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Mum of two giving it a try

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    Mum of two giving it a try

    Just checking in to see how you are getting on Tweed? I am now on day 22 and feeling great. I had my Christmas party on Friday and loved being the only sober one and being able to drive home. It is my Sons first birthday today and we went out to dinner. I thought it would be hard as it's my first time out for a meal since giving up alcohol and I would always used to have a glass of wine - I didn't miss it a bit. I am now sitting here with a cup of tea and feeling very proud of myself. I love this site, it really helps me. Thanks all.
    AF since 23/11/2010


      Mum of two giving it a try

      That's great to hear, Mrs. B. Keep rockin' it!
      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        Mum of two giving it a try

        Hello everyone, I am on day 31 today so doing well, although I must confess I had one glass of wine last night to congratulate myself, but that was it, I was able to stop and feel guilty about it!

        Christmas party for me coming up in two days and a visit from my mother in law will be challenging, but I am feeling confident.

        I've lost about 5 pounds as well, so that is keeping me motivated. The stress levels are way down and I'm sleeping really well.

        Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, and well done to you Mrs. B!! I am finding by visiting this site every few days it gives me the motivation to keep trying.


          Mum of two giving it a try

          Hi Tweed, just wondering how it's going for you?
          AF since 23/11/2010

