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    SALUTATIONS! That?s what Wilbur said to Charlotte when he first met the spider in the book ?Charlotte? Web? (one of my favorite children?s books & movies!). And I can?t think of a better word to greet you all with than that! This is my first post; I have been ?lurking? on this forum for about a week now (well, lurking sounds kind of creepy but I have been touched and humbled by all of your stories and feel compelled to join in the wonderful ?web? of support and share my story, in hopes that it might help someone else as you have all helped me). By the way, thank you all for helping me get to day 5 of sobriety! This site has been a tremendous source of strength for me in getting through the week sober and you did all of this without even knowing I was out here! Thank you Thank you THANK YOU! I will jump on in on the Newbies/Just Starting Out threads, but I figured the "My Story" section is a better place to post this particular post, as it really is about my "story"!

    How did I get to be an alcoholic? My mother is one for starters. She and I would drink a few glasses of wine before dinner back in my late teens when I was home for the summers in between college. When I went back to school out of state, I never drank, it was just at home with my Mom. My mother is still with us, in her early 70?s, and drinks her wine everyday. I have not told her that I am sober yet but I know she has mentioned before that she thought she was a bad influence for me in that regard, so I think she will be happy for me, even though I know she will continue to drink her wine when around me.

    Then I got married shortly after graduating from college. I married an alcoholic, who ended up being a mean drunk and mentally and physically abusive. I escaped the marriage with my life (and my dog!), in my late 20?s. I remember reading one of those funny magnets which went something like this: ?Better to Have Loved and Lost Than Have Spent the Rest of Your Life With a Psycho!? This, sadly, was very true in my situation. I did not escape AL at that time though. Instead, I led the party girl single life, and met people and did things that I am not proud of today, but that is all in the past.

    Fast forward a few years later to meeting the man of my dreams, my wonderful husband. In fact, we are celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary this coming weekend! This time last year, we were packing our bags to fly off to sunny Jamaica where we had a dreamy destination wedding on the beach! And since we live in the Northeast, escaping to a tropical paradise was quite the treat. I wish we were going today as we are faced with the severe blizzard predicted for coastal Massachusetts. Anyway, it is kind of cozy being inside these sort of days and waking up with a clear head even when it?s snowing out makes it a beautiful morning no matter what. My husband drinks craft beers regularly, good thing I do not like beer as it is in the house?lol. I told him earlier this week that I am giving up AL for a while as I thought I was drinking too much. At first I thought I could limit it to special occasions, like a few times a year, but I am really leaning toward permanently being AF as I am seeing far too many benefits in such a short time. For our wedding anniversary this weekend, I plan to drink flavored seltzer out of a champagne glass so at least it ?feels? like a special drink?lol. I do have a bottle of champagne in the fridge (never really liked Champagne?it is left over from New Year?s), but I?m sure hubby will have a glass or 2 on our anniversary and the rest of the bottle I can use as a hair rinse once it has gone flat (yes, any left over beer or champagne adds body to your locks as a final rinse in the shower?the only good thing I think it does for you!). I think it has to do the sugars in the AL which are good for your hair. Read it in a natural healthy hair book?lol. However, I am not advocated buying booze to have in the house for your shiny locks! It?s just a way I can justify getting rid of that bottle of bubbly?lol.

