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A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

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    A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

    So my mom and I were running from my father who was also running from the FBI. The year was 1972, and that is the year I was both born and began to run. At first, my mother had to carry me while I ran away from a man who shot federal agents during a drug bust in Texas, but at later times in my childhood, it would be a car that would carry me as we ran away from something or someone else. Illinois, Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Florida and North Carolina were all states that were lucky enough to have met me during my life.
    Ilinois is where my mother ran to while pregnant with me to hide from my father. I was born there, but soon had to leave due to the fact that he found us again. We ran again, this time to Colorado, where we spent some time with her parents. She got a job, a restraining order, and finally a divorce. Later in life I asked her about him, what his name was, she never responded, never told me. The job gave her a chance to meet another guy, who she married and is the only ?dad? I have ever known. They were perfect for each other really, when things got hard, they ran.
    Houston, Tx. I was about 6, my brother was 2. Dad had a good job with an oil company and mom worked in accounting. We were out of the house by 4am and back by 8pm every day of the week except for weekends. My brother and I spent most of our time in daycare or school. I remember the nights when my brother and I couldn?t sleep, my mom would give us cream ?d menthe on the rocks to put us to sleep.
    One day my dad had a nervous breakdown, spent every dime in the bank account and went to the funny farm for a few months. We got evicted from our condo and moved into the slums in Houston. I rather enjoyed the new neighborhood because there were lots of boys and girls that were allowed to stay out late and do whatever they wanted. That?s when it all started for me?I was 12.
    One day I was told to pack everything I wanted to take, but it had to fit into ?this? bag. A small black suitcase. No toys, no skateboard, no pictures, just clothes and other small things that would fit. It was whisked up by my dad and thrown into the trunk of our car. Off we were?
    Oklahoma City, OK. We were there for 4 weeks. I started a new school. We moved in with an aunt and uncle and their 3 kids, slept on the dining room floor, and started to make new friends. I really liked this new school; it was modern, and not what I was accustomed to. Probably would have been good for us if we would have stayed but the family itch continued?
    Some Camp Ground, NE. I don?t know how long we were here for, but I do remember our parents asking us to steal food from the grocery store and bring it back to the campsite. We slept in the car?
    Back to Texas. This time we moved in with a family that we knew from Houston. They had 3 daughters, and I used to be friends with one of them a few years back. I spent a total of 2 years there. My parents never got jobs and I think that is why they finally kicked us out. I was the first to go. By this time, I had had enough of this. I had begun to punch myself in the eye, and then when the school counselor would ask me about it, I would tell him that my dad hit me. Well, let?s just say it worked! I was put on a plane to go live with my Grandparents in Pennsylvania.
    Indiana, PA. I have always loved my grandmother. My grandfather is a doctor, and she was the sweetest gardener you?d ever want to meet. I, on the other hand, was mad, angry, and really going crazy. I started smoking pot, coke, drinking. Over the course of the next 2 years of high school, I spent a total of 30 days in a mental institution, 30 days in a drug rehab, and then a 14 month stretch at Teen Challenge where I finally graduated High School. But for me, at least I was away from my parents and if I wanted to run, I could do it on my own terms.
    College. I met my wife here. The university was rated as the number 2 party school in the nation at the time and we took advantage of every opportunity we could. She graduated one year ahead of me and wanted to move to Ocean City, MD for a while, so I dropped out and followed her. We stayed there, working and partying for a couple years, then moved to Florida to do the same. Then we decided I needed to finish my degree and she wanted her masters, so we moved to Wilmington, NC, where we have never left.
    Wilmington, NC. You see, I had decided a long time ago that I would never be like my parents. I would be a successful husband and father. I would always hold a good job, save for retirement, pay for my children?s education, and take my family on vacations. Well, that lead to its own type of stress that I was not anticipating at all. I didn?t anticipate that the corporate world could drive a man to drink so much that it could control his every move! With every new job or new promotion I began to drink more. In 2000 I got pulled over after a ?dinner? party with a bag of coke and a BIG DUI. I had a wonderful lawyer who got me off with just some community service. Then in 2003, after another ?dinner? party, I was driving home and passed out, ran off the road and slammed into a telephone post head on! I was not wearing a seat belt, but somehow, in a fog of drunken stupor, with a broken windshield, air bag over me, I was able to drive all the way home (over 15 miles) without getting caught. The next morning my wife called the insurance company and told them she had hit a dear the night before L And ever since that, I had pledged not to drink and drive EVER again. So I held to my word.
    We decided to build our dream house in 2005. After buying the plans, the land, and securing a construction load, we learned we were pregnant! In addition, because I am an over achiever, I decided to be the general contractor myself. Well, let?s just say that a pretty normal beer, wine, occasional liquor drink turned into Gallons of liquor. A year after we finished the house, and had the baby we decided to open a daycare. More liquor, more wine, more whatever. Always at night. Always controlled. Never during the day. 2009 was the year that I lost control I think. I was drinking to the point of passing out every night of the week, and the volume was impressive to say the least. I was going through about 1 ? gallons of vodka, 12 bottles of wine, and a case of beer a week. My wife was helping of course, but mainly it was me.
    September 2010
    I was sitting at work thinking I was going to have a heart attack. I called my doctor and she rushed me right in. My blood pressure was 200/100 and she was afraid I was going to have a stroke. After some time and some medication, they took blood and sent me away with a script for high blood pressure meds and instructions to exercise. The next day I get a call from the lab, and they tell me that my liver enzymes are double what they should be and the doctor wants me to stop any alcohol or Tylenol for 30 days. I hang up the phone and start to think. Then I start to panic. Have I ever really even considered the idea of not having a drink? And if I had, could I not have a drink? And if I could, did I want to not have a drink?
    Well needless to say, that didn?t go well. I didn?t make it one stupid day. In fact, because I was trying to stop, it made me drink even more! So in 30 days I went back in for my blood test. The next day I got the dreaded call from the lab. This time they were more serious. ?Did you stop drinking?? No, I answered. They said that my enzymes were almost high enough to be on the liver donors list and the doctor wanted to see me ASAP. I went in and talked with the doctor. She asked me if I had a problem, and I didn?t know what to say. I just looked at the floor. For the first time in my life, all I felt was shame. She handed me a card for a wellness center and transferred me to a psychiatrist. I went out to my car and cried for half an hour. How the hell was I going to tell my family? What the hell was I going to do?
    Well, that was about 2 weeks ago. I found MWO and have been on the supplements and topomax under the care of my therapist for a week now. I have only had one alcohol free day, and I can?t even imagine having more than that. The sick part about all of this is that I know I am killing myself.
    I was told by someone here that it might help if I wrote out my story, so there it is. Hopefully, the second half won?t be as bad as the first!

