , keep going >>>>>>>>>>>>:l Em
          Non Drinker 9/09
          Non Smoker 6/09
          Tennis Anyone ?

