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My Life - Past and Present.

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    My Life - Past and Present.

    Awake at 4.30am and wondering whats the point. Of trying to change anything. I never seem to get anywhere. Is it me?

    Good things in my life: my children
    my friends

    I guess my story starts with my mother. Are you born who you are or made who you are by what happens after. Both I think. The genes are there. And what made my mother who she was plays a part too. And my father.

    My mother alwas said she had an unhappy childhood. She wasn't wanted. An accident. She had two older brothers. The oldest died during World War 2.

    My father was very reserved. He had an older sister. His younger brother died when he was little. I only found this out a few years ago.

    My mother's first baby died at 4 days. Back at home she sat crying. My father said pull yourself together, its not the end of the world. Of course, to her, it was.

    I was born a year later. She went to the doctor when she was 7 months. And I was born at home. She wouldn't go to hospital again. A difficult birth. She was 'highly strung' and I was a difficult baby.

    My brother was born 3 years later. An easy birth. A delightful baby.

    I remember times when she sat cuddling him, glaring at me because yet again I had done something wrong. I was intelligent, bored, no preschool back then, not enough stimulation. I was a very shy awkward child.

    My brother died when he was nine and I was twelve. I remember the doctor giving us a sleeping pill that evening. I was too scared to take mine.

    A few months later she tried to kill herself for the first time. She would rather die and be with him than live and be with me. She tried several times after that. She was always found in time, it was just a cry for help. I wanted to leave but thought if I did she might actually do it, I finally left when I was 21, a complete mess.

    She used to leave notes when she did it. The first said not to blame me. Later ones said it was all my fault. She used to tell me I was just like my father. I was never good enough for her. One of her friends, just after my brother died, asked if she wished it had been the other way round. She said 'how can I say that?' looking at me. I was actually in the room. And I knew she wished it had been me.

    I met my husband. In spite of everything I wanted a home and a family. I hate him for not being my knight in shining armour and marrying me then. I moved in with him. I was pregnant when I did, but didn't know. He always thought I did it on purpose, but I didn't. I persuaded him to have another one three years later.

    We live in a 'council house' or 'the projects' depending on where you are from. Its not a bad area, its got better, but these places have reputations. I hate saying where I live. We have bought the house (the one good thing to come from Maggie Thatcher) and extended it. It badly needs decorating. The garden is a mess. My husband does grand gestures like extensions but not decorating. I have tried but I work full time and can't do it all myself.

    He has a shop. He hardly ever takes time off. We have had two two week holidays in nearly 30 years. And three or four short breaks. Apart from that he just works. When the children were at school I can only remember a handful of times he took a day off in the summer. All those six week holidays and I was on my own with them.

    The children remember their childhood as being happy. I'm pleased that they do.

    I used to drink to give myself confidence. I barely spoke. I was a complete wierdo. Alcohol made me feel like evryone else. It all seemed so easy for other people. I just wanted to be like them.

    I used to think that everyone else had a normal life. I would walk along the street, look in peoples windows, wish I lived with a nice normal family.

    I don't know when it became a problem. It crept up on me. Gradually got worse. This last christmas my daughter and her boyfriend spent a lot of time at our house. They brought a lot of alcohol with them. I was hardly sober. Except for the few days when I went to work.

    I am full of anger. At my mother, my husband . . . When I drink I get violent. I have hit my husband.

    I met someone else 6 and a half years ago. I felt feelings I have never felt for my husband. I think that is the only time I have really been in love. He didn't make any demands on me, never asked me to leave to be with him. I couldn't leave. I stayed for the children. I couldn't break up the family. I am angry at him too. For letting it happen.

    I was asleep. My husband goes to bed at around 2.30am. He sleeps in our son's old room during the week when I have work. He snores and is restless and keeps me awake all night. I got so angry I think he was scared I would smother him with a pillow or hit him over the head with something. Not being able to sleep is awful. The computer is in the part of the bedroom he uses as his study. Seperate, but just divided by a curtain. He came in as usual before bed to check his emails, switch if off. Why at 2.30 in the morning?? I always wake up. Sometimes, like tonight, I can't get back to sleep. I think that is very selfish of him. It was the other way round I wouldn't do it. He is very stubborn and will not see things from my point of view.

    So here I am at 5.10am unable to sleep. I have to be up at 7.30. And I know I have to change my life somehow. I can't seem to leave my husband but I can't stay either. I sit in an office all day bored stiff. The people there are lovely.

    I don't know how, but somehow I produced two wonderful children. They are kind, caring, polite, hard working . . . I am extremely proud of them.

    By last year I was drinking a bottle of wine most nights. After one terrible night I found this place. I had torn down the curtains in the bedroom. My husband won't allow wine in the house. haven't bought any. I did buy some whisky and hid it. I drank half of it and actually poured the rest down the sink two days ago.

    I go out saturdays with my friend to see local bands. I drink 2 or 3 lagers. I had 3 saturday and didn't really need them.

