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Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

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    Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

    Well, I've very rarely posted but joined the forum a while ago. Since then, I managed to go A/F the first time for 7 days and the second time for 35 days. It seems as if each time I do that, it takes me quite a while to resolve to quite drinking again.

    I'm hoping that, by posting here, it will help me in my journey to become alcohol free forever. I think that writing thoughts, actions, etc. out might assist me.

    I'm a recently retired woman who feels as if drinking wine each night is making my life smaller than it should be. I only drink in the evenings and during that time, don't like to do anything else except watch television and work on my laptop in front of the TV. I drink every single evening. SOmetimes even when I don't feel like it.

    I do seem to do things to excess, whatever it is called -- addictive personality or something else. I drink Diet Pepsi to excess although I've cut my consumption in half during the last week -- still way too much though. Also, I don't have a weight problem but I LOVE sweets. So I have alcohol, my diet and Pepsi to kick.

    Tonight will be my first night alcohol free. I feel very determined. When I drink, I don't read and I used to be a huge reader. I have some good books now that I plan on reading. WHen I drink, I don't even like to go anyplace in the evenings because I won't be drinking. I do go, but when I come home, no matter how late it is, I feel compelled to drink my wine. I hope that my workouts in the mornings at the gym become easier. I hope that I can be a more spiritual person, more generous in my thoughts as well as my actions, just a better person.

    I will try to be brutally honest here. If you read this, please bear with me as I ramble.
    In my past efforts, I stopped posting and stopped reading others' posts. I've found that being here does help a lot and I am motivated by others.

    I wish all of you the very best and join you in your efforts -- let's kill this demon!


    Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

    Hi T2l have just read your post with interest ! well done on deciding not to drink, sounds like you are stopping in and drinking instead of going out. Its really easy to do that. But you have identified the problem which is a start. Keep posting and reading look around the whole site there are some good things on here the meds etc that help. Good luck BH x


      Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

      I applaud your decision Time2live. I can really identify with this part:

      woman who feels as if drinking wine each night is making my life smaller than it should be
      (although from the sound of things I let my alcohol problem progress further than you wisely did before deciding to do something about it!) But life getting smaller and smaller describes it well for me.

      Hope you are doing well on Day 1/2! Hang in there through the tough early part. It WILL get easier.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

        "Lets kill this demon"... I'm with you.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

          Hi Time.
          Google "withdrawal from alcohol, kindling syndrome" It scared the daylight out of me. Stopping and starting are way more damaging to your brain then you can imagine. Let me know what you think after you googled it please.
          We'll beat this, one way or the other.
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

            Great job on the decision to change your life time2live!!! I look forward to the expansion of your life!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

              hi T2L - i read your story with great interest beause it sounds like me. I too have been a drink EVERY night person over the past 5 years. i want to stop that, and have managed to have about 12 days AF over the past few months, which is huge for me.

              but, i recently drank 3-4 glasses of wine every night for the holidays, for the past 2 months really, give or take one or 2 AF days.

              did you have any withdrawals? That is my big fear, if you read my posts, you'll see what i mean.

              congrats on deciding to AF it.


                Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

                Wow! Thank you everybody for your encouragement! It means so much and is such a boost for me.

                I made it through last night with nary a drop of vino! It really wasn't too hard -- I think because I am so set on this path to being alcohol free. It is difficult to even write the words "alcohol free" as I am only hoping I can do it but surely don't feel too sure about it.

                Jessie, I did as you suggested and looked up "Kindling Syndrome." Yes, it is frightening. I'd never heard of it before -- one more great reason to get sober and stay sober. It is just what I needed to read today, thank you.

                Let go Laughing, no I don't have any physical withdrawal symptoms yet. Maybe they are still coming. I do have some psychological ones though in that all my thoughts are about wine and me. I don't seem able to banish them yet! I actually almost talk to the wine. "Get out of my life".

