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My Story

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    My Story

    I am sure my story is very similar to those out there.
    Well I grew up with a very abusive, alcoholic father. I tried to stop him from kicking my Mom in the stomach while she was on the floor, need I go farther. He tried to sexually assult my sister and myself. When I was 12 I was in the car with him when he was asking all these personal questions, and wanted me to take my clothes off or he would drop me off on the side of the road. I refused, and the rest is pretty fuzzy. I do believe he threatened me if I told. So for a few years I did not. My MOM was in the hospital with cancer at that time. So how could a child tell when she was told her Mom was going to die. A few years later I mouthed off to my dad, and he was going to beat me, but I ran into the bathroom. He pounded and pounded on the door until I thought I had better open up or he will kill me. The lock was so badly bent, I could not open it, then the walls began to close in on me and I began to scream. My eldest brother came in and opened the door, which my sister came in and would not let dad in. I told her my big secret, she in turn told my MOM, who did live. My father denied all my accusations.
    He also abused his sister. Here the story gets strange. My father told us about his first marriage and how they had a baby who was born with its intestines on the outside of the body and died. His sister told us she had a baby born the same way. Now she did not know he told us his version. We know for a fact, my Aunt was terrified of him, as a matter of fact all his brothers and his sister had nothing to do with him. His own father never spoke to him or us. My father had a habit of taking other peoples identities or histories.
    I never hated him for I knew he had a sickness. My whole family felt the same, my Mom although she left him, loved him till her passing three years ago.
    I hardly drank in my teens or twenties. I was too busy raising children. My first marriage broke down, for he drank alot and when I over reacted, yes I did over react. He would hit me, it was my Mothers life all over again, but I was living it.
    When I was in my late 20's I met my second husband. He was fun and the kids liked him, we had a son. Then things went sour. He was verbably abusive, and seemed to have an interest in another woman. I know for I found a note saying, "When I look into your beautiful brown eyes" well I have green eyes. Before we split we used to have some good parties. I was in my thirties, and of course it was the norm to drink too much.
    My marriage fell apart about 20 years ago.. It was then I would enjoy my wine, not alot, but would enjoy it. My daughter would tell me I would get angry with her if she did not pick me up a bottle of wine. I do not remember, but she does and I do not question it. I do know I was not angry with not having any wine, but in her not doing what I would ask. She always did things at her own time.
    After my Mom passed I really began to drink, I did it every day, got to the point of 1 to 2 bottles a day. The man I live with began to tell me I drink too much, he never tried to be supportive, so I would retreat to my bedroom and drink more. I knew I was out of control, but did not know how to stop, until I put myself into detox.
    March 16th I had a Dr's appointment, so I had a couple with lunch and drove the hour to my appointment. Went to where my sister works, which is in the same town, sat for about 45 min's then we went to her place, another 15 to 20 min drive. Had a glass of wine and left. This all took place from 12 to 6:30. I do not remember what really happened. I know I was in the hospital the week before with a punctured lung, and was on oxycoten. But I pulled off on a side street, and a stranger took my keys and called the police. They took me in and had be blow, I blew 210 first then 200. That is an outrages amount for someone my size. So I am fighting this. It scared the daylights out of me and that is why I put myself into detox.
    The rest is history, and I have been AF for 37 days.
    I want to learn to do controlled drinking, that way I will find out if I am my (Father's Daughter) in the drinking catagory anyway. I am told by my counsellor that I am the only one who can decide this. Thanks for listening. One last word or two, when I time comes to have a glass of wine, I am scared, but determined.:thanks:

    My Story

    what a story my friend, thanks for sharing!

    wtg on 37 excellent!! :l

    when the time comes for a glass of wine... come here:goodjob:
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


      My Story

      Time to take care of yourself now....... you have been through too much.
      Fab job 37 days!
      Inspiration for sure.


