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Newbie with wide-open eyes!

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    Newbie with wide-open eyes!

    Morning DG - Funny enough, I did your exact reality check last night before I saw this just now. I thought whether even 2 glasses of wine would be enjoyable (that is what my DH and parents had) and I just don't think I'm ready to find out yet. I think I probably would have wanted another two glasses.... I have made a commitment to myself to do 30 days before modding. There must be a reason why people do 30 and not 14 for example. I believe it is to shed the toxins and also to retrain the brain. I have been wavering about whether to stop at day 26.. for me, I feel I need to bite the bullet and stick thru to day 30.
    Day 14 going well. Another1.5 pounds of weight loss despite eating what I want (without being greedy). Day 20 I will start concentrating on the diet. I am going to try the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet. It never worked well when I was drinking wine but now I think it will be perfect. That's all for today. Have a great day folks xx
    14 days AF and now modding

    A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


      Newbie with wide-open eyes!

      Day 14 - two weeks - I have reached my original goal :-)

      45 mins run/walk in the gym this morning :-)

      Have a nice day.
      14 days AF and now modding

      A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


        Newbie with wide-open eyes!

        Great job!!!:goodjob:


          Newbie with wide-open eyes!

          Good job FG.

          Good reality check DG.

          Had a glass of wine at lunch on Sat. (Which was really unusual, b/c I'm usually a night time wine person). It turned into a discussion of drinking, college, etc. with my daughter who is a HS SR. Interesting how they see things...and their parents (mom). Although I haven't been AF, I'm glad I'm reigning in the the nights with glasses of wine.

          It's Monday am. Back to the gym tonight....didn't fall asleep until 1am...really tired today.
          Started 9/24/2010...goal 30 days AF then a "wine sipper"

          Back again 10/5/2013. Same goal.


            Newbie with wide-open eyes!

            Congrats FG, for sticking to your goal! :goodjob: Particularly with your parents and spouse drinking. Two weeks to go. Hang in there, and see how you're feeling at the 30 day mark. What's better, what's the same, what's worse?

            The fact that it's been a struggle at times tells you all you need to know about whether AL has an unhealthy hold of you (which is how you stumbled onto MWO in the first place, right)? Exercise has really helped me, too--substituting a healthy behavior for an unhealthy one.

            Good going! xoxox Pride
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              Newbie with wide-open eyes!

              Hi DC - although you haven't been AF, you have done a GREAT job in cutting down your drinking by a huge percentage and for me and you - that is the goal! Well done.

              Hi Pride, thanks for the encouragement. I already have gained a lot of perspective by being completely AF. I know I need another two weeks to really prove to myself that I don't need it and that my life is better drinking on special occassions only and not daily or even weekly. I can see that already. I am surprised how quickly my mindset has changed. I am going to answer your three questions today (privately in a word doc) then on week three and then at the end of 30 days. Great tip!
              14 days AF and now modding

              A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


                Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                Hi Guys

                I had a LONG chat with my parents and my husband yesterday and I have decided as I have achieved my original goal of 14 days AF that I will switch to modding now. It was never my intention to quit drinking completely.. just to reduce the amount I was drinking and get out of bad habits.

                So I will report back and let you know how I am getting on. I don't think I will have too much problem. I have learnt a lot from these past two weeks AF and realise that my health and wellbeing is more important than drinking too often.

                Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement xx
                14 days AF and now modding

                A person may conquer a million people in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors. - Buddha


                  Newbie with wide-open eyes!

                  Hi FreedGenie,

                  How is the mod going? Hope you are doing well...

