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Where did I go?

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    Where did I go?

    Ok, I am hoping that after typing this I will feel better. I'm still not even sure if I'll post it or not, but I think the process of getting my story on paper will give me some perspective. Currently I am a 38 yr old mother of a nearly 2 year old baby girl. I am happily married, with a husband who adores me. I live in a nice home near the beach. Basically many would say I 'have it all'. Well, I do, but the 'all' currently includes an unhealthy relationship with AL.

    It was not always this way. I didn't start developing a problem until about a year ago. I was always a pretty moderate drinker beginning in college. Mostly a weekend and social drinker. When I became pregnant in July 2007, I was thrilled, especially after having had a previous miscarriage and being 35 (an oldie!). I had no problem completely cutting out AL during the pregnancy. I decided at that time to leave my high paying, high profile, exciting executive position that I had held for nearly 10 years to be a stay at home mom. At least until my daughter started school. I had a happy pregnancy with no issues. After my daughter was born, I suffered from mild postpartum depression for about the 1st 3 months after bringing her home. That seemed to resolve itself (or so I thought) and the next 9 months were happy, hectic but happy.

    Then, right around the time my daughter turned 1, I started really missing my old job and life. I was so used to doing whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I was used to world wind travel, big parties, galas, conferences. When the struggle of just getting through the day with a newborn ended, I was able to start thinking about all of the things I was missing. Please don't get me wrong, I love being home with my girl and I love being a mom. I just couldn't get the longing for my old way of life out of my mind. That is when I discovered that a glass of wine in the afternoon would help me to slide through the evening and help numb that little resentful voice.

    It doesn't help that my husband's life hasn't changed in the slightest. Don't get me wrong, he is a great Dad and provider, but he still does exactly the same things he always did. I handle 90% of the care of my child. Currently, he is the sole financial provider for the family, but I still can't help but feel a little jealous that basically his daily life hasn't changed that much, and my every waking (and sleeping!) moment is controlled by someone else.

    So anyway, back to that wine. About a year ago, I started drinking a glass of wine in the afternoon, most days. Then, to add to that, my husband and I started to drink a bit more on the weekends as a 'treat'. I believe that's how this all started.About a month after we had escalated our drinking, and I was indulging in afternoon wine, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was devastated. Unfortunately for me, I had to stay extra strong for her. My mom has always been the 'go to' person. If I was sad, or lonely or just needed someone to talk to, she was the one. But now, I simply couldn't burden her. On top of it all, she has suffered with depression for 30 years. So now I didn't have anyone to confide in. My husband is sweet, but he's a bit self centered and hard to REALLY open up to with my deepest thoughts. That's when I started drinking 2 glasses of wine in the afternoon and so on from there.

    By the time I hit the holiday season I was drinking 2-3 glasses of wine or 2 'double shot' mixed drinks nearly every night, and much more during the weekend. I don't believe there was one day from Thanksgiving to just last week that I didn't have at least 1 drink a day, and was drinking to the point of 'forgetting' exactly what I did before going to bed at least 1night a week.

    SOOOOO, last week I decided I needed this to stop before I could never go back. I really want to go back to being able to drink a few glasses of wine with a great meal or a margarita at the cantina on the weekends without feeling the need to keep on going. I have looked in to a career change and going back to school, so hopefully that will give me a diversion and a interesting future. I have been AF for a week now, I feel good about that. Luckily I have always been a healthy person, I eat right and exercise nearly every day (even hungover!). People think I am the picture of health. I feel like I am learning to enjoy the time I am spending with my daughter instead of thinking about 'what I'm missing', and that makes me happy. I think I was lucky to have found this MWO community,and I will use you all as my confidants if you don't mind!

    I wanted to share my story because I think there are A LOT of us out there, older,
    SAHMs who have left rewarding careers to raise their kids and who are struggling with losing a little of themselves. There are so many of us out there using a bottle of wine to get through the day. There are so many of us drowning in guilt about our feelings. There are so many of us that think we are bad moms. There are so many of us missing the beauty in each day. We are not alone, and we can find a way to be good to ourselves and our families. We deserve it.

    If you've made it through all of this so far, thank you for caring enough to finish.

    Where did I go?

    Welcome jellybaby. I don't have kids but can relate to a career change that sort of left me in my husband's shadow from a career perspective. I was already well into my alkie-dom by then so I drowned that sorrow in a bottle of wine or vodka as I have done over the years with all my sorrows. (and joys, and boredoms, etc.)

