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Smart Recovery alternative to AA

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    Smart Recovery alternative to AA

    I went to a meeting of Smart Recovery today and wanted to share a bit.
    I've never done well with AA and find it depressing and to me I think this will be a great alternative along with MWO of course.
    The programme is based around
    1 Building and maintaining motivation
    2 Coping with Urges
    3 Problem solving
    4 Lifestyle balance
    It is a cognitive therapy.
    There were only five of us plus the moderator there and I was the only woman apart from the moderator which was a bit daunting. One guy sober for 12 months, one for 6 weeks, me still drinking waiting for rehab, one binge drinker who only drinks when his friends party, one guy really moderate.
    The moderator of the meeting had done the programme but I don't think this is always the case.
    I will definitely be going along again next week the chat here is great but a bit of face to face interaction was good too.
    " I'm not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special, except to dare to think and to dare to go with the truth and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller

    Smart Recovery alternative to AA

    I'm happy for you wf, keep us up to date
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      Smart Recovery alternative to AA

      Hey Willowfrond,
      I see you are in OZ. When I read your post, I thought you would probably be from the states as I thought Smart Recovery was based there.
      I think I will have a look round my area in the UK and see if there are any groups meeting!
      Hope your next meeting goes well.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Smart Recovery alternative to AA

        Hi willowfrond,
        I did the SMART recovery programme about 4 years ago and it really worked for me at the time too.. we were a mixture of people.. pretty much 50/50 men and women. I found the booklet and the tasks really helpful and I did not drink for 3 months and found it a great environment to talk about AL issues.. good luck and I hope this works out for you.. I ended up drinking again after those 3 months unfortunately as a friend persuaded me to go out clubbing with her.. but SMART does work if you stick to the programme and go to the meetings, you have to stay motivated.. as you do with any attempt to moderate or give up AL..
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Smart Recovery alternative to AA

          sound good. anyone know if they have this in UK. ill have to have a reseach
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Smart Recovery alternative to AA

            Here is the link to the web site: SMART Recovery? | Self Help for Alcoholism & Addiction

            I really like a lot of the tools of this program. I especially like the CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis) too. I have found face to face support to be a HUGE benefit to me. If AA is "not for you" and there is a SMART group in your area, there is no harm in checking it out!

            The bottom line is that we should do whatever it takes and whatever works to get and stay sober. Don't rule out ANYTHING!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Smart Recovery alternative to AA

              there's not one anywhere near me :-(
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Smart Recovery alternative to AA

                mama bear;821648 wrote: there's not one anywhere near me :-(
                SMART is a much newer program than AA, so sadly there are not as many groups and meeting available to everyone. There is a teeny tiny group in my area (3 people) that meets once per week. It just wasn't enough for me. That's one of the reasons I ended up getting involved in AA..... (which isn't for everyone) The face to face support is SO important for my own sanity and sobriety.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Smart Recovery alternative to AA

                  I've been using SMART on line since making a commitment to stay sober for good. I agree with Doggygirl that the tools are great. One of the things that works for me is that there is no "moderation" group there...It is purely for abstinence. Much as I love my mod friends at MWO, it can be hard on my resolve to read about people continuing to mod. I really need to let go of that "dream" now and commit to total abstinence.

                  Another great SMART concept is the Addictive Voice...Like "the Beast" of Rational Recovery; it's the voice of our addiction that uses a million arguments to try and get us to drink/use. I've found it very helpful to personify my addiction in this way.

                  Don't get me wrong, I love MWO...but more support, more better, in my book!
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    Smart Recovery alternative to AA

                    I've found one in Queensland. Just off to look up how to get there. It's during the day, which is perfect for me.


                      Smart Recovery alternative to AA

                      Well done spam wish you the best,

