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Newbie with wide-open eyes!

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    Newbie with wide-open eyes!

    Morning All! I am feeling alive this morning! The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.

    Day 4/30 - yes you read that right - I am going for the big THREE-O!! I was nervous about shooting for that at first but now I know I can do it and totally change my habits before attempting to mod. That's all for now. Back later x
    14 days AF and now modding

    A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


      Newbie with wide-open eyes!

      Good job FG!!!
      Didn't even try last night....had 2 glasses of wine, but that's all. Kind of wanted more, but it went away. Felt great (only tired) this am. Working on AF....going to make an appointment with a counselor to chat. I have my list of vitamins from the book and when I'm supposed to take them. This will be the 1st day trying Kudzu.

      Moving slowly....
      Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

      Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


        Newbie with wide-open eyes!

        Keep it up DC. Did you see my message on here to you yesterday?
        I have just watched the rain in my heart documentary. Oh my goodness. If you haven't seen it - you must. Shockingly sad.
        14 days AF and now modding

        A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


          Newbie with wide-open eyes!

          I saw your post..thanks. It seems that we have the same issues. Yes, I can go 14 days. I'm not afraid of going 14 days, i guess it's the fear of failing....geez, how pathetic is that? I need to change my mindset and get my butt out the door exercising and I'll be fine.

          What is the rain in my heart?

          Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

          Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


            Newbie with wide-open eyes!

            Diet Coke;966220 wrote: I saw your post..thanks. It seems that we have the same issues. Yes, I can go 14 days. I'm not afraid of going 14 days, i guess it's the fear of failing....geez, how pathetic is that? I need to change my mindset and get my butt out the door exercising and I'll be fine.

            What is the rain in my heart?

            It is a documentary (on YouTube) about four alcoholics. It is extremely honest and harrowing.
            14 days AF and now modding

            A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


              Newbie with wide-open eyes!

              Journal entry - Day 4 - 21.40

              I have a horrible, upset feeling in my stomach after watching the Rain in My Heart documentary. I felt so sorry for the people in it and the families too. Harrowing.

              I feel like a bit of a fraud on here... kind of like the person that turns up at Weight Watchers with only half a stone to lose. I hope no one minds me being here. The reason why I am posting is because I think daily drinking is a real problem - it certainly is amongst a lot of my thirty-something friends. Maybe not heavy drinking - but when will it cross the line? Maybe never or maybe progressively until you're in it so deep that you don't know how to get out. I came across this site and it opened my eyes that if I didn't do something now (when it would be relatively painless) that I could be in real hot water later on. I was drinking way more than I should have been - up to a bottle of white wine MOST days (in the evening) and knew in my heart that was wrong. My husband had commented (by way of telling me that my parents were worried - which they totally deny) and I know that I was relying on alcohol to relax/have fun etc. etc. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me being here. It's thanks to the people that have shared their stories that I am now going AF for 30 days which with exception of being pregnant (twice) and in hospital and on medication following that, is the longest in a very long time that I would have gone without alcohol. I know I can do it. I have lost my desire to drink and am in the stage of feeling disappointed with how I've acted over the last couple of years.
              Am off to watch something light-hearted on TV and will then turn in for the night x
              14 days AF and now modding

              A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


                Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                Don't feel like you shouldn't be there....I was thinking the same thing when I found this site...but as we both discovered, it's an important thing to learn (or realize) before it gets uncontrollable.

                Have a great evening. It sounds like you're in Europe some place. I'm on the West Coast, so I'm off to a late lunch.

                Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

                Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


                  Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                  How's that for a picture..sitting and watching BL with wine.. >>>

                  I had to laugh at this DC, because I've been there! Sitting in a meeting about screening for substance abuse with a hangover.

                  FG, 1-2 glasses a day, and no more than 7 total a week, are current safe drinking guidelines for women. If you're curious, you can take the AUDIT (honestly), but if you drink up to a bottle a day, and there are about 6 glasses in a bottle, that's some math talking.

                  Kind of warped to be trying to make you feel better by pointing out you probably have a drinking problem, but there you go!

                  Anyway, glad your spouse is regretting his meany comment. xoxo Pride

                  AUDIT Alcohol Screening Test - Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Cult & Depression
                  AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                  "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                    Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                    FreedGenie;966252 wrote: Journal entry - Day 4 - 21.40

                    I have a horrible, upset feeling in my stomach after watching the Rain in My Heart documentary. I felt so sorry for the people in it and the families too. Harrowing.

