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    New Member

    Hi everyone

    I have been looking around for some sort of explanation as to why I drink, sometimes I can last months and months but then go on an all out bender, :new: its almost as if I hit a self distruct button.
    Over the past 5 years I have lost both my Mum and Dad my health through virtigo and last year a routine operation on my shoulder whent wrong and became infected thus now leaving me with a painfull fairly useless arm.
    I realise this is all just whining but if anyone out there has any ideas where to look for answers to why anyone becomes an alcaholic please feel free to guide me.
    Nice to meet you all.

    New Member

    welcome eddy to my way out,This is a great community with lots of support and advice,read as many threads/posts as you can and you will see you are not alone in trying to deal with this terrible monster.But the golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself,it is not in your environment,it is not in luck ,it is in yourself alone.keep posting your thoughts & feelings.goodluck.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      New Member

      Sounds like a lot of stuff to go through, Eddy. This site is a great place to ask for help-keep posting as to how yoou are doing!
      luv, Fluf
      It's always YOUR choice!


        New Member

        :welcome:Hi Eddy, welcome to MWO.
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          New Member

          Hello and :welcome:

          I think people become alcoholics for many reasons. And I guess if you knew why, it might be helpful. But I don't think it matters why, as much as accepting that you are, and doing something about it.

          Sounds like you have had a rough time and my heart goes out to you. Stick around here, lots of support and caring people.

          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            New Member

            Hi Eddy and welcome to MWO. Sorry to read about your surgery gone bad on your shoulder - that sounds painful!! And losing parents is something that all of us have to go through, but that knowledge doesn't make it easy or pleasant.

            The main reason I drank is because I'm an alcohlic, and alcoholics just find reasons to drink. Anything in life was a good enough reason to drink for me. Also, I did not ever learn the coping skills necessary to face "life on life's terms" - the bad things that are inevitable in EVERY life. It is not necessary to drink alcohol to put off dealing with my emotions. But I sure tried it for a long time.

            Getting honest with myself was the most important thing I did to get alcohol out of my life.

            Strength and hope to you!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

