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Lost Everything

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    Lost Everything

    3 years ago I was a v successful employee of Disney, making a lot of money for both the company and myself. I had a stunning girlfriend, many friends, a stable house and my health.

    Now take them all away because of the drinking.

    It does make me wonder WHY I started in the first place with all those things. I guess I am realising it's because I didn't/don't like myself. Maybe if I can fix that....I can start to rebuild my life.

    Would love to chat to all of you and support where I can if you'll do the same.

    All the best!:new:
    If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan

    Lost Everything

    Welcome Englishwriter, there is plenty of support, help and non judgmental advice here. You have taken an important first step by posting, feel free to pop in where you feel comfortable I am sure you be made welcome. Sorry to hear of your troubles but maybe you can use these adversities to help strengthen your resolve.
    Keep safe
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Lost Everything

      Hi there,

      Just wanting to give you some support and welcome you to MWO.

      Onward and upward from here, starting today. All the best to you.


        Lost Everything

        Welcome, English.. glad you stumbled in there (pardon the pun).
        There is much support and wisdom to be found on the boards, in the MWO book and an abundance of coping skills in the Toolbox thread.

        I wish you well on your journey.
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Lost Everything

          Welcome EW77! You can do this! Admitting you need to work on it is the first giant step. Good for you.:l

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            Lost Everything

            I'm new here too, and like the others wish you well and hope you find as much support and info here as i am finding. Re the title of your post, despite the grief alcohol has given you, all is not lost or surely you would not be here ? Take care of yourself, don't worry too much now about the how and why's about your past, it's what you do from here that counts. I think it was Hemmingway that said something like "life breaks everyone and some of us are strong in the broken places"... There is strength in all this, you have to be strong to even admit it has all gone pear shaped, it's quite easy to just go on and not do anything (i'm an expert there !) My life is a basically mess right now, but whatever i have lost, i know i stand to gain so much more/different - but not while i'm looking at the world from the bottom of a bottle ! Wishing you the best of all things and whatever it takes for you to build something better


              Lost Everything

              :welcome: EnglishW & Kelvie
              So glad you both found us and I look forward to getting to know you, I found this site this time last year when i was desperate and in a mess, it is a wonderful place and the support for me was a life saver. English I have lost a lot ironically this year since getting sober but one thing no one can take away is my sobriety and that is proving to be priceless!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Lost Everything

                Thanks chillgirl, yep, sobriety is priceless (what was i doing giving mine away !!) i went through some of the toughest years of my life without drink, and with it even easy things seem hard sometimes... whatever we lose, or whatever is taken from us, at least sober we have a chance to deal with it clearly... my current mess is largely of my own making, so i'm hoping i can clear it up and move on. Glad to hear you made it


                  Lost Everything

                  Thanks all! It does feel good to be here and that I just stumbled into a warm bosom!

                  I know this is just the beginning however, but am now in it for the long haul rather than stints here and there of sobriety. Scary stuff
                  If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                    Lost Everything

                    English, are you looking to possibly moderate later on or to abstain? Or have you thought that far ahead yet..


                      Lost Everything

                      My problem has always been I convince myself I can be a 'moderator' but it gets hold of me again, so probably will be abstinent!
                      If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                        Lost Everything

                        No warm bosom here, haven't stopped intermittently shivering since the last bender :$ The scary thing, yeah, that was one of the things that kept me in the "i'll just have another go at tackling it tomorrow," but tomorrow kept being a day away. For me there's another kind of scary too, the one where you go for something new, when you are worried you may not pull it off, but you want to, need to. Hard to put into words, but like deep down i know this is the way to go, even if i'm worried, like i can use the scary feeling to keep me on my toes (better than to be on my toes than flat on my face after a nights boozing !!) Hang on in there English


                          Lost Everything

                          English, if I may be so bold maybe consider committing to 30 days AF and then see how you are feeling. No doubt you will be able to think more clearly.
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Lost Everything

                            Welcome English and also Kelvie:welcome:

                            You have most definitley found a soft place to land. I found this amazing community about five months ago and I truly believe it has not only saved my sanity and my life, but helped me to find ME.

                            I can relate to the losses English...I lost a great business, money a relationship and my self respect. But one thing that al didnt rob from me was my fighting spirit and my unwillingness to accept that my life would amount to nothing more than a lurch from one drunken crisis to another.

                            I have found a great deal of strength within myself that I had almost given up on. Today I have been offered a great job. My relationships with my children and family is better than ever and life is looking very exciting indeed.

                            I hope to see you here often, posting, asking questions....there are members here with mountains of collective wisdom who genuinely want to share with you. I love the sober life and I will crawl over broken glass to hang on to it. LOve and Grace Saff x
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Lost Everything

                              Thanks for all your responses. It is genuinely moving to be able to tell people you're an alcoholic and not get looked at like you just said you "killed puppies for fun"!

                              KTAB - I think this part of it is more for other people than me. They would immediately think I was going to go straight back to 'full-blown alcholic' and hence why I think maybe it's all or nothing.

                              Saff - Thanks for your kind words - Can't wait to be where you are soonest!
                              If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan

