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Learning alot

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    Learning alot

    HI Everyone,
    I found this sight because I almost paid thousands of dollars to a center to treat me with Prometa. After I left the clinic I realized it was not for me. I have read alot on this sight about baclofen. I was a social drinker for most of my 20's and 30's but I was addicted to nicotine. Somewhere in my late 30's after many dr's and various treatments I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. The most excruitiating pain known to man. Fast forward - I was on Baclofen, tegretal, and neuronton for many years. Finally, the meds were destroying me and were not working anymore so I had surgery to fix the problem. The surgery consists of drilling a hole in your skull, finding the tn nerve, clipping it and other things. The whole time I was on those meds I found AL disgusting. I was also going through the worst time of my life during this time with my only child, who to this day is going thru a horrible meth, alcohal, and who knows what else addiction. The nicotine got me thru all that stuff. After the surgery I quit taking all meds cold turkey on the advice of the neurosurgeon. Very interesting things happened to me after that. I never smoked again as it made me sick. I never slept another solid night thru again. I see every hour of every day. Meaning, my sleep is interrupted at least once every hour at night. I got the tingling in my arms and fingers, I hated soda pop.... anyway, all the side affects that topomax can have. Very slowly I started drinking socially again. The rest is like so many other peoples' story. I hide my al abuse very well and I have never had any serious issues because of it but I know it is a matter of time..... And I am sick of the life it is robbing me of. It is controlling my whole life just like the cigs did. Constantly thinking about the time I can safely start drinking. Honestly, I had no idea that the anti- conv. meds were what were making me hate alcohol so much until I went to that clinic for the prometa program. SO, I know they work. I read the MWO book and decided to go this way. I ordered the cd's and supplements. I am going to try this AF without the drugs, but will go for the baclofen if I need it because I believe it has the least side effects. BUT, I wonder if the desire will come back after stopping the drug or is it something I will have to take forever. I will let you know what happens....WHTM

    I am still going thru the worst time of my life with my drug addicted son. He never outgrew his problem that started at age 13. He is now 31. My husband and I are raising his 4yr old son and that is my real motivation.

    Learning alot


    Oh sheesh, Whtm... you really had it coming from all sides

    Thank you for sharing your past and present here - I'm glad you are taking steps now before your drinking escalates further. I have not taken the route of drugs but there will be many here who can answer your questions. Also, you might want to have a look at the meds threads.

    Again, welcome - you've found a wonderful place full of support and wisdom. Please reach out when you're struggling and keep checking in
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

