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Been legal 1.5 months first DUI

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    Been legal 1.5 months first DUI

    Hello, my name is david and I was arrested for DUI last week. My 21st birthday was less than 2 months ago and i have decided that the only way to guarantee ill never get another dui is to never drink again. It has been a major wake up call for me. I havent smoke a cigarette since either, as i feel i should kill 2 birds with one stone. Theres alot of circumstances (including an unfair breathalyser refusal) that i do not want to get into. I however am horribly depressed, i only eat 1 small meal per day, and cannot bring myself to get out of bed. I tried to attend an AA meeting last night as i truly need the support from people who have been in my posistion. Quite frankly i just want to crawl into a hole and die. I am trying to make things right, have already paid over $350 in fees, and havent even gone to an arraignment yet. I couldnt get the courage to go into the meeting and i chickened out. I need advice as to how i can attend some sort of help. I am VERY embarrassed about thing whole situation, particularly because i am not a big drinker. thanks alot -DAVE

    Been legal 1.5 months first DUI

    David, hello and WELCOME!! Everyone here can relate to the embarrrassment, guilt, shame, anxiety, etc, etc. Here's a link to a weekly AA thread. Jump in and aquaint yourself - it's a great thread with some wonderfully supportive people (this whole site is like that really). They can help you muster the nerve to get to a meeting. Best to you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Been legal 1.5 months first DUI

      WELCOME DAVE ... hey dont be embarrassed ... just try and handle it i know its hard to at first ..but by going to a meeting you can really get the help of just talking and listening to others ...we have all been there and done that... i thank god every day i was never cought driving total shit face ... but hey just brush yourself off and get back to living ... coming here .. you just made your first step and awesome job on qiuting drinking and smoking
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Been legal 1.5 months first DUI

        Hi Dave. I applaud you for taking this situation seriously and owning up to your actions and consequences. You are not alone in what you've done, nor in the uncertainty and probably fear you are feeling right now. You have a wonderful opportunity to stop the madness NOW rather than let alcohol steal more of your life from you.

        I can also relate to the uncertainty you felt pulling up to the doors at the AA meeting, but not feeling the courage to go in. That has happened to a very high percentage of us who attend AA. The fellowship has helped me a lot, and I encourage you to at least check it out. It's great to have the local support of other people who share my problem, and more importantly my solution. (abstinence)

        Another option to walking into a meeting on your own is to call the local phone number for AA. These phones are usually manned by volunteers so you may get a live voice, or you may have to leave a message and get a call back. Either way, you can explain that you would like to go to a meeting but would feel better if you could ride with someone and go in together. A couple of guys will probably be more than happy to come get you and talk to you and go to a meeting with you.

        One thing is for sure - we have ALL felt that uncertainty. So everyone around the table will totally understand. I know you would be warmly welcomed. That's just how it is with AA meetings - at least every one that I have attended.

        There are some young people in your age group that attend some of the meetings I go to. I always look at them and smile, thinking how fortunate it is for them to be discovering the "dark side of AL" so young. I wish I had.

        Strength and hope to you,

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.

