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    Hello everyone!

    I am new here and not sure where to begin. I want to learn to drink in moderation which I find very hard to do. I don't drink every day but when I do, I can't seem to it in moderation. Perhaps with MWO I can learn to do it. This might be a new beginning for me as I have tried to do it so many times. I have been looking for a program like this on line and I hope this is the one that will help me.


    Hello everyone!

    Hiya Savanah -
    I can't moderate, I have tried and seem to slip back to my old ways of drinking 24/7. AF all the way for me now and I love it.
    There are some here who successfully manage to moderate, have a look on the moderation thread
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      Hello everyone!

      moderation is possible but not easy, im pursuing this as well and havin a hard time....looks like medication+some AF time is necessary. Atleast for me.
      Say, Mr. Fields, I read in the paper where you consumed two quarts of liquor a day. What would your father think about that?
      WC: He'd think I was a sissy.


        Hello everyone!

        :welcome: Savannah - I hope you can achieve your goal. I can't moderate so can't advise you, but there is a moderation thread, so try to read as much of that as you can.
        Good luck,
        K x
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          Hello everyone!

          Welcome, Savannah! :goodjob: on taking steps to get your drinking under control! As you may know, it gets worse. I am like zeppie and discovered modding is impossible and now, I wouldn't give up my AF life for anyting! You might want to start by reading the MWO book. You can download it from the health store at the top of this (or any) page. Roberta recommends 30 AF days before trying to moderate. You may find, like many, that after 30 days, you realize you like it so much you stay that way! Best to you in your journey. Shout out for help - there's plenty of people here with all kinds of experience.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Hello everyone!

            Hi Savannah,

            Welcome : )
            I have also tried to mod on and off over the years. I have had quite a few long periods
            ( up to a year )of sobriety over that time. All I can say, from my experience, is that I do not believe simply getting some AF time under ones belt is enough to change one's drinking patterns.
            I personally am trying to redirect my neural pathways through NLP ( neuro linguistic programming ) and am going to try modding again after 6 months AF. I do not know if I will be successful but I am going to give it ONE MORE TRY! I do believe that if you do not have an 'allergy' or major physical addiction ( eg daily 24/7 drinking ) that you can redirect your pathways to change! Well I hope so at least....Best of success in whichever path you take.
            I will keep you posted on my NLP success or not.
            Take care
            I am Perfectly Imperfect!