    I was actually NOT planning to give up AL as a New Year?s resolution for 2011 and here is a roundabout way of how I came to being sober for 5 days, and you guys play a major role here?thank you! Everyday (for over a decade, plus a few years) I would wake up, hung over after my night of drinking several glasses of red wine (my poison of choice was a nice, rich Cabernet) telling myself that this had to stop and I would not drink later that day, only to go to work and come home again, reaching for my wine glass and filling it to the brim. And so the cycle continued. I was never a morning drinker and I never drank while at work, BUT on my 2 days off each week, I would find myself reaching for a glass of wine around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, justifying it because it was my day off, or didn?t French women always have a glass of wine with their midday meal?, etc., etc. Well, one glass (as we know) turns into 2 and so on and so forth. So, by 4PM, I was already quite buzzed and the evening hadn?t even begun yet. Other days, I would come home from work around 6PM, anxious for my first glass of wine and ended up drinking several before the night was over. I would skip lunch so I would come home on a really empty stomach so the wine would hit me quicker, how bad is that? Oh, and I switched over to buying boxed wine for 2 reasons?1: For economy?s sake and 2: Because you can?t see how far down the box gets like you can in a regular bottle! Heck, a regular sized bottle of wine was a ?single serving? with my huge wine goblets?lol. Anyway, shame on those wineries that have come out with darn good quality boxed wine over the years! I ended up buying a box of wine (equivalent to 4 bottles) about every other day, just so I wouldn?t run out. That?s a few boxes a week, way too much! Anyway, I wanted to shed a few pounds for the start of the year, (about 10 pounds, since hubby and I want to go back to Jamaica later this winter, and he mentioned something about seeing me in a bikini again?yikes!) so I started a new way of eating, which is low carb. Actually, I am not only doing it just for the ?bikini fear factor?, but because I truly feel better eating this way as a whole, not just for vanity?s sake! For those of you familiar with it, it is the Atkins diet. I have pretty much eaten this way to maintain my weight, through all that high carb wine drinking, but I never fully gave the diet a chance to work its magic because I never could cut out the alcohol, which is a requirement for the first few weeks of the diet, referred to as ?Induction?, where you have to restrict your carbs to about 20 per day. And I was drinking well over that on wine alone?lol! This brings me to how I found Well, I wasn?t looking for an AF support site, I was actually Googling how many carbs in a glass of red wine, so I could fit it into my daily carb count?how sad is that? Then, fortunately for me, I did stumble on this site and I have been visiting every day since. After a rather heavy drinking spell last Friday night and waking up with a severe hangover Sat. am (I work early on Sat. am, so that always stinks!), I decided to GIVE UP THE WINE and follow the low carb diet to a tee. And I am so happy I did. Here are the benefits I am seeing so far:

    1-A good night?s rest for once! I can sleep a full 8 hours, even if I get up once in the middle of the night, I fall back to sleep easily. When I was drinking, I was in the pattern of waking up at 2AM and being wide awake until 4 or 5AM and then wake up exhausted.

    2-Waking up without a hangover! I still shake my head in the morning to see how bad the wine headache is?well, it?s no longer there!!! I wake up actually humming while I make my morning coffee. This morning I was humming Bob Marley?s ?Every Little Thing is Gonna Be Alright? And how true it is.

    3-The bloating my my stomach and puffy face and bloodshot eyes are gone. I have always exercised and tried to eat right even when drinking, but I always knew that no matter how many sit-ups I did, I would never have the flat belly I once had if I continued to drink. Now it is coming back with a vengeance?hee hee!

    4-Having more energy! I am a manager at a busy health food store and I am on my feet all day?lifting boxes of products, stocking shelves, helping customers. I find I am more energetic and get more done in the course of my work day. I am also nicer to customers! PS, I did scope out the Kudzu (sp?) on the shelf in the herbal section the other night, but I am not taking it yet, not sure if I well. I do take quite a lot of supplements since I get most of them as free samples. And I do take Milk Thistle, which is a wonderful healing herb for all the damage I have done to my liver. Sadly, I had a blood test a few months ago as part of my annual exam and it turned out that my liver is ?slightly swollen?. So they requested that I be retested after a week and said not to drink or take any Ibuprofen. Well, I have not been back because I couldn?t go a week without drinking! How sad is that? I was also scared to be retested and find out something worse. So, I am pampering my liver with the Milk Thistle and other liver detox herbs, as well as eating Milk Thistle seed (I buy it whole and toast it in the oven with some salt, etc., and it is yummy! I read that taking it this way is most beneficial for the liver). If anyone is still reading this novel and wants that recipe, I will be happy to post!

    5-Not going to bed with all of my makeup on and having raccoon eyes in the morning! Ladies, you probably know what I?m talking about! After a night of wine sipping, I would be too buzzed and tired to take off my makeup and wash my face before going to bed, which is not good for your skin. Now I do that every night and am able to use the luxurious night creams that I always skipped when I was too lazy from drinking! So not only do I wake up sober but my skin looks great too?lol.

