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How did I get here

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    How did I get here

    I remember first coming to this site many years ago when I was drinking way too much and blamed it on my toxic marriage. Six years have passed, divorced, re-married with new baby boy and yet I find myself back again. Why? I dont get it, I have a lovely husband, gorgeous baby and yet I feel my life is spinning out of control again. I have been suffering from post-natal depression and the only way I know how to deal with it is by drinking because thats what I do when things get on top of me. I know I need to stop otherwise I will lose everything, but I dont know where to begin.

    Shell775 - make the bottle disapear!!

    How did I get here

    Welcome back Shell. I have learned that we can blame everything, but alcoholism is a disease in my opinion, and we just cant process it like others.
    Check out the newbies thread. You will feel at home there. Congtrats on the new marriage and baby. Has your doc got you on anti-depressants??
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      How did I get here

      There are many threads that can help you with this. Normally, people don't use alcohol to relieve their stress, but do it through exercise or other healthy ways. I wasn't one of those! But if you read a lot here, you may find the tools you needs to make some positive changes in your life.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        How did I get here

        :welcome:Shell, there is a wealth of information here. Starting out at the tool box is a good idea:

        Read, make a plan, decide if you're serious about quitting, consider AA in conjunction with MWO. Post your questions.

        Alcohol is a dead end - I hope you can take care of the post partum problem with your doctor. Alcohol is a short term fix that can get you into a long-term downward spiral!

        Wishing you the best,


          How did I get here

          Hi Shell and welcome. I am also the mum of two young ones and I have every reason to be happy as well - I asked myself the same question. I had post natal after my second and drank way too much. I'm from Australia as well and they have some good programs here in State hospitals, perhaps you should try and get a referral into one of these? The first step is posting, well done to you!