    A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

    Very moving story,i wish you the best in your journey, mine is only 5 days alcohol free so im no expert to comment.



      A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

      WOW! Very moving story indeed! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

      I hope you find the strength to quit drinking. It sounds like your health is going down hill fast. You don't want to hurt your liver more than you have. You have a chance now, today, to stop drinking and give your liver a fighting chance, my friend.

      Our bodies are amazing when healing themselves if given the chance.

      You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life with your family. No matter where any of us came from, we need to learn to love ourselves enough to stop hurting ourselves (and those around us).

      Wishing you strength, peace, and, love.


        A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

        Trapped, that is a lot to happen to one person in such a short time frame. I think it's time that you started to look after yourself and know that you deserve it. You deserve to be happy and healthy and to have a great life with your family. Time to listen to what your body is screaming out to you..

        Your friend,


          A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

          You're right as always BB. I will gain the strength soon. I wish this damn Topomax would kick in...


            A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

            TrappedDad;992458 wrote: You're right as always BB. I will gain the strength soon. I wish this damn Topomax would kick in...
            I have faith in you. You've got such a beautiful family and there are still lots of things to do on your list. You're too young to just hand in the towel so easily.


              A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

              wow brother from another mother ... thankx for sharing sounds like you have been thur hell and back and im so glad to read your story ... and by you writing it all down will help you see things more clearer
              and dont worry just keep taking it one day at a time you will get to two days and then three and so on .. just rememeber we are here for you and you can do this
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                Z, I didn't know the first part, only the now part. I want to send you hugs and kisses you should have gotten as a child. But we are here now, and you are here, and as long as you stay, we can work through this. Promise.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                  I will post my journey here as it goes. I have gained so much knowledge and especially friendship here. I beleive that I reap what I sow, and in that mindset, if I can help anyone reading these posts, please feel free to PM me to talk, bitch, reason or otherwise ask for advice...the little I might have. I so want to find my way out, and I know I will! Thanks so much to Ruby, Rog, BB, Sick, Nora, Tipsy, and SO many others I am just learning to meet. Bless you all, and pray that my liver holds out!



                    A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                    What a heartwarming story ..........

                    Please keep reading and posting here, It isn't going to be easy but it will be soooo worth it ..............

                    as Ruby says, here are lots of love & hugs that you didn't get :l:h:l

                    Just do me a favour sweetheart, DONT GIVE UP!!!!

                    Lots of love & Hugs, BB xx


                      A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                      Trapped :l
                      Thank you for sharing your brought tears to my eyes.
                      We are behind you 100%. Take it one day, hour, minute or second at a time.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out


                        Hey you!! You are getting there sweetie! You had one day alcohol free!!!!!!!!!!! You didn't think you would be able to do that!!!!! So, don't say you ONLY had one day!!! Think of how far you have come. Remember when you called me and didn't think you would make it thru another minute. YOU DID!!! :l:h One day at a time.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                          Hi Trap, I was very touched by your story. I wish you sobriety,, health and happiness. The ODAT philosophy does work. Keep at it and stay close to this forum.
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                            Trapp.......You lived through quite the monster mash ! Hay we can't change the hand that was delt us , but we can change the hand that we play ! Hang in their dude......Good help here ! Tony
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              A Story of a Trapped Dad with Hope to Find His Way Out

                              Lean into your intelligent spirits brighter ideas.

                              Re write your story , feel the relief as those chains unlock all the mysteries that love you.

                              Life awaits for you as you are then are experiencing the moment when you are what bursts with originality . Then you are in the flowering .

                              Your a fragrance so original.

                              The drink distorts , yet , imagine what freedom is.

                              Then your imagined reflection is the answer.

                              " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

