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    I have just signed on to "My Way Out"
    What do I do now?


    Hi Vistamar,

    Welcome to MWO! This is a wonderful place. Why don't you start out by posting your story of your journey on this forum. Tell us why you are here and we can go from there. Read as many of the posts as you can in the forums. Good luck and let me know if I can help!




      Welcome to MWO Vistamar



        hi vistamar :welcome: glad you have found us. this is a great place for advice, support and generally just to rant when you need to. i have found reading lots of posts very helpful and found lots of useful of information. hope to hear more from you.
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows



          Rusty;822842 wrote: Hi Vistamar,

          Welcome to MWO! This is a wonderful place. Why don't you start out by posting your story of your journey on this forum. Tell us why you are here and we can go from there. Read as many of the posts as you can in the forums. Good luck and let me know if I can help!

          Hi Rusty,
          My story is a long one.
          It goes back a long way.
          I was abused by my father as a young girl and then by my ex husband.
          I am trying so hard to forgive them but am finding it so hard.
          My councellor advised me to forgive but even though I am trying, I cant get there yet.
          They destroyed me.
          Hence I turned to alchohol to blank out the pain.
          Can you help me, please?
          I have been in rehab 3 times & o/d 3 times .cos I felt I was a burdon to my family. I am reaching out for help.




            more2life;822854 wrote: Welcome to MWO Vistamar
            Thanks 4 ur welcome.
            Tis so tough. Any tips and esp help. Am tryin so hard but tisn't workin



              Thanks to u all 4 ur welcome.
              Lookin fwd 2 hearing from u all sooon.
              Love & light. Vista



                :welcome:Hi Vistamar, I really do feel for you. But there are people who survived that kind of abuse ( Oprah Winfry, Joice Meyer) please don't give up.
                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.



                  Hi Vistamar,
                  You have come to the right place for support - I also turned to AL to deal with my issues of low self-esteem stemming from childhood issues with my step-dad.. I also have tried to commit suicide 20+ times.. we are all here to help and support you.. and teach you that AL does not do anything to help.. it just makes things worse.. so many terrible things have happened to me in my life when I turned to AL.. you are a fighter, do not let those evil men of the past destroy your life.. your new life begins today! You have already made a positive step in finding this place.. it has helped me heaps..
                  Take care, and post and read.. we will help you get through this.. I am glad you are seeing a counsellor.. you have to give it time; don't rush yourself to forgive, you will forgive when you are ready.. it does not mean you have to live in pain..
                  Katie xxx
                  "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


