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The story so far

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    The story so far

    What a great story Norma- how are you today? Do you still have any cravings-urges-at any time or social situation? Thanks for sharing with us-I look forward to reading more! I have a daughter who is 13, too. ( And a 15 yr old son)
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      The story so far

      Fluff cravings are few and pretty weak but I know that I will never be completly clear of them. That thought used to drive me mad when I first quit but really they are no more than an infrequent minor irritant if that makes any sence. Actually in the last few weeks Ive had a house that flooded due to flooding from burst pipes with litterly thousands of euros worth of damage and we may not be insured because there was no one living there for more than 60 days and just this week my sister who I reared and Im very close to has suspected breast cancer and we are waiting for results. If I were still drinking I would have been on the piss for the past month and swallowing xanax that I used to buy onlline. I would have been a pure mess. I can swear that drinking has never crossed ny mind during all of it, not once. That to me is a miricle and If I could have foreseen this three years ago I would have jumped for joy. It was what I used to fantascise about at three o clock in the morning. There is nothing, absolutly nothing to be scared of in quiting. I so, so wish that I coould let someone in the same position as me three years ago into my mind now. The quiet in my mind is a vast difference to the mayham of voices clammering to be heard- when could I drink, where would I drink, how much would I drink, did I have enough money, could I pretend to be tired and drink in bed. It was madness and a madness all of my own making.

      Hugs Nors


        The story so far

        Wow- Norma-you are so strong-with everything you are going through now and still being able to keep it together. I hope everything works out well for your sister- what a torment to be going through. I wish you the best,
        Luv, Fluff
        It's always YOUR choice!


          The story so far

          Hi Norma,

          Thank you for sharing your story it's very powerful. I've drawn a lot of inspiration from the long-term sober people here, so stories like yours are very important.

          I especially liked what you said to NewGirl here, it applies to all areas of life, not only to addiction.

          norma;791621 wrote: New Girl, you have the power to make it happen. Forget about the long run, it isnt here yet. Focus on today only with an eye on tomorrow, after all if we dont look after our quit today there wont be a long term. Today is litterly the only day we can work on. Our addiction would love us to worry about the long term because it knows that if it can put a doubt in our mind then half its battle is won. Its so easy then to say Ah F%$% it, whats the point Im going to fail anyway so I may as well drink today. When the voives of addiction start muttering dont get into a debate with them. Know in your heart that its a sober life you want and go for it. Plan every single day. Know where your going to be, eat decent food and above all make every decision with your quit in mind. If something is going to put it at risk just dont do it. Wishing you only the best.
          Hugs Nors
          Great to hear from you and wishing you only the very best.
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            The story so far

            Hi Norma. Thanks for giving me hope. I quit 10 days ago and like Newgirl I worry about the long term. How to deal with events and holidays (I too wouldnt care where I went as long as there was a pub!). But you have given me inspiration that it can be done. That I can live without alcohol. And live well too.
            I have a lot of work to do but with people like you around I know I can do it.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