    Today my husband hasn't spoken to me all day. I bought 4 cans of lager. I drank them all. I was stupid.

    I have an underactive thyroid. I have been drunk and my son has blamed my thyroid problem. Apparently it can cause similar symtpoms. I didn't admit that I was drunk.

    My life feels like a disaster. I want to run away and start again somewhere else. I tried to persuade my husband to move. I would really like to, it could be a new start. He won't hear of it.

    I have said day one twice before. I wonder if its worth saying it again.

    My Life - Past and Present.

    :lThat is a sad and painful story Little Owl. Can you go into therapy - to help you work through all those painful memories and emotions. I also struggle with rejection issues, some people really should not have children. My oldest daughter also had a messed up, bad mother. Now I do my best to make up. I'm so happy about your children turning out so well. Do they know that you have a problem with alcohol.
    Please take care of yourself.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      My Life - Past and Present.

      Oh Little Owl, big hugs to you :l You have certainly had such a tough life so far.
      I would recommend the same as Jessie, maybe some counselling to help you deal with the past?
      There are so many huge issues there that you probably feel overwhelmed all the time.
      You say you cant talk? A therapist will help you tell your story.
      I am having counselling right now to deal with lots of stuff and it is helping me loads.
      Dont give up searching for happiness, its there for everyone :l
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        My Life - Past and Present.

        dear,dear Little Owl
        So glad to see you and thank you for sharing.
        I also had huge issues centred round my mother, and went through 8 months of counselling with a lovely psychologist recommended by my GP. Although we talked about my drinking in the 1st session their were many deeper issues to deal with.
        Give it a bash, I had to wait a little while as it was NHS but it was so much easier to talk it through with a stranger.
        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          My Life - Past and Present.

          Little Owl I just want to send you support and tell you that you are not alone in this. I hope that by writing this out helps in some way, there is some good advice given by the previous posters. It is always worth saying day 1 again, never give up trying, for there is a whole new world of sober waiting out there for us. Wishing you all the best.
          Keep safe
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            My Life - Past and Present.

            Little owl, it is always worth saying it again. Always. Could you maybe make a list of things you can do to start again, only where you are? Some changes you can make in your enviornment? Your husband sounds to be capable of building - perhaps an enclosure for the computer/office area? Rearrange the furniture in a room? Clear just a little spot in the garden for flowers or veggies? Sometimes very small but visible things can give us a sense of accomplishment, progress. Don't ever give up! I'll be thinking of you :l
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              My Life - Past and Present.

              Oh Little Owl my heart breaks for you.....
              Please find a therapist, but in the meantime know we are here for you and you can vent to us any time....get it out here and we will try to help...
              Sending love and strength from Florida
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                My Life - Past and Present.

                Sounds like your kids are great because you were and are a great Mom to them- You really have had a tough past-I am sorry your mother was like that to you. Are your kids old enough that you can move out? I agree with what others said about getting therapy-or some kind of help-
                Wish you the best,
                Luv, Fluff
                It's always YOUR choice!


                  My Life - Past and Present.

                  Jessie, yes my children know. They've seen me wrecked too many times. I had a hard time with my mother, but she and my daughter got on wonderfully. I think mum tried so hard with my daughter because she messed up with me. It all just made me feel left out and stuck in the middle though.

                  Greeneyes, my husband is very stubborn! I am a Virgo and a list maker. I feel a bit stuck at the moment though.

                  Fluff, I can't leave, not yet anyway.

                  JackieClaire, I have thought about counselling. I once begged my husband to go to Relate with me! (he knows I met someone else. Even who it is.)

                  I know I have to move on from here and I keep trying. I have drunk a lot less this year than lthe last few and thats good. I'm getting somewhere. But I'm not there yet. Its so difficult. I have to say a few days after I was on here for the first time I though 'that was easy!' and then I slipped back. Then I tried again and failed again! I have read posts from people out there who have been al free for months, years, how do you all do it?


                    My Life - Past and Present.

                    I just read this back. We have actually now had three two week holidays. Not two. And the house is getting done. I have almost finished the kitchen, not that well, I'm no expert, but its clean and painted. Next I'll to the bathroom, porch, bedroom, then the kids rooms, they have left and we are rearranging the whole house to make use of their rooms, its a complete mess but will be sorted.

                    May was the pits. My brother's birthday May 2nd. He would have been 49, probably looking forward to the big five O next year. He always said he was catching up to me, it was 3 years between us, then he had a birthday and it was only 2. My mother was in hospital after a stroke for the whole of May the year she died. She said "he's calling me", (my brother). She died in the August. I prayed for three more years, the three years we didn't speak a few years before, we got three months. I heard my childhood house has been given a make over and is about to be sold, it was the featured house in the supplement in the paper. I was going to look, but haven't yet. I would love to see it. But it just brought back sad memories when I read about it.