    There are many more things to list but these are the ones I am noticing right away. I also think the low carb diet is helping with cravings as I am not as hungry on it and I know that hunger is a trigger for me to crave wine. I have had a few suprising sugar cravings this week since I cut out the wine and from reading your posts, I see I am not the only one. After all, once we have cut out the ?liquid sugar, meaning AL? our body will crave it in other foods?like chocolate! If I do have a sugar craving, I will sweeten some tea with Splenda since I can?t have sugar on low carb. Another thing that has helped is that I have been giving myself little treats each day as a reward for not drinking. These treats are as small as a new bottle of nail polish, a music CD, and one of my best treats so far is that I bought myself a new fragrance the other day, and I am referring to it as my ?Sober Scent!?. It is a happy, fruity scent?very bright and cheerful. And that?s how I?m feeling! You know how scents can revoke certain memories? My theory is that by selecting a new perfume to mark this positive transition in my life will help reinforce the new AF me everytime I apply it. Need to go squirt some on now!

    Ok, sorry for the extra long post but I have lots I wanted to share and as part of my sobriety, I am committed to being on this board frequently to learn, share, and heal with you all. As a side note, I am not one for social media (Facebook) or a regular poster on any boards of any sort. I just felt very safe and at home here and so I decided to take the ?plunge?. :thanks:
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



    hello and welcome :welcome:
    glad youve found us and are taking the opportunity to help yourself to a better life. i love the idea of a sober scent. i think ill go find one for myself.
    you're already seeing the benefits of not drinking so hopefully when you go back for your tests you liver will also have seen the benefits
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows



      Thank you Spuddleduck! Yes, my plan is to get the blood test redone in 2 weeks and I'm hoping that "pampering" my liver with the supplements and AF lifestyle will reveal a healthier test my liver enzymes. I am now excited for the blood work results where before I was embrassed to get them done again in fear that the results would be same or even worse!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.




        GREAT post Blonde!!! You will fit in here just fine with that sense of humour!

        BIG WELCOME to you!!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010



          :welcome: Blonde,

          Glad that you are already seeing the benefits of being AF. Keep reading and posting and treating yourself!

          Hope to read more of your progress soon,
          K x
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos



            Hi Blonde - great post and Welcome





              Hi Blonde-

              Welcome - it's great to have you here. Wine is also my drink of choice and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it slightly. I have been AF for 21 days and let me tell you - the benefits you are seeing only get BETTER!!! One thing I have noticed is how much more productive my work outs are and I am already starting to see results.

              Good luck on your journey and I look forward to getting to know you better.

              l x
              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"



                Thank you all for your kind words...I am looking forward to tomorrow, which will be day 6 of no wine! If I feel this optimistic during the bleak month of January, I can only imagine how good it will feel when the weather gets warmer and the birds are back outside singing. Hope everyone is having a peaceful AF night!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.




                  Me and my Mom. My mom is also a wine pusher. She has been trying, with great success I might add, to get us to drink with her for years. I have told her that I am not drinking for 3 month, and she just laughed and said I was being silly. We shall see. Maybe I will have to be the roll model once again.

                  I'm right beside you on the boxed wine too Blonde. I think it's all about not seeing what you are drinking. Less bottles to reycle too. Welcome to MWO
                  Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale



                    Great story Blondie - I've already said hello in the Newbies Nest.
                    Very happy to have you with us
                    Congrtas on making a great decision, you won't be sorry!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                      On Mother and Daughters and Drinking...

                      Thanks everyone for reading my story and for all of the encouragement!

                      Judestir, I can relate to your reply about telling your mom about your giving up wine for 3 months and she laughing at the idea. I still haven't had the occasion to tell my mother about me giving up AL since I have not seen her all week, just emails. But I know that when I do tell her that I am sober, she'll come back with something like, "well...we'll see". That's her favorite expression. Well, no we won't just "see", we will "DO"!

                      I am not blaming my mother for my AL problem as it wasn't she who forced wine down my throat all of these years. Only I can be accountable for that and I accept that. But, I often wonder that if I had a mother who didn't encourage to drink in those early years, how would things have turned out differently for me?

                      While we are on the subject of my mother, I just have to get this out (I love this site for letting me be able to do that!). I can't answer the phone at night when I know it's my mother calling because I know she is drunk (anytime past 5PM, I know she is well into her wine...she drinks about 1 large bottle of Chardonnay a day, that's 2 of the smaller bottles!. The saying,"tomorrow is another Chardonnay" totally applies to her!). I know that if I answer the phone, the conversation will only end in an argument or at least sorrow, as she is a very billigerent (sp?) drunk. Even when we get together for family events, which always include drinking (holidays, etc.) she lures my husband into talk about politics, when she knows they are on opposite sides of the wings! I have asked her not to get going on politics because it only ends up in an argument...not a major one as, fortunately, my husband is loving and laid back and understands that she is just doing that because she is drunk and he always "lets it go". It is a shame that he cannot hold an intelligent debate with her about politics as he really is an expert on many aspects of it, and is an avid history buff that knows his FACTS to back up his arguments. My mom just has quotes from talk (I often think Hubby should run for president!) Getting back to not answering her phone calls, the sad thing is that someday my mom won't be around and I keep thinking to myself everytime I don't answer that I will regret it someday and feel guilty that I am not answering...what if it really is an emergency? Oh well, then she will leave a message I hope. Rational me tells myself that, since I know the conversation will end up badly, it is better NOT answer and call her in the morning when she is sober and a different person. I should add that when we do spend time together not drinking, we get along fine. I need to plan more of that. It's just that after our non-drinking time, it always ends up with drinking! For example, "let's get a manicure together and then you can come over for a glass (or 5) of wine".

                      I guess, in a way, seeing my mom act this way as an alcoholic just makes me stronger and realize that I don't want to end up like that. Ironically, all of my friends and many aquaintances always say to me, "geez, your mother is so sweet and full of life, you are so lucky to have a mom like that". Little do they know she drinks herself into oblivion every night, usually by herself. It's very sad. :upset: I do love her very much, afterall, she is my mother, but I wonder how much better we could be as mother and daughter in a clean, sober life. Anyway, thank for letting me vent and I am rambling but at least I'm doing it in "my story"

                      Let me close this with a joke as my sense of humor often carries me through the darkest the way, my mom has a great sense of humor as well

                      "My mother doesn't give me guilt trips, she runs the travel agency!" I saw that on a magnet somewhere and in the case of my mother, it is very true!:H
                      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                      BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!



                        You are me and I am you. I need to lose ten pounds. Want to do the atkins. Realize that the carbs in wine will screw that plan up. Going on a hot winter vacation in six weeks. Drink Red wine every night. Not too too much. Know I drink too often more than too much. If I drank what I drink every night three times a week I would be the poster child for the healthy French Paradox. But I do it every night. Not too drunk. Very functional. Can't lose the ten pounds. Loved your story. I find it hard to give up the glass or three with the nice meal that I create on a nightly basis. Thanks. More food for thought.

                        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                        ? Lao-Tzu



                          A wonderful post! I love the fact you are so positive! I wish for you all the very best and it does look like you have come at this young and that is a very good sign.
                          In your posts several things hit me! My daughter and I, she will not answer the phone to me. Even when I am sober, she just can't go there with me. But also, she and I, 5 years ago when I lived within miles of her and even after when I would fly back home, we drank! I would get to her house after driving a rental car for 3 hours and no matter what time, 10:30 am she would bring out the beer or a mixed drink and we would start drinking. Her husband, who I admire so much, would make comments about her drinking and then immediately buffer it with, if I had to take care of three little kids I would probably drink too. Yes, he drinks, but not during the day. I would find hidden beer cans and bottles in her bathroom cupboards as I was looking for a hair dryer or something I hadn't brought with me. I haven't seen my daughter in 5 years now. Her younger, 35 year old husband had a heart attack last summer and doesn't drink as much, I've heard. I see pictures of her on FB and that is not my daughter. She has 3 kids in elementary school and I worry that she is drinking. She told me last time I saw her, drinking, she hates to communicate with me because she sees herself in me.
                          She called on Christmas day, put little grandkids on speaker phone with me and my drunk husband came out of his office calling me horrible names! She grabbed the phone and told me she would never speak with me again. We did talk the next day for a few minutes.

                          I have to quit again!! I have too, I don't want to die with my kids and grandkids having to know their Grandmother died an alcoholic, plus I want a normal life again.

                          Hang in there. I can relate to the wine boxes! Not funny but we need to laugh once in awhile.

                          You are doing this ar just the right time!! I wish for you all the success I can see you'll have. Yes, you found a wonderful place to share your thoughts.

                          All the best to you!



                            Bonjour Tipp!

                            On the Atkins diet, I have lost about 5 pounds so far, maybe 5 more to go. I also feel like I have lost inches instead of just pounds, but that could be from not being bloated after a night of wine drinking. If you are looking to also lose just 10 pounds, you could probably do it quite easily on the low carb diet, but I will be honest with you, it won't come off until you get rid of the wine. You see, your body will turn to burning AL first and foremost, before it burns carbs from anything else you eat or before it starts burning fat. So, AL will always slow down your rate of burning fat and losing weight. Hard fact to swallow, trust me, as I tried low carb but still drank the high carb wine for years...I might have as well have eaten pure sugar, even though I never touched dessert! I even cut out my share of low carb veggies on the atkins plan so I could make room for the carbs in the wine, but that was self-defeating and the scale remained the same. This morning I lost another 1/2 a pound (I weigh myself everyday, just another addiction I guess!). I know that it is hard to give up the nighly wine ritual. I never ever thought I could until I did 2 things: 1-Came Here, 2-Went full speed ahead with Atkins Induction, which is a period of 2 weeks that you do 20 carbs a day. I think a glass of red wine has up to 6-8 carbs per glass, so you see where that is going to add up quickly on atkins carb allowance. I registered on their website (the official website, They have lots of free tools and I even got a free kit with cookbooks and a few free low-carb snack bars which are quite yummy! There is another website that I get inspiration from. It is a woman who has been living low-carb for years, and in her site, I remember reading her opinion on AL, and seeing that she is so in shape and seems very happy, I see myself in her and it motivates me even more. It is a site called, and I go on from time to time to see how she is doing. She posts lots of photos and seems like a genuine nice person trying to help folks that are committed to low carb living. Anyhow, that's a lot of info on low carb, but you seem interested in it, so I thought I'd share what worked for me!

                            Lucky you for getting to go on a vacation soon! That is a great motivator to start a diet...we are going to Jamaica in March, so I am keeping that as a motivator for getting in better shape over the next 2 months!

                            Hope you are well, ma amie!
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!



                              Hello Saving Grace,

                              Thank you for posting on my thread. I feel for you! I am sorry that you have not seen your daughter in 5 years. Life is so short. My mother now lives right around the corner from me (she used to live about a 6 hour drive away). You would think that we would spend more time together now that she moved closer to me, but it doesn't seem that way. And now I'm not sure how it is going to be with me sober and her not. I am into 13 days of AF, and I haven't seen my mother (just our weekly emails), so I haven't told her that I plan to remain AF yet. The time we spent together the last few years always included wine, so this will be challenging and I hope it will heal our relationship in some way, although I know that she will continue to drink. She has started dating a nice man (my father passed away many years ago and she never seriously dated until this year), and I think she is drinking less with him around, even though he drinks, I don't think he is a heavy drinker, so I believe that will help her at least drink less in the long run.

                              Anyway, back to you, your post really touched my heart and I hope that you and your daughter can make amends very soon. I feel that she needs you badly. Now that you are sober, you can start being the mother again and she will see herself in you in a positive way, and not a negative one. She will see a strong and sober mother, living a happy, healthy AF life, and that will begin a "law of attraction" for good things and sobriety, that will spiral into her life, if she is open to accepting it. You need to be her beacon of light, think of a lighthouse in the can see it from a distance, but you have to get through the mist and deep waves to get to the safe harbor. My wish for you is that you will both be reunited in a "safe harbor" very soon.

                              Geez, it is easy to speak to you this way, Saving Grace, and I hardly know you. I wish I could speak to my own mother this way. I just learned something very valuable about my own relationship with my mother from your post, thank you my friend! We can do this! Congratulations on your decision to go AF. That is half the battle, I think.
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

