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Another newbie

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    Another newbie

    Hi Tictak, i'm a newbee too. I really feel for you. I can relate to everything you wrote. I am still off the wagon but am tryin so hard to get back on! I've cut down but can't cut out - just yet. Are you a member of AA. I find it helps to hear other alco's stories. It took me a long time to share but, believe me,it does help. Are you a member? If not, tis worth considering. People there understand your pain and reach out. Even give you a hug! And we have coffee after the meeting and just support each other.
    Wishing you all the best on your journey.
    Love & Light, Vistamar


      Another newbie

      Thanks for your support katie xx

      And vista,no im not a member,to be honest i'd be to worried about someone i know seeing me go there ect.Im still off the wagon but like you ive cut back alot


        Another newbie

        Yesterday was a bad day.I work shifts and wasnt due in till 5 pm.Had t o go shopping so bought a small bottle of wine to have with lunch and a normal bottle for sat night.Well i drank the little one and thought i'd just have a glass out of the big one.Of course i drank the lot.Went to work and no one noticed (i dont think).Worst thing is i drove ..... started at 11 so wasnt to drunk but i must have been over the limit..... god i hate myself at times like these.....


          Another newbie

          Hey ticktac...go read my drugs...but abandonment issues....I am for strong my friend
          pm me of u like
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Another newbie

            Ive been thinking lately about my addiction.The reasons why i drink and all the if onlys.If only i hadnt had a crap childhood,if only my hubby didnt like wine as well,if only i had more of an extended family (only child of an orphane),if only my mother hadnt been an alcoholic as well.But what it all comes down to is the addictive personality,other ppl go through the same things but dont become alcoholics.So ive come to the conclusion that it was inevitable.
            Which brings me to my kids.... are they pre destined to go the same way as me,this really scares me more than anything.My mother was a drinker,so were my hubbys parents so it seems like its all in the genes.... what are other ppls thoughts on this?

