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one year sober - its possible
one year sober - its possible
Thanks a lot for that Brigit.
Sometimes one year seems sooooo long. Your experience showed that it IS possible to stay off the booze for a year.
As for drinking in moderation, I agree with you, it's hard. I can make it. It's either black or white. And I guess, I can say for most of us, if we're really honest to ourselves, it's better to stay off it altogether. The first glass could be the beginning of another nightmare.
Thanks again for sharing your story,
Best :hPaddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
one year sober - its possible
Brigid~~You give us all so much hope. You are one of the main reasons I keep coming back to the boards! I feel so lucky to have ' met' you here on the journey. You are a positive role model and proof that it can be done! Thank you! Love, Gina
one year sober - its possible
Hi Brigid!
I don't have time to read all over the boards as much as I used to, but this caught my eye today, and I must say that I thank you for sharing your story. You are so inspirational, and I just love it when you share your experiences with us. It's hard to think about a year of sobriety, but you show that it is done a day, a week and a month at a time. Thanks for being a part of this community.
Hugs and congratulations,
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
one year sober - its possible
Just saw this!
I have grown to have so much respect for you and am so glad for you to have reached this milestone!! I truly often think of you and your wise words and kind way. Often, I recall the tale you reminded us of the person who keeps falling in the hole and eventually decides to not only get out more easily or to go around the hole in the road, but to find a different road altogeher!
My husband got me a little inspirational book recently and I just pulled it out to try to find a quote or two for you. An "Anniversary Gift" for you, if you will:h I chose 'em just for you!!
Here goes:
"Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." --Lou Holtz
and this one especially from me to you...
"Most of our limitations are self-imposed. Roger Bannister was the first human to run a sub-four-minute mile--a barrier that was previously deemed unsurmountable. Immediately after Bannister proved it was "possible", runners all over the world repeated his feat. --Bob Moawad
"The besst way to predict the future is to invent it." -- Alan Kay.
Keep it up, Brigid. You rock. :l :l