Hi Emcee
Thanks for your reply. I truly don't want to offend you but my heart tells me the therapy didn't work for you. Did you go alone for some sessions, or did you have to sit next to the man who hurt you and therefore not let out your real feelings. The need to get numb is a sign you are not happy in yourself.
Sure its a habit now and AL is an additive substance, but still I feel the road to recovery for you lies in getting out your feelings about this event and being able to move on at peace. Maybe this isn't the man for you.
The fact that you started this story by sharing that event tells me it is still with you, and maybe you still think you are not good enough, or he could do it again. Breaking your trust like he did is a big deal for most women, for men they see it a bit different I think.
I know this is not really my place to say but it feels like the truth to me.
I wish you well on your journey and encourage you to read the stories here as it has been a great help to me. If you try the supplements and other plan ideas listed here, and still nothing is working, take the time to look inside and see if the pain is still there and needs to be addressed.
Keep smiling