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My Story

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    My Story

    Hi there. I am 37 years old (female), married, have 2 stepkids that I adore and, of course, 6 cats. I grew up with a father who has a drinking problem. More on that later...

    My problem drinking started in 1997. Never had a drink in high school except for a trip abroad (of course - it was legal there) and then one beer at the senior party. In college, binged out on weekends with all my friends and never thought about it. The problem started during a natural disaster, when I was far from home and family, and couldn't sleep. I found that a drink or two helped me nod off and I have never stopped since. I am sure there must have been a day or two in there that I was AF but I couldn't swear to it. There are simply days with (much) less alcohol and other days with way too much.

    The disaster (a flood) was just one of my many excuses to drink. I can add hubby's horrible ex-wife and her greed and selfishness to the list, hubby's deployments to Iraq (we've been apart more in the last three years than together) and the ripping apart of my family three years ago (the loss of custody of my stepdaughter to the horrible ex (because hubby was deploying and being a step-parent is less than nothing when it comes to things like that...); and resulting financial issues. And anything else that I want to use as an excuse. All this time, though, I have held very good jobs and gone on to get a doctorate degree, run the house and family and keep up public appearances.

    I am a very, very controlled drinker. In public (lunches, weddings, gatherings, etc.) I can abstain or hold it to one, but when I get home...look out. I have never driven under the influence or lost a job, but I have had friction with my family over the issue...I don't know how much my kids realize or comprehend about my drinking but my husband is worried about me. I am worried about me, too and that's why I got the book. I have the CD's and supplements on order. Thinking about going to counseling for anxiety and depression (have a number programmed into my cell phone already) and am looking for a doctor that I could trust and will work with me on Topamax.

    I hate the word "alcoholic" and all its connotations. Once you get that label slapped on you, you are stuck forever. My friends and colleagues (even my husband!) use the word as a pejorative -- you are not right, you are uncontrolled and bad "not quite human" if you have a drinking problem. People watch you - is he going to fall off the wagon? I know, because my dad is currently in his 4th (?) inpatient treatment facility for his drinking. My (stuck up @sshole) relatives make jokes about him...but at least he is trying. But I see the path that he is on and if that were the only way to quit, I'd just keep on drinking. The whole Minnesota/AA - "I am a powerless victim" mentality repulses me. If I embrace that kind of mentality I will sink like a rock into a morass of self-loathing and recrimination and God knows what else...not a great mindset to accomplish something as significant as sobriety. Maybe its just me, but I like to think I can gain control over this through the MWO process...I see other people's stories and the support here and I am hopeful.

    I have been doing a lot of online research on this...thinking about what to do to help myself. Learning, through the book and through some other sites, that there is a biochemical reason for some of my cravings is pretty liberating. Not to excuse my part in this, there is a lot of me and my psychology working here, too, but maybe a little tweaking of both body and mind is in order here.

    So, the quitting begins.

    My Story

    Wonderful post! You have expressed many of my feelings also. You can make it!


      My Story

      :welcome:Hi 6Katz, I love cats as well, but always only had one at a time. You will learn a lot here. Are you a secretive drinker, or do you drink openly in your home in front of your hubby and kids. ( I was the master of secret drinking and hiding bottles) The good news is, yes, you can stop, and no, the world does not have to know. You don't mention how much you drink, because it can be dangerous to stop cold turkey. Read and post as much as you can, there are many people here willing to help you.
      All the best.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        My Story

        Hi Jessie -- yeah, never planned on having 6 cats at once, but just kept rescuing (last rescue 1/07!) Have worked my way out of that "addiction" and am now tackling the big one. I have been a secretive and an open drinker, more secretive around the kids and more open with my hubby, but -- usually would just wait for him to go off to bed to indulge. Of course, with him in Iraq this past year, it was much easier to do what I wanted when I wanted, however, had been doing very well lately, holding myself to 2 or three drinks a night, but this weekend was a bad one....way too much. I scared myself that I could even drink that much. :-( I do know know that I cannot cut myself off cold turkey and will consider detox as a last resort, b/c I do know this needs to stop. I have been reading a lot of posts today and am hopeful that I can do this. Planning to hold myself to two drinks tonight, keep your fingers crossed. And, thanks so much, it means a lot to me me to be able to talk openly about this and not feel judged. And to know I am not alone.


          My Story

          You definitely are not alone and by the sound of it you made the decision to quit early on. Lucky for you, because some of us really had to hit bottom first( dui's, health problems, severe depressions, accidents, broken families, lost jobs etc.etc)
          You have everything going for you - keep in touch.:l
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            My Story

            Hi 6Katz and welcome. Wow! You have a great way to explain yourself. I too hate the word "alcoholic" and I think that is one of the reasons AA didnt sit right with me. And what you said about the powerless bit is so true. I firmly believe already (I am only 19 days sober) that I CAN have power over drinking. Reading posts here proves that. It's not going to be easy but if it was easy then it wouldnt mean much.
            Anyway good luck with your journey.
            Hippy Chick
            (PS I am a cat rescuer too - only have two at the moment but they keep me busy).
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              My Story

              :welcome: Katz.....I have always luved cats and Kat was a nickname for me by a few people. I have 3 cats and two dogs....

              You sound like a very intelligent woman....that's something that pisses me off about myself. I logically know the why, hows, whens and where's.....yet, I still engage in destructive behaviors.

              My hubby drinks so that was part of why it took so long for me to stop....but it was an excuse. And boy do I relate to your saying troubling ex-wives....wanna trade?

              I am 26 days AF, have gone as long as 36 days, so though a good start, I have to be vigilant.

              Many, many smart folks around here and whatever you are feeling, thinking and doing one or many of us have gone thru. I'm glad you found us. :l Maybe I will see you in chat


                My Story

                Hi Hart - I know what you mean. My husband has said to me, many times, "You're a smart person. You know this is bad for you." Hello - yeah!? I KNOW but stopping is not just about being smart...sigh. I am glad I found you all too. And great job - 36 days! I am so happy for you!


                  My Story

                  Hi 6Katz- Sounds like you found the right place to get help-Welcome aboard!
                  How are you doing so far?
                  luv, fluff
                  It's always YOUR choice!