                    I feel like a bit of a fraud on here... kind of like the person that turns up at Weight Watchers with only half a stone to lose. I hope no one minds me being here. The reason why I am posting is because I think daily drinking is a real problem - it certainly is amongst a lot of my thirty-something friends. Maybe not heavy drinking - but when will it cross the line? Maybe never or maybe progressively until you're in it so deep that you don't know how to get out. I came across this site and it opened my eyes that if I didn't do something now (when it would be relatively painless) that I could be in real hot water later on. I was drinking way more than I should have been - up to a bottle of white wine MOST days (in the evening) and knew in my heart that was wrong. My husband had commented (by way of telling me that my parents were worried - which they totally deny) and I know that I was relying on alcohol to relax/have fun etc. etc. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me being here. It's thanks to the people that have shared their stories that I am now going AF for 30 days which with exception of being pregnant (twice) and in hospital and on medication following that, is the longest in a very long time that I would have gone without alcohol. I know I can do it. I have lost my desire to drink and am in the stage of feeling disappointed with how I've acted over the last couple of years.
                    Am off to watch something light-hearted on TV and will then turn in for the night x
                    Welcome Freed,

                    You are indeed welcome to this site as is anyone who thinks or even has a slight suspicion that drinking is causing problems for them. Well done for making the decision to go AF for thirty days, after this time you will have a much clearer picture of where you want AL if at all in your life. I think that when your drinking (whatever the level) starts to send nagging little doubts, its a red flag. That IMO is an indicator that it is starting to being too iportant in your life. Yes you are right about crossing that line. It is an invisible insidious process that takes us from normal drinking to out of control addictive drinking in no time at all. It did for day I was drinking socially and having fun with my friends....throw in a few of lifes challenges and before you know it...10 years of hell on earth! Go for it...get in under control before you dont have a choice> I am with you all the way:l
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                      Diet Coke;966277 wrote: Don't feel like you shouldn't be there....I was thinking the same thing when I found this site...but as we both discovered, it's an important thing to learn (or realize) before it gets uncontrollable.

                      Have a great evening. It sounds like you're in Europe some place. I'm on the West Coast, so I'm off to a late lunch.

                      Gday diet Coke,

                      Just dropped in to say welcome to MWO and well done for taking the steps to slay the dragon. With you all the way:l
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                        FG - You have every right to be here as anyone else. I applaud you for your insightfulness about your alcohol consumption and your interest in getting a handle on it now. As someone else has already mentioned, if you are feeling concerned, you probably have a reason to be concerned.

                        I am glad you are here and taking the time to explore what this community has to offer. I am thankful for all that this site has to offer and the virtual friendships I have formed here.

                        Good luck to you!
                        AF since 7/13/2010


                          Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                          Hello all

                          Thanks for all your comments. I didn't have a good night. I had two dreams that I was drinking alcohol and have woken up this morning with what feels like a hangover from hell! I know when I gave up smoking, I had a few dreams that I had smoked and when I looked in to it, it was supposed to be a good sign.

                          I feel bloody dreadful today. I had a Chinese last night and wonder if I have the start of food poisoning. The headache is terrible. I even took two Anadin Extra (I rarely take painkillers so when I do, they usually work well) and they haven't touched the pain....

                          I have guzzled down the water and think I will go back to bed for a few hours as the kids are at school.

                          Apart from that - all OK and on track day 5/30.

                          Have a good day Folks. x
                          14 days AF and now modding

                          A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


                            Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                            FreedGenie;966529 wrote: Hello all

                            Thanks for all your comments. I didn't have a good night. I had two dreams that I was drinking alcohol and have woken up this morning with what feels like a hangover from hell! I know when I gave up smoking, I had a few dreams that I had smoked and when I looked in to it, it was supposed to be a good sign.

                            I feel bloody dreadful today. I had a Chinese last night and wonder if I have the start of food poisoning. The headache is terrible. I even took two Anadin Extra (I rarely take painkillers so when I do, they usually work well) and they haven't touched the pain....

                            I have guzzled down the water and think I will go back to bed for a few hours as the kids are at school.

                            Apart from that - all OK and on track day 5/30.

                            Have a good day Folks. x
                            Hi Freed,

                            I am just wondering whether part of what you are experiencing might be withdrawals symptoms. Some people experience stomach upsets and especially headaches for up to three weeks after ceasing al. Remember to keep up your fluids and rest. Hope you are feeling better soon, hang in there
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                              Hi Sapphire, thanks for stopping by x
                              I now have a streaming cold. The headache has gone but I feel tired and coldy - blurghh. I have lit a nice fire and just had a nice cup of tea which made me feel a bit better.
                              I got offered a glass of bubby twice today. Needless to say I declined!
                              I had an email from my friend who is so happy it's Friday so she can drink as she's been abstaining all week. This is exactly why I am doing the 30. I don't want to associate Fridays (or any other day) with drinking anymore. I want to just drink on special occassions after the 30AFdays.
                              I have to say, it is nice having warm drinks on a cold, rainy evening. I never used to drink a warm drink after about 4pm!
                              Have a nice Friday. xx
                              14 days AF and now modding

                              A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


                                Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                                Hi FG,

                                Good job on 5 days. Everyone has her own measure of where they are, so you just have to let yourself play it out. There are all sorts of people here in with various goals. There is no one way.
                                AF since May 6, 2010

                                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

