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here I go again

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    here I go again

    hope u all are doin well I am approaching my cut off day and startin to get a little freaked out that I will not have enough time to ween down my al intake let me know what u all think as far as that goes from ur personal experience tks in advance!!!


      here I go again



        here I go again

        Hi Cheech,
        How are you doing today?
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          here I go again

          have not quit yet still scared shitless but will get there one way or another tks for responce I was startin to wonder lol hope u are well and I get there eventually!!??


            here I go again

            tks Sheri I am a beer drinker and up around 6 to 10 beers a day just concerned bout health stoppin cold turkey?? With that bein said I agree that I have to get the al out of my system moderation is not an option. tks for your concern I will stay in touch!


              here I go again

              Cheech, I think it depends heavily on the individual. I feel cold turkey is a health threat to me, but I get withdrawals even after a weekend binge, and after a week of daily drinking they are pretty bad. Why not try cold turkey, and if you feel too bad, see doctor and get possibly get some meds?


                here I go again

                Cheech, I'm also trying hard to get sober. Will check in to see how you are making out.


                  here I go again

                  tryin to ween but havin tough time to complicate things my bday is round the corner and wanted to be sober for that dont look like thats happening. I will not give up though just replan and go again gl all!!


                    here I go again

                    Hola all,

                    I have been sober for 30 days now! I did not make my cut off day in oct and really was disappointed in myself!! I had made a promise to my counciler to quit and still that was not enough to quit? I had made countless promises to my wife and she had reached the point of not even listening, can't blame her! Then I realized I needed to do this for myself no one else!!?? My wife and my daughter's 1st bday was comin up and I thought what better time to quit!? I had been trying to ween and no success, I realized that i just needed to quit cold turkey! It sucked, hurt physically and emotionally but I stuck it out!!! Now I am at 30 days and still takin it odat, I know I will be doing that for quite some time but I really feel I have no choice now!! I have made the ultimate promise and that was to myselfto get sober and stay sober! My father dyin, missing quit dates when I turned 40 amongst many other quit dates, countless promises to my wife, in the end I had to just bring myself to quit no matter what. I have to say that I did this myself no councel, little support from family, just sheer inner will. I guess that is just the way I had to do it and now I am ready to reach out for support to stay sober for the long run. It will be here on MWO, council, and maybe AA (which I have never been that keen on). I cannot think about the future at this point it is all still too raw and to be honest I am still greiveing over my father's death however for the first time I can remember I have some hope and for now that is all I can ask for!!


                      here I go again

                      Hi Cheech :goodjob:

                      How brilliant to get the first 30 days AF under your belt it?s a huge achievement and takes a lot of determination and sheer willpower so well done. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, life sucks at times and throws us curve balls but you know what ? its easier to cope without booze making things worse. I still take it ODAT but it is getting easier and I feel so much better without alcohol in my life. I had really bad cravings yesterday afternoon and it would have been so easy to give in but today I am so grateful that I didn?t cave.

                      Some of us are on the Santas Sober Sleigh thread to get through December why not join us if you think it will help. Good luck.

                      Dewdrop :h
                      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                        here I go again

                        will dew dewdrop tks!!!


                          here I go again

                          Cheech, welcome back. How wonderful that you've accomplished 30 sober days. It sounds like you just weren't ready before. Well, as you know, this is a great place. Sending you peace and strength,



                            here I go again

                            my best to u and ya all keep fightin


                              here I go again

                              Question, any of you who have been af for a while, say 30 days or so, do remember how long it took for the headaches to go away!!?? Not sure if mine are due to a sinus infection, which I am prone 2 or if it is withdrawl perhaps little of both but boy does it suck tks in advance!!


                                here I go again

                                Cheech I didn't have headaches so can't help here. But, I'm sure someone will be along soon who can answer this. I do remember quite a few people talk about their headaches, though. Seems like it was a few weeks before they went away.