                    We didn't go to my boss's wedding reception on April 30th. My husband said I would probably just get drunk like at the christmas do. I would have been working, so would probably only just have had time to throw a couple of glasses down before we went, so wouldn't have been too bad. I had to listen to everyone talking about it for weeks and weeks, the day it was I lost it, not just that but the house, my life, everything built up. I went home, and so he was worried I'd get drunk at the reception?! He said a few days before he understood how I felt, we are a small team and he knew I really wanted to go, and said "if it means that much to you" but you can't say to someone "I didn't reply to the invitation, but can I come anyway" can you??? So I went home, and he was in bed with a fucking headache. I went and got a bottle of white wine, then picked up red for him in case he drank mine. Drank the white, then started the red. Fell asleep. Woke up and had more. Got so angry. I don't smash corckery any more, I hurl a saucepan lid. Woke up at 6am and struggled to bed. Woke up again at 12. With the bottle of red beside me. Finished the little bit that was left. Cried for three days. Luckily that was the last bank holiday, and then I had the rest of the week off. Then started decorating the kitchen.

                    So things were getting better. I went out saturday with my mate. She whispered in my ear to warn me. My "someone else" was there. Just as I was getting used to not seeing him around. We were friends, but there was more. Haven't seen him for nearly a year. We chatted and caught up. Dammit. I drank far too much beer. I gave another friend a lift home and was so wierd I got lost driving home and ended up out in the country somewhere nearly out of petrol. So now I'm downing cans of Fosters. Didn't dare buy wine. Its not strong enough though! There is only one left.

                    I think somebody is going to post a 30 day thread for June. Gonna have to go for it.

                    The saucepan lid destroyed the kitchen floor. It has little cuts all over it. I suppose at least its the floor and not me. A few years ago I threw glasses. And then I cut my toes when I tried to clear it up. And I understood why people cut themselves. It gives you something else to focus on that hurts, instead of the hurt in your head and heart.


                      My Life - Past and Present.

                      Hi Little Owl. I somehow missed your initial posts with your story. You have been through a lot!! I was happy to read in your new post that you have gotten some re-decorating underway.

                      I could really relate to this from your original post:

                      Alcohol made me feel like evryone else. It all seemed so easy for other people. I just wanted to be like them.

                      I used to think that everyone else had a normal life. I would walk along the street, look in peoples windows, wish I lived with a nice normal family.

                      I don't know when it became a problem. It crept up on me. Gradually got worse.
                      I didn't have nearly the bad circumstances you did with your Mother. But with my much milder issues, I was still left feeling like I didn't fit in. Alcohol became my solution to that problem. And then it became the solution to all problems, or so I thought / acted. And it sure crept up on me and gradually got worse and worse, just like it has for you.

                      It was so hard to stop. I can't even count the many years worth of days where I said "I won't drink today" and then drank. I just couldn't do it. But somehow now I'm sober and have been for two years.

                      In one of your posts you asked how those of us with some sober time under our belts do it. I can only speak for myself, but here is how I do it. One day (or hour, or moment) at a time. I also can't do this alone. I rely on my friends here at MWO and also AA to help me stay sober.

                      One thing I know for sure. If I can do it, so can you. Never lose hope. Be willing to go to ANY length to get sober and it can happen for you.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        My Life - Past and Present.

                        My Life Present and Future

                        Goodness me, I just read back my earlier posts. I thought I had reached rock bottom last year, but this year got worse and worse until the night I didn't go to the wedding reception and drank two bottles of wine.

                        Since then we have cracked on with the decorating. Things are starting to look better, and I feel as if I am crawling out of a dark pit.

                        I look back and cringe and cry at the last few years. Probably the last 10 or more.

                        This is day 3 with no alcohol. Its so difficult. But I feel so much better.

                        I never had any confidence in myself. I'm almost 52 and I finally feel like a proper person who has a right to be in the world. I seem to have turned a corner.

                        I had so much anger, I drank too much, I made a fool of myself, I made bad choices. All it did was hurt my family, friends and me.

                        So the present is sorting out the house, working and paying off my debts, spending time with family and friends.

                        The future, who knows. Maybe the last 10 years has been a mid life crisis. Anger at the decisions I have made and the way my life has turned out. Or trying to come to terms with the past.

                        I kind of feel like I have discovered the meaning of life. I don't want to win the lottery, I'm just going to decorate my house and enjoy my 5 day holiday this year in the Lake District. I don't want a different life, I'm going to enjoy the one I have. Its the little things that mean the most. My lovely son coming to visit, saying hello ma how are you, and genuinely caring. My wonderful daughter line dancing with me every week and saying she missed me when I was so down at the beginning of the year. My husband saying how do you feel.

                        I have treated the people closest to me badly and I'm sorry for that. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to them. If I fall into the dark pit again I will have to find a way out. Alcohol didn't help, it just kept me down there.


                          My Life - Past and Present.

                          Little Owl, your story is so sad and so similar to mine. I lost my brother too and my dad tried to kill himself several times. I do know how you feel. I see you have posted that you want to do the 30 day challenge, well so do i. Lets do it together ok? PM me anytime, luv pink xoxo
                          HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY

