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So tired

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    So tired

    Hello everyone. Well I have been frequenting this site for the past few months and have had many, many AF days, but it only takes a few Non-AF days to get right back to start. I am a 25 year old woman with the world in her hands. I recently got married to the most handsome, sensitive man I have ever met and I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter. I attend school online and I only have to work a few days a week while getting paid very well. My ex-husband and I are good terms (yes, was married for a short while before ending up with my soul mate). I have just found out that I am an overall unhappy person. I see the negative in everything and I am very quick to get defensive. I know some of my issues stem from childhood and previous drug abuse but at some point we all have to take responsibility for who we are and what we have become. I know I am an alcoholic because it "hooks" me and I become a mean, stupid person when I drink.

    I have gotten better with frequency, but it only takes one time for my daughter to see me hit my husband in a drunken stupor and never feel truly "safe" again. I grew up with alcohol around and I was doing it in my own family! Let's not even begin with the shame I feel! I am a very proud person (which also brings the wonderful automatic defensivness) and I want to crawl into a hole after I drink. I am strange, I have no balance. I am either extremely disciplined (workout 2 hours a day, eat only salad with chicken and fat free dressing and get very little sleep because I am going over what I need to get done the next day) OR extremely extravegant (eat breakfast burritos, drink whatever alcohol is in the house whenever I feel like it and lay in bed feeling sorry for myself). I have done well without drinking the past few weeks and the last few days have gone on a strong binge. I am SO TIRED! Why me? I feel self is not fair I have this shameful problem!! And I am angry, alcohol is so glorified!!! It causes so many deaths, divorces and sickness and it is everywhere I look! I really didn't know what a negative person I was until recent when I had stopped drinking for a few weeks and still was the first to point out all the horrific rain that caused the breath-taking rainbow. I want to be happy and I, for once in my "all-knowing and discipline" have no idea what the next step is, but it has to be forward. For my husband. For my daughter. For me.

    So tired

    Hi NW,

    I know the feeling well. So tired of feeling sick and tired.
    Have you had a look in the tool box? I'll try and find the link for you.

    I was married at a very young age and divorced just about as quickly as I got married. I've now been married to a wonderful man for nearly 25 years.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      So tired

      Here it is. Just click on the link and it'll give you an idea of how to get a plan started.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        So tired

        New, could you try to relax a little? Reading your story, it seems, IMHO, you deprive yourself until you break and splurge. We have to find a relaxed, comfortable, happy medium in our lives. So what if you gain 5 pounds, if you love and are loved? It seems you strive for perfection, and there ain't no such thing. JC pointed you to a great start; now it's your turn to look into yourself and understand what you want, and find your happiness. You, and your daughter and husband, deserve it. If I can help you, please PM me, but in the mean time, quit being so hard on yourself. Relax.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          So tired

          Thanks JC & Ruby. I know I need to relax, just easier said than done. I am going to meet with my pastor on Manday who is an alcoholic and hopefully he will have some insight, although I know he will. I just needed to sort out my thoughts as I have done here and actually say these things out loud, you know? Thanks for the toolbox JC!


            So tired

            New, it's very cathartic to be able to SAY the things that have been in our minds for so long. Most of us have never been able to 'unload' our troubles, doubts, fears, but here you have a safe haven. Anything horrible you think is only your guilt, you will find others who have done the same and more. Please, try to relax. It sounds to me that you could really benefit from taking a little break and listening to the MWO CD's, plus relaxation and even self-hypnosis CD's. They have made a HUGE difference in me, and I find myself using their techniques every day, to deal with stress, cravings, the demands of life. I'm a very high-intensity, driven person too, but (since I'm quite sure I'm MUCH older than you), please take my advice and learn now to relax, and smell the roses. Life passes us by much too fast, and it sounds like you have a lot to live for and enjoy. I've learned to stop, breathe, count to 10 before I do or say anything when I'm in a bad situation. And hon, it DOES work. Let me know what I can do to help you.
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