        My Story

        :welcomeear Litre,

        I wish I could convince you to stay AF, but it teally is your decision. 37 days, that's wonderful, I struggle to get past day 1.
        You have a lot of pain to deal with, please take care of yourself in all respects.
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          My Story

          Litre, thank you for pouring out your heart here. Congratulations on your 37 days of freedom.

          I would encourage you to try to read back your own story as though you were a caring friend - from outside of yourself. Try to see the thread of negative consequences tied to AL that run all the way through your story. If this were your best friend's story, would you advise your best friend to try some "controlled drinking" after all the negative consequences??

          I would not.

          I hope you spend enough time AF to see that you don't need or "deserve" AL in your life.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            My Story

            Well stated DG.
            Love and Peace,

            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


              My Story

              Thank you Litre for sharing your story.. you have been through so much! way more than anyone should have to go through.. but you are here, you have found us and are wanting a better life for yourself.. you are doing so well - 37 days AF is fantastic.. keep coming here, we are here for you,
              Katie xxx
              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                My Story

                I've said it before, and it is a proven truth, a very large number of women who were sexually abused as children have problems with AL. We can all understand the reason. IMP, this has nothing to do with you being your father's daughter, but with still holding on to our childhood prayer that underneath it all, (his problems, his 'sickness') he can't help himself and he still loves us. I would strongly suggest some type of therapy, counselling, where someone more qualified than me can help you understand that a child is never to blame for the sins of the parent. This all falls squarely on your father. I am so sorry for what you went through. It is horrific. When the person in our world who is supposed to be our protector becomes the demon we fear, we retreat to the nearest available haven, and abused children often choose drugs and AL. My definition of love could NEVER include a person who had willingly harmed my children. Pity, maybe, but never love. Adults make choices, and children are subjected to the results of those choices. It is wonderful that you have AF time, but PLEASE, don't measure yourself against a monster. You are your own person, and, as an adult, must make choices for YOURSELF, and your children. I hope I've not overstepped in my opinion, but I feel strongly about this issue, and the damage it does to helpless little ones who feel too much shame, pain,love, fear, to speak out, or if they do, are not believed. Welcome here, and may you find the peace and happiness you deserve.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  My Story

                  Thankyou Ruby

                  I do thankyou Ruby for your strong opinion, and I agree with you, there are things I remember as a child, but rarely told anyone. One was getting a ride with my Uncle, I was terrified he would pull down a road and become my father, and he never did. I was too ashamed to tell him or my Mom my fears, for my Uncle was the sweetest man on earth and I felt terrible to think such a thing of him. He is gone now and I am glad he never knew this part of my life.


                    My Story

                    My first marriage broke down, for he drank alot and when I over reacted, yes I did over react. He would hit me,.....Did you overreact or did you react to the circumstances?

                    and of course it was the norm to drink too much.....
                    The "norm" doesn't matter.

                    I am so grateful your uncle was not of the ilk to take advanage of you. I hope you can, looking back, realize that your uncle was of the "norm," and the abuse you suffered was not.

                    I am not a psychologist or a psychotherapst, but I pray you can find peace within your heart.

                    However, and I know this sounds harsh, you are the master of your fate, you must move on and not let the past steer you. Take the "tiller" and drive.

                    Drive your way to your destiny. Not the dstiny of those who abused you.

                    I hope your horizons are beautiful. They may not be, but the horizons your abusers want to drive you to are not beautiful.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      My Story

                      I guess I overreacted, for I would get very angry. I found out later in life, you cannot argue with someone who is drunk. I must also say, my ex-husband and I have a respect for each other now.
                      I also know my Uncle was the norm, he was the father we never had.


                        My Story

                        You are blessed, Litre.

                        I have many friends who did not have that "uncle."

                        They are adrift at the tiller. They have no idea where to steer.

                        You can steer yourself. Say many thanks to your uncle.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          My Story

                          Unfortunately my Uncle is not longer with us, but he knew we loved him with all our hearts, we also were the children he never had.

