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Welcome day 1...again!

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    Welcome day 1...again!

    Hi everyone,

    Well, I am once again attempting to rid myself of the crazy addiction that torments my soul nightly! I have been a heavy drinker for many years and have gone on and off the wagon several times. Once I even made it three months Then a family member died and well, so much for coping skills! Recently I went 7 weeks and then thought, "gee, a drink sounds good tonight. I've been doing so good I am sure this time I can keep it under control." Well, since I am here on MWO, we all know how that turned out!

    Anyway, I am the mother of two beautiful children (7 and 9) and wife to one great husband. I know in my heart that if I don't get it together, my health will deteriorate and I may end up not seeing my children grow up. That would be a tragedy.

    So here I am on day one, again. I started taking Antabuse just to kick start my sobriety as the first few days are very difficult. Then I am going to try Campral in an attempt to "reset" my brain. I am looking forward to also Utilizing this on-line community to build new bonds with others that are struggling the way I am or those that are persevering the way I hope to.

    Welcome day 1...again!

    hi there cm4l,
    welcome to a great place.
    i've found nothing but comfort,support & friendship here.
    having said that.i'm also a stubborn girl who has not yet kicked the booze habit but wanting to do so. when that will happen - who knows? my own self sabotages quite well as the alkie brain still rules.
    i hope you find all the help in the world here as i have done, but with better success......
    stay around! it's a lovely community.


      Welcome day 1...again!

      Hi ChangingMe - Good for you for wanting to change. You have come to the right place. I am also taking Antabuse and I do have a prescription for Campral. I wanted to get some good AF time under my belt before I even attempted to start the Campral.
      There are so many supportive people here. There is a lot of good information. Just be sure to keep reading and posting & reading and posting. That is the key. When you feel those thoughts come on, pop on here and start reading.
      Glad to meet you. Congratulations on taking this step. :welcome:
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Welcome day 1...again!

        Hi Changing,

        Just wanted to welcome you. Antabuse got me my longest sober time so far since I relapsed and became a serial relapser. Just a word of warning, it ended up not working for me because all it did was JUST stop me drinking. Not enough to just do that. By all means use it to get some Alcohol Free time, but while you are doing that, work on your coping skills as well or access a support network. Otherwise you'll just be white-knuckling it and that is no way to maintain a sustained sobriety.

        Also as far as I am aware Campral doesn't 'reset' your brain. I thought it merely helped with cravings. I could be wrong though.

        Read others' suggestions on here and post as well - don't hesistate to ask for advice when you need it.
        Good luck,
        K x
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          Welcome day 1...again!

          Thanks everyone for your responses. It has made me feel a lot more connected than the other times I just looked around on MWO. I feel great this morning, Hence the no hangover!! I am going to certainly stay involved in the reading and posting and hopefully make some new connections with other great people. Hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday.


            Welcome day 1...again!

            Changing - You might want to check out some threads. There is the Newbies Nest under Just Starting Out. And there is The Journey Begins Here and the Army Thread under General Discussion.
            There are great people posting there. Hope to see you.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Welcome day 1...again!

              Hi Changing and welcome to a great place the people here has helped me loads. Lots to read keep posting and let people get to know you , it will help you feel right at home
              AF 5/jan/2011

