I moved overseas when I was 19, because I needed to escape some things. I did that and now live in Australia...unfortunately my past did follow me, and I have been forced to 'deal' with it. I have tried virtually everything my power to continue to run from it, to very little success...and while I know I cant keep running, my instinct is still to keep running. Im unfortunately running out of options, in terms of avoidance and running, things I need to deal with, but dont know how...I have no idea.
I've used alcohol and drugs to try and cope/manage my depression and ptsd....and its not really managing, but just more avoidance tactics.
I am tired. I am only 28, and have difficulty seeing my future, or wanting a future, or being a participant in life. I know Im not doing everything right, Im working too hard and studying too hard, and putting alot of pressure on myself and being quite harsh with myself...Im not really taking the medication Im supposed to be taking, for various reasons, mostly because I dont want to, but thats a whole other story. I have a good professional support team (if I go to the appointments

I have a good stimulating, challenging and interesting job, I have a good husband, I am studying towards a masters in psychology. My depression/ptsd is not about my life situation. Its just me. Something wrong with me.
I want kids someday, but am scared to even embark on that yet, because I want to be a good mother, and stable...and Im just not yet and am scared I never will be.
Anyway. I just felt the need to write some of what I was thinking.