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First thoughts

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    First thoughts

    Hi, I just joined today because this is my birthday and I really want to stop drinking. I read a bunch of other stories here and how it is that people are so looking for something other than just being drunk. I hope I can fit in here even though my story isn’t very interesting and its not abuse or anything so I don’t need all that much support? Ive never done this before and I’m not sure how to start except that I really think tht I need to stop drinkingbecause it’s just not much fun any more. I haven’t lost a job or crashed a car or done anything wrong except to myself.

    Anyways, that’s not much of a story, but I think I just want to know that there are other people who see this problem as a simple but difficult one. It should be easy to stop and it isn’t. It shouldn’t be that difficult to not do something, but it is. I can’t surrender myself to ahigher power because I don’t think there’s a higher power who made me do this, so I don’t think it’s his problem to fix. It’s mine.

    I’d love to blame someone else. I’d like to think it’s my parents or my upbringing or my marriage or the cards that were ill-dealt. But I can’t believe any of that because it just feelings like whining. Drinking is a choice up to the point that it becomes an obsession. I did this to myself. I wish I hadn’t and I wish I could back up a few years and head down a different road. Not drinking won’t make the road more interesting. But I hope it makes it easier to handle the potholes.

    First thoughts

    Welcome pantagruel, I am a bit like you, there is absolutely no reason as to why I became an alcoholic, all I know is I did.

    This is a great place to be, stick around
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      First thoughts

      Hi Pantangruel,

      (I'm assuming you're into Elizabethan music?)

      I also didn't have a horrendous childhood, abusive relationship, etc etc etc but a good friend once told me something along the lines of "you don't have to be in the depths of despair to realise you have a problem with alcohol".

      Guess I was just too lily-livered to deflect the quotidian slings and arrows which life hurls at us all - without a gutful of booze.

      You can turn it around. If you really want to.

      Anyway - Happy Birthday.


        First thoughts

        Hi Pantagruel,

        (If not Elizabethan music then Rabelais? An interesting name)

        A story is just that, a story, I don't think it matters how you got to where you are, you are here now and this place can help you in your journey from here on in. Simple though it sounds, as you have said drinking is a choice, I am sure there are many people with plenty of "reason" to drink who have chosen not to.

        I think the assistance of a higher power is helpful when one has exhausted all other resources, that is all that is left perhaps.

        I am certain that you will fit in, and sure that you can stop the drinking if you want to. And Happy Birthday, you've given yourself a great birthday gift in coming here and taking steps to stop drinking.
        I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


          First thoughts

          Welcome Pantagruel and Happy Birthday for yesterday !

          I too have no good reason why I drink. It's just what I do. My mom told me years ago that I should not drink every day, as it will lead to problems. Her mom died at age 49 from complications due to alcoholism.

          But I just ignored her. For me my daily habital wine drinking, led to addiction, and progressed to alcoholism (definitely genetic). After 26 years of this, I cannot tolerate alcohol like I used to.

          You've come to a good place. Read, post, ask questions. Good luck to you on your journey.
          Miss October :blinkylove:


            First thoughts

            Happy Birthday and Welcome!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem

