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This is the story of a train wreck.

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    This is the story of a train wreck.

    Wow, just found this site, was actually looking for information because I got shit faced on saturday nite and drove home well, tried, got lost actually and then was pulled over for my probably very shady rendition of an illegal u turn, was breath tested, taken to the station for processing and then driven home by what were actually very decent cops, they were good, and I was impressed with them. I have however lost my license for 28 days. And have court pending again i guess.
    This is because, it's not my 1st run in with the law in the last few years.
    Im suprised actually, because I'm 29, a mother of two. And I have never been in any trouble until the last few years and I thought, that was something you did when you were younger and I ought to be more grown up. Im really bloody dissapointed in myself. And had to explain to my kids why we were picking up my keys from the police station. Suck.
    I used to drink too much in my teens, for a couple of years, but I decided against it and pretty much sorted it out, I am aware that I started binge drinking at 15 so I do have a pre disposition towards it and have always had to be aware of it. But thats been fine, I just kept an eye on myself, looked after myself no real problems from 17 til 27. Since then, everything has just been going absolutly from 1 thing to another, from bad to worse for a couple of years now, and as I start to sort things out I do something like this again.
    I met my ex partner at 26 and he drank too much, thats why I left him. I used to feel hurt by his actions but now I know that he'd get abusive because he was drunk and actually he was out of his own control. It caused a lot of problems for us tho, dv, police then cyfs. It would come out of absolutely nowhere, I would be ordering a pizza or getting the kids an ice cream and I'd get punched in the face. Completely randomly. He would always think it was someone else started it tho, but it was all in his head. Dealing with all that and oh wow, the effects were just tremendous, I could never have known how it is for women in these situations without experiencing it. Suddenly I was in trouble with the law. I called the cops 1 time, he smashed my phone, tossed me round a bit, crushed me with his full body weight for 10 or 15 minutes I thought I was gonna die, he was ripping my ligament and I couldn't breath, so I bit him, to make him let go. I was arrested for biting him. That was the beginning of the end. We'd break up but I was so broken I started drinking heavily again then I guess. Bout 2 and a half years ago. Iv been arrested like, 3 times since. Just compounded upon those dv incidents. Failing to appear, just has ruined my life. Iv left my partner, who actually is a lovely good guy apart from the alcohol problems. I've left him and left my job, and moved cities to be closer to family, and now I'm just really lonely and so I have too much too drink because I like the company. I absolutely hate being alone. Because after I had my kids I was alone for 4 years, and I mean really alone, because I had moved cities, and my kids father was a jealous nutbag who wouldn't allow me to make friend with anybody which is hard at the best of times with young babies, so, thats my problem now. Loneliness I think, useless eh. I just left him, and he's my best friend, because he's a drunk, and now I'm being the friggin drunk, I'm so pissed with myself. And I'm looking at mayb losing my lisence or getting a police record now too. Plus I can't even drive my kids to hockey this month, or go to sports which was positive for me so I've really cocked shit up this time. In a big way. Also, having dropped my job too move here, I now can't drive to work if I can get a job or I'll have a drink driving conviction when applying for jobs, and it's all from alcohol, I hate it. I already hated it, I said so just last week. It's ruined my whole family. I lost my partner to it. And now I've lost my lisence too. Its gotta stop, I didn't ever want to go back to court ever again, but here I am merely months down the track.

    This is the story of a train wreck.

    Its really not very good.


      This is the story of a train wreck.


      If you want to end the insanity by stopping drinking, you've come to a great place to work on it. In my personal experience, alcoholism has been progressive. It didn't start out with really bad consequences. But once the consequences started, they always got worse and never got better. The only way for me to end the consequences was to end the drinking. It's been difficult at times but I LOVE being sober and it's all been worth it.

      Have you considered downloading the My Way Out book from the Health Store and giving that a read? I think that is a good place to start. See what you think and then start making a plan.

      Strength and hope to you,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        This is the story of a train wreck.

        Misery is optional, nice, yeah and I know it's my own doing. And I'm a parent, that's the worst bit, thankyou il have a look at the book.


          This is the story of a train wreck.

          :welcome: to MWO. It's a wonderful place for support, encouragement, direction and can chat 24/7 on chat and get help when you need it. Best wishes in your journey.
          :h Mish :h
          Never give up...
          GET UP!!!

          AF since 25th November, 2011

          What might have been is an abstraction
          Remaining a perpetual possibility
          Only in a world of speculation.
          What might have been and what has been
          Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


            This is the story of a train wreck.

            hi punk i guess i could add to what others hav said,but the state your in rt now is where many get to,the substance we all thot was a friend,has becom our enemy,more or less,youve found a great site,are stories arent much different then yours,some of us hav stopped years at a time,to once again returning to our old friend,time after time ,the freind fails us,and some of us dont return,we encounter other life rewards,totally fixing our lifes,,some die,some actually lern to moderate there consumption,the statistics on total sobriety is about 20 percent success rate,the success rate for many who try to moderate is even less,ya see what we hav is an addiction,we do more,more is what we do,in everything,there are other alternatives to MWO. one of the oldest is AA,doesnt always work,psychiatric wards,that is where this ailment will take you,i wish you well gyco,how bad you want it,is how well it will work,and trust me this sobriety thing is work,ivewe been doin it for 41 years,wishing you well gyco


              This is the story of a train wreck.

              see you even lern to repeat yourself after all these years hahahahahaa


                This is the story of a train wreck.

                Thanks Mishmash and Gyco, I usually am a fairly moderate drinker, I have been dealing with my ex the past few years and it was a bit of a case of ah dear, no I'm gonna drink that not you, thanks. In order to have him moderate a bit, and I think, I might go for moderation. Since I've moved here, I'm wel, it's different, it's not my partner and I having a couple after work with dinner. It's me trying to get out and foster relationships and because I'm not at home, it tends to be, feed the kids and not me I think. Because I bring a few brews and don't want to eat ppls food, so that is where I lost it, I'm sure. The low blood sugar had me making poorer dicisions sooner and I made a mess of myself. Then not being in a comfortable environment, ie. with my partner, I up and decided to go home. I think I can moderate my drinking so long as I just start thinking about my safety again, since the norm has changed. Also, I was beating myself up about not having a job, since I moved here ( 6 wks ) , and this has made me think, no, maybe the no license, enforced break is a good thing. Maybe I was just beginning to burn out, I'm a solo mother of two and I've been taking on a lot for years, and putting pressure on myself about not having a job, and the relationship breakdown etc. was just making me start to crack. So I'm now thinking ( since I can't really go anywhere) about playstation=) haha and online learning. Maybe it's time I could go back and finish my degree.
                Mines not so much a physical addiction of alcohol as it is a sign of underlying problems. Also, the biggie in the wknd was that I don't remember eating anything that day. Not like me as I have a fast metabolism and am quite physical I need fuel or my brain degenerates.
                Maybe that's just a big old excuse, but actually, I've just lost my partner, my home and my job. I'm not suprised that I cracked up a bit. I don't get drunk like that if I'm not lonely and depressed and indeed if I simply tell myself not too, and have a feed and set myself a limit.
                Does that sound like a flake out to you?? Maybe I should read my lil story and answer that myself huh!!
                Thanx guys.


                  This is the story of a train wreck.

                  Hmm, yep, I'll have to have a good think about that. For all the arrests so far tho, none of them stuck, before this one, because they we're actually all rubbish. My ex would tell the police these stories he'd make up to cover himself, like, just say you tripped over my boot and hit your face on the door etc. Or show them a bruise from his work, and say I'd beaten him with a vacuum cleaner 1st. It was quite amazing, I have pages of these complete lies, he's actually asked me to help him come up with these stories. I understand tho, he was trying to keep from going to jail. And for all that it sounds bloody awful and shameful and I don't like talking about that. And it may sound like I'm shifting blame, actually, I refuse to take responsibility for his violence. So, yea, I am still feeling the effects of it and haven't quite found my feet yet. I do need to take responsibility for my safety at this point and I need to look after my emotional health. Hence the some time out, a little less pressure on myself to have everything running perfectly straight away, and hell I might even go back and finish the degree I was doing before I met him. I should probably be on a domestic violence site really, I think. Or talking to a counsellor, having said that, hopefully I won't be back with another carriage in canarge any time soon either.


                    This is the story of a train wreck.

                    I think your on the right site. i don't have any help on the domestic violence side of thing's really, but when we are drunk everything can get cranked up to exploding point . I ended up in a very bad car crash about ten years ago when i was drunk. I at the time did'nt think i had a drink problem, It was clear to others i had . i've tried to controll my drinking by not drinking every night .have now decided there is no controlling for me . try going 30 days AF see how you feel after, I am 15 days AF now and feel really good for it
                    AF 5/jan/2011


                      This is the story of a train wreck.

                      welcome thank for sharing .. this a great site to learn your way out good luck and we are here for you
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        This is the story of a train wreck.

                        Yea okay, ur on. I can do that, tryin ta give up smoking anyway lol . Thanx . Hahaha it should be easy actually, I'd have ta bus to go get liquor now anyway =) come on kids, we're takin an afternoon trip to liquor mart !! Ahaha no, I won't go that far I don't think... U'll find out here...


                          This is the story of a train wreck.

                          Thanks tlrgs.

