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My scary story

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    My scary story

    Day 2 on MWO. I started drinking on a daily basis back in '96 after my divorce. The wine made my tiredness go away so that I could keep up with my 6 yr old (how ironic is that). Well I pretty much stayed on track with it daily but never over a couple of glasses - well that has definitely escalated the last 4 years - quit a job that was awful got recruited out of town, all alone, kids and grandkids in another state- wah, wah, wah. But I've had problems with my kids over my drinking and have managed to watch my alcohol content when I'm around them. Well what got me is that I and this is really embarrasing and very scary to me - I drank 8 bottles of wine in a 5 day period and remember I work full time - no not performing well and yeah I'm supposed to be the big cheese! I've let myself down and I am sure my staff wondered what in the heck was wrong with me(:. So I stayed off all wine yesterday until I went to a dinner party. I had a beer before I went and then drank 3 glasses over the entire party. Had such a good meal with homemade blackberries pie. And slept wonderfully!
    But I think I'm going to find that I can't drink in moderation (oh yes started KUDZU, etc yesterday and really didn't want any more vino). I've tried this a number of times before but without support. I appreciate getting to be honest with all of you.
    I have read some great posts from a number of the Senior members and they are so reinforcing to me and make a lot of sense. I really understand from some of them that no matter what you do for cravings etc, whatever herb or medication you have to find the willpower in your self with the help of others to stay away from that drink.
    So thanks to all of you and again I appreciate the chance to air my story.

    My scary story

    Hi Mere,

    Thanks for sharing your story and:welcome:

    I hope you will find the suport and information here invaluable. Well done for recognising that one success at moderating doesn't mean you can do it. Many of us take many more mistakes and much more convincing of this!

    K x
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