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My story...

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    My story...

    Hi there,

    I am 41, happily married (5 years in Oct) with a 17 year old daughter and a 17 month old son. I have been drinking heavily for over 20 years, I drink around a bottle a night 5 or sometimes 7 nights a week, I have had a couple of completely sober periods - whilst pregnant with my DD and my DS, other than that any attempts I have made have lasted a few days before I have caved in and hit the bottle/s again!

    I would say I have had a happy life so far although certain events (my father's suicide, the breakup of my first marriage, a partner cheating on me to name but a few) have definitely exacerbated my drinking habits, but overall I think I just LIKE drinking, I have always liked the taste of alcohol and the feeling of being drunk and my social life has always revolved around drinking. I also think that my parents attitude to alcohol has influenced me - my Dad went to the pub every night and my Mum thought nothing of downing a bottle of sherry in an evening and I often saw her drunk on social occasions.

    Anyway, my drinking has definitely become an issue, I feel like I have no control over the amount I drink and I am regularly racking my brains in the morning as to what I have watched on tv or eaten or whether I had a row with my DH, my looks are suffering and I have gained so much weight, I hate who I have become :upset:

    So here I am, ready and willing to try to sort out my shambles of a life, I want to change for myself but also for my husband, he is so lovely and supportive and he doesn't deserve to be married to the woman I have become, I owe it to him to my children and myself to be me again...

    Thanks for reading
    Taking it ODAT

    My story...

    Hi Mauri, welcome. We have much in common. Wine is my choice of poison too and I have a hard time stringing very many AF days together. Have you bought any L-Glut or read the book yet? You can download it from this site and it's very informative and helpful. It explains in detail the suggested plan of attack to beat this nasty habit. Keep reading and posting. I have been for a year and a half and feel ready to tackle the beast too. I wish we didn't make our own wine. I have close to a hundred bottles staring at me beckoning me to have just a little glass after work. It's tough to deny. I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of Feb. Wine is the chubby girl's enemy. LOL. I am with you and read your other post explaining that you blew it last night. So did I. Today we begin anew. We are not alone. Keep posting. Tips

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


      My story...

      Hi Mauri, welcome. We have much in common. Wine is my choice of poison too and I have a hard time stringing very many AF days together. Have you bought any L-Glut or read the book yet? You can download it from this site and it's very informative and helpful. It explains in detail the suggested plan of attack to beat this nasty habit. Keep reading and posting. I have been for a year and a half and feel ready to tackle the beast too. I wish we didn't make our own wine. I have close to a hundred bottles staring at me beckoning me to have just a little glass after work. It's tough to deny. I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of Feb. Wine is the chubby girl's enemy. LOL. I am with you and read your other post explaining that you blew it last night. So did I. Today we begin anew. We are not alone. Keep posting. Tips:welcome:

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        My story...

        Welcome Maur!!!

        You have come to the right place, so glad to have you with us!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          My story...

          Hi Tipple, We have home made wine in the cellar too, only about 6 bottles left though and I don't actually like it so it doesn't call to me LOL I have gained probably two stones over the last 5 years (since I got married) and most of that is down to alcohol! I have ordered some of the other herbal stuff (forgottten its name?) and it should be here tomorrow and I plan to download the book when I get paid next week (am so hard up atm) Good luck for today x
          Taking it ODAT


            My story...

            Thanks onetoomany
            Taking it ODAT


              My story...

              Welcome Mauri. I am/was/will be ?? a wine drinker too. I am not sure where I am going with my AF time yet except to say that I am committed to three months. After that time, I will have a good look at where I am at and decide from there. Sounds like you are doing lots of reading and posting, both are great! I look forward to reading your posts and seeing how you are doing. One Day At A Time!! You can do this!
              Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                My story...

                Three months seems like an eternity to me atm, in fact so does three days! Had a wobble earlier and almost decided to put my first AF day off till tomorrow but gave myself a quick slap and i am just having a lovely milky coffee
                Taking it ODAT


                  My story...

                  My kudzu has arrived and I have taken my first dose - hope it works and eases the cravings, had a vision of a lovely cold bottle of wine earlier but shook my head and looked at my son - I am not drinking today!!!!!
                  Taking it ODAT

