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Back AGAIN!!!!!

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    Back AGAIN!!!!!

    I tried to become A/F in January 2009. I bought the MWO book, went to a dr. who prescribed Campral and Topimax, at my request. AlsoTried trerapy. I ,like many of the posts I've read on here would start drinking my bottle(s) or box of wine when I starting preparing dinner for the family and usually (almost ALWAYS) not stop drinking until I passout in the evening. I never have a hang-over, have definatley gained weight.

    The Topimax actually made me lose about 15 lbs., which made me very happy. I was actually taking the topimax and swallowing them with a glass of wine! That doesn't seem to be working anymore. I do love that happy "buzz" drunk feeling, BUT I know I have to stop. So how do you guys do it?????? I haven't had a drink since Sunday night, but I can't stop thinking about going to the store and buying a bottle of wine.How do you fight these urges???? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!:l

    Back AGAIN!!!!!

    Hi Nykat- Although I am only on my 9th day-I find distractions-to fight those urges like coming on here and reading and posting. It gets easier as the days go on-and one day at a time-does help-mentally. I am not taking any drugs to help me- I thought topomax et al were supposed to quell those urges. You need to make a diversion plan-go out to the store-the gym, rearrange your present routine that makes you think and want to drink. Re arrange it at home if you can't go out- decide to organize something -pay some bills... clean out that closet...
    Luv, Fluff
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Back AGAIN!!!!!

      Thanks! Day 4 for me. This weekend is going to be TOUGH!!!! We're going to a big Superbowl party where everyone drinks. Not sure how I'm going to handle that one yet. I think the drugs are supposed to suppress the urges, but I probably screwed it up by taking them with the wine for a year. How do you guys handle it when you go out and others drink and you don't?


        Back AGAIN!!!!!

        Thank you so much for your honest post. I needed to see that. I have great paranoia about drinking...feel like such a loser.
        I'm always more understanding of other people's struggles. I don't think you're a might I lighten up on myself? Radical concept!
        I made, what I considered a concentrated effort, to just stop drinking.Went to AA, talked to therapist...I'm already on anti-depressants so can't imagine putting more meds in my body will help.
        Now I just feel like it is a pathetic lack of will power..nothing more or less.
        So I'm back here,:no:
        try try again, Right?

