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    Hi I'm 26 hour sober. I started moderate drinking and binge drinking in 2005. What was I thinking? I was thinking that alcohol was going to
    help me cope with my problems and my pain. I don't have a good support system.
    Then later in 2009 I was diagnose with Hashimoto,
    Hashimoto is an autoimmune disease that makes you fat, tired, sore, and depresses by attacking or destroying your thyroid glad. Did I mention constipated, and blahh.
    I have hit rock bottom and I need your help and support.
    Thank, and good luck to all of us in this journey


    Welcome! Many on the forum are sleeping right now, but keep posting and read all you can. We can be a great help to you. Take care of yourself.:welcome:
    Enlightened by MWO



      Hi Candi
      Welcome aboard. Thanks for sharing some of your story. Many of us have used AL to cover up pain and things in life we can't face. Unfortunately it is a dangerous trap that leads to alot of physical illness, mental stress, and heartache, as we never really deal with the problems face on and so they are always with us, or they get worse. I think the people here can help us all to tackle our problems with honesty and perseverance.

      Never heard of Hashimoto, but doesn't sound too good. Keep searching for your answers and never give on. There is always someone out their just like you, that can help.
      Good luck
      Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended



        Hi candi,

        I am so glad you have found MWO. This is a great place for support and information. A good thread to start may beth Newibes Nest, which is filled with people starting out on the sobriety journey. There is also the Please keep posting and reading and welcome.
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin



          Hi Candi,
          I'm gettin back on board after a time away.I'm going to log in as much as poss to get the help from a heap of people on here.
          Let's see how we go huh?



            Hi Candi and welcome. I too tried to use AL to solve problems, and it didn't work for me either.

            I am hypothyroid myself and am aware of the Hashimoto's condition that you have. A woman I met on-line who helped me a LOT with my own simpler thyroid issues has Hashimoto's herself. She was not properly treated for many years but has subsequently learned a LOT about the disease and also thyroid issues more generally. She is a "Patient Advocate" for people with thyroid problems. If you would like to track her down, you can find her at - Weight Loss Support. There is a "Thyroid" section of the forum and she goes by the screen name Nonstickpam. She can be very direct - if you post to her, don't be offended by that. She has helped a lot of people find their way out of thyroid messes. There is hope on that front too!

            Getting AL out of my life was the best thing I ever did. Getting thyroid help was maybe the second best.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.



              hi candi and welcome to have come to a great community with lots of support & great advice,you are not alone we all have been there,hope you give yourself a chance to succeed,hope to see you around ;-)

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.



                Hi Candi welcome. I wish you luck on your journey here. Read as much as you can. It will help you make good decisions about options available. Post alot and ask questions. hope to hear much more from you.
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



                  Candi - Well done for getting the 1st 24 hours under your belt and for findind the courage to post on here. I wish you much strength and can truely tell you that posting and reading for me was the best therapy so keep checking in. :l
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996



                    HEY THERE CANDI opps for got to turn off the caps again .. well anyway welcome .. this a great site with lot that can help you on your way to where you want to get in life .. and im glad to see you just made the first step keep steping and forward and read and learn what best for you .. you can do this and we are here to help ..good luck
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



                      Thanks everyone!
                      You guys make me feel happy, and safe.



                        Hi Candi - and Doggygirl

                        I am hypo too, I was diagnosed in 2004. At the time I had the opposite symptoms to undractive thyroid, skinny, always running around, the only right one was a crazy menstrual cycle. They put me on thyroxine. Since then I have gradually gone downhill. Put on weight, suffered with depression, constipation, mood swings - at the beginning of this year I could hardly drag myself out of the house. I have a blood test every year, this time the condition had got slightly worse, so they increased my tablets. I still don't have the energy I had a few years ago, but that could be due to age! I still find it hard to get through a day at work sometimes, but I'm better than I was a few months ago. I think the trouble with thyroid symptoms there are so many and its all a little vague, I'm never sure whether to put it down to my condition, my age, the menopause which has similar symptoms.

                        Candi, are you on any medication?



                          Good morning Candi, Welcome to MWO. Everyone here is suppportive and have a story of their own regarding alcohol. It sounds like Doggygirl has some good advice for you. I am 73 and have been a daily drinker for 50 years - I finally quit February 16th of this year. I never thought I had a problem until I quit the booze. Being alcohol free gets easier every day - there are some days I don't even think about drinking. I was a vodka tonic drinker, now I just order tonic water with lime and I usually drink three or four in an evening out instead of the usual 6, 8 or 10 vodka tonics from the old days. Stay strong.