    Good for you catching this now. Maybe you are in time where you WILL be able to have the odd drink on OCCASSION (and every day is not an occassion, but you already know that!) without negative effect, or without alcohol dominating your thoughts when you are NOT drinking.

    If that doesn't work out, and AL dominates your thoughts when you are NOT drinking, then give it up. It might be hard at first but freedom from that ball and chain is SO worth it. Then you can work on "phase next" of your life and career choices without the Evil One interfering.

    All the best to you,

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Where did I go?

      Hi Jelly- I can totally relate to your story- although I did not have a high profile job-I did have a career that I loved and when I was 8 months pregnant with my first child, left to enter the world of being a stay at home mom. I really missed that part of me that was gone- I resented my husband for having his own personal life-and me not having my own. It was a sacrifice and I don't think many husbands realize that. However- I am so happy I have two beautiful, healthy, happy kids ! They're now 13 and 15. You sound great-starting to turn your life around back to you-getting off the alcohol-looking to work again, it all sounds good! Also reaching out for help, by coming here is healthy, too.
      Wish you the best,
      It's always YOUR choice!


        Where did I go?

        Hi Jelly,

        Your life sounds so much like mine. I also have a great husband and used to have a job I loved. I quit working when my first baby was born and I also felt very resentful of my husband whose life almost didnt change! He is an amzing husband and an even more amazing father so at the same time I felt guilty for being resentful.

        We started having drinks after the baby was sleeping as a way to release stress and to spend some time together, soon that escalated and I always found a reason to have some drinks to celebrate something insignificamt, or to release stress, or something. When he traveled I also drank so the excuse of "spending some time with my husband" didnt work anymore. I never drank everynight, it was about twice a week, but I always overdrank, every single time. Then I got pregnant and I didnt even think about alcohol while pregnant, but after I stopped nursing the drinking got worse than before. My husband started getting mad, morried, sad, etc about my drinking and I decided that I just couldnt become that person! My kids cannot grow up thinking that is normal. My husband never over drinks but he did enjoy those drinks with me, well he stopped enjoying them because he was worried everytime that i was end up drunk (as i always did)

        In January I found this site and so far I love it. It has helped me a lot. I am soooo embarrased about myself that I just couldnt talk about this to anyone, I still dont. Not even to my husband whom i tell everything else!! I hope you find it helpful too! I just started my plan for the year, and I have been doing pretty good and I think I couldnt do it without this site and the support I receive daily. Sharing how I feel, and reporting my improvements have helped a lot!

        By the way, now that my "babies" are a little older (3 and 12 months) I dont miss my job at all!! There is too much to share, some much to do now, and now they are two!! So i love it! I have many friends with kids that dont work and we have so manyactivities everyday, etc. I am enjoying it a lot. I thounght that i would go back to work by now, and now I dont want to!!!!

        Good luck!!!!


          Where did I go?

          Hi JellyBaby... I just recently found this site too, and am so grateful! My story is a little different but I think it is related. I am older - in my 50's, but I used to have a high-stress career that gave me self-worth and value. I don't have kids, so my work was what kept me going, although stressed. I have been drinking excessively since I became "of age", so am concerned about my health. I used to be able to say that it was my reward for the stress. After leaving a job after 20 years, moving away from my friends and taking a new job locally I was terminated...which crushed my confidence greatly. I now have a fun home business, live in a beautiful area, but still am not complete. So, I look to AL again as my reward and entertainment. DH has more of a dependence on AL than I do, which makes it tough because at this point he doesn't want to commit to a change in lifestyle as I do.

          I believe we have come to the right place here on our journey.. At this time I choose to be moderating my intake, but if I find I cannot do that I may decide to be an abstainer. The tools seem to be here, and I no longer feel helpless. I know where to turn!

          Good luck to you and everyone! We can meet our goals, whatever we decide they are!
          "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
          ~John Lennon

          Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

          ~Author Unknown


            Where did I go?

            Thanks guys for your responses! It is nice to know that there are people out there who know what you are going through. Yesterday was day 11 AF for me (minus Super Bowl Sunday where I went to a party and had 3 beers spread over 6 hours alternating with water in between. For me, this was definitely a 'successful' moderating night!) I am finding it easier each day and hopefully it will stay that way. My goal is to moderate. Thanks for listening, this site really is a great place for support and somewhere to vent without feeling judged. Good luck to all of you!