                I did go to the gym this morning and decided to join the Fitness Challenge, something I never would have previously considered. So they did an evaluation on me. My blood pressure is higher than it should be -- prehypertension. Another wake up call for me. I was told that to lower my elevated pressure, besides exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, and decreasing salt, I need to limit alcohol consumption! There is it again -- another reason to quit drinking! I've found in the past that I can't moderate very well at all. I think I just have to quit.

                I feel happy this five minutes and very pleased with my decision. I just need to stay with it.

                My Dad was an alcoholic. It pains me to say this as I loved him dearly. But I can see now that he caused many, many ripples of worry to me as a child. He never abused me but I worried about him constantly. If he was gone and I heard sirens, I was terrified he was in an accident. If he passed out in his chair, I worried he wouldn't wake up. Although I was never abused, he did verbally abuse one of my brothers. That brother is doing great today and I feel so blessed he was able to overcome that burden. I know that his alcoholism caused a lot of pain for my Mom too. Only now am I realizing what a saint she was. I don't ever want to cause pain for my dear family -- one more reason to quit!

                I do know I ramble, but it helps me so much to write -- thanks to all and hold the course!


                  Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

                  T2L, I could've written your post also. I soooo want this too! You shoud post on the January Pact thread too, lots of great folks there, I have been trying to go AF too, and today is my Day 1. I too used to read, and haven't, and I have started back to the gym too, its sooo much easier when you wake up not impaired! I'd love for you to read my posts on that thread, and others so you'll know how similar we all are! I'm right here with you today, and tonight will be my first night, so say a lil prayer for me! So glad you are here with us! We all need each other!
                  "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                    Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

                    Hi T2L,
                    Good move! Being AF is just amazing. Just imagine your best af stretch, and that's a taster. Af is far wilder and freer than that though. When it becomes a lifestyle, you will feel, and also know, that you can do absolutely anything! You will still have all of life's drama's big and small, but you will have a core of contentment and happiness, and pride. (A fellow recently developed cirrhosis of the liver through drinking lot's of coke/pepsi, you know? and he never drank alcohol!)

                    Do it. Respect yourself. Go for it!

                    Best wishes. G-Force.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

                      Hi Everybody,
                      Made it through my second evening last night and it wasn't bad at all. I think my horrors are going to come when other people are involved and drinking. I pray I will have the will power to say a big "NO".

                      Tough in Texas, where is the January Pact thread? I couldn't seem to find it although I admit I'm not too familiar with the entire site.

                      Guitarista, I love your words about that core "of contentment, happiness and pride". That is what I want and what I hope will keep me going. It is frightening to me what you said about the guy who drank the colas. I will have problems for sure because I've downed it for years and years. However, I'm committed to stopping that too quite soon -- not quite yet though. I hope to get through a little of the A/F first.

                      Must run.


                        Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

                        I can relate. I used to be an avid reader and now I never read because of my drinking. Every morning I resolve to quitting and every single night I start drinking as soon as I get home from work, while I make dinner, help with homework, etc. I hide my problem very well but honestly, my kids can't possibly think it's normal for their mom to drink two bottles of wine each night. I feel ashamed. I know I can be a better person and a better role model for my kids but I just can't seem to overcome this right now. Hopefully, after getting this off my chest and out in the "open" tonight will be night number 1 AF.


                          Today is Day One of the Rest of My Life

                          Well it scary how many of us are in the same situation. I can put myself in Time2live's post. Not only did I have an alcoholic Father I now have an alcoholic husband. Its funny I swore I would NEVER allow myself to become like my Dad. I have quit drinking so many times. And here I am again. My excuse is that I live with an alcoholic. He drinks to excess every night. As I did. I now allow myself 2-3 glasses of wine a night. But I know it will increase if I dont stop completely. Was AF for just under 6 months. Then thought what the hell, Ill just have one. That doesnt work for me. I do have to say my Dad is AF now. But only after a stroke. He is a wonderful man. But the family drinking issues are not discussed. As they are not either in my marriage. Its gets pretty lonely. So I think thats why Ive enjoyed reading these posts. But never posted. But time2live post hit to close to home. AA meetings just dont do it for me. I cant deal with all the people in one place. So Thanks Time2Live, starting today I will be AF once again.

