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    Hi crank

    Hi there,

    You have come to the right place.

    The few lines that you posted sound remarkably familiar.

    Read as many other posts as you can. The people here are very friendly and supportive.




      Hi PaulB,

      Hey! Keep ranting. Keep talking. This is a safe and supportive place to open up. I too am a very private person, but I'm beginning to talk here and I find it very therapeutic.

      Best wishes,




        Hello Denise
        It's good to have your company. I really didn't know what to expect when I came here. I have never been on a forum before, and I've yet to try the Chatroom, but I'm finding it very helpful. I never thought that I could relate, if you know what I mean. I'm getting a lot from this experience and hopefully I can give something too.

        Well it's effing Friday again. I should be in the throes of another arguement with ' the devil within ' about now, but for some reason, he is keeping himself quiet. I've usually let him talk me into having a good drink about this time of the week but today is different. I actually don't want a drink tonight.
        Something good is happening to me. I don't know what or why but I know the help and good wishes that are oozing from my monitor must have something to do with it.
        I just hope that Saturday comes and goes without incident and that I make it to Sunday sober and that everyone gets what they want from this weekend.
        Once again, thanks for the help.
        This is a remarkable community and I'm glad to be part of it.




          Hi Paul

          Well Done, let's hope that the devil within doesn't win this weekend.

          BE STRONG

          Take care mate, Love Paula xx



            Hello everyone,
            Thank you for your support
            I feel good this morning....not great, but good enough. How are you?
            My head is so full of different thoughts this morning. I can't seem to be able to concentrate on one for any length of time so I'll just jot them down as they pop up.
            I had a nice meal with my wife last night and I didn't feel I was missing out by not drinking. Often, when we arrange something like that, I feel a resentment that my drinking time is being taken away from me. That didn't happen. I actually enjoyed myself.
            I don't want to come across in my posts as smug or complacent. I know that I have only taken a step on this scary journey and I can never let my guard down.
            I don't want to offend anyone here by not following the correct etiquette. I think I'm doing the posts properly but then what do I know?
            I haven't worked out a long term plan yet. I haven't got the book...I can't find it anywhere in this country. I have been using some supps...minerals, vitamins etc.
            I come into this place regularly and it is as real as any other place to me now. Is this normal?
            I want to put my picture under my avatar but I don't know how.
            There are so many kind and thoughtful people here.
            I sometimes feel a bit 'unworthy' to be here. I am not fishing for compliments or attention....I don't like that.
            It's Saturday and I have to go to work.....I detest working on the weekend but at least it will keep me busy and sober until at least five o'clock tonight....not that I have any intention of drinking today.
            That'll do for now. I still have a hundred unsaid thoughts swirling around my head. My brain must be fixing itself I reckon.
            Sorry for ranting.

            "I am a'whirl"



              There is no book of etiqutte here...there is no wrong way to post (although insults are a no-no/but, you

              would never do that) you can download the book from your computer or order it online through

     long term plan will come...this is a real place and you are perfectly normal...I too can't

              post my picture either..the picture is too big and I can't figure out how to shrink it...everyone is worthy...

              as time passes you will become stronger and realize this for yourself...yes, working on Saturday

              sucks..can't help you with that one sorry
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



                Hi Precious,
                I'm back from work now and I've settled down . Thanks for posts. I am usually quite calm, just this morning I felt ...I don't know. My mind was racing....perhaps it was some sort of anxiety episode. As I say, I don't know. I wanted to say everything in one go, if you know what I mean. Or some mental trick to get me through the weekend. It seems to be working.
                Thanks again for listening.

                PS I've never ordered anything online before, but I've just ordered the book. It was easy.



                  Hi Paul, it is funny the connection you can feel to the people on this site, isn't it? This is a first time for me as well venturing onto the internet for support and it seems funny sometimes that I care so much about people I have never met nor will I probably ever meet. I am glad you found us from your side of the world. And you do not sound smug or complacement, you sound like a man who is trying to change his life for the better, and for that I applaud you. Keep coming around.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                    Pauly Paul.....What a guy....I haven't read any of the 'my story' bits yet, too busy reading the other thread things and getting a feel for stuff, but decided to after plonking my own tale in there.

                    As I haven't been with your story from the beginning, I get to see your last few weeks unfold all in one go. Have you read back over all the messages yourself? If you had, you would be able to see what I can...A guy who is putting major effort into keeping himself, not just above water, but swimming (with a stylish crawl I might add....nice muscles) to the shore....I hope you get there...keep swimming, the beach is in sight!!!
                    Rambling?? This is what most of our brains seem to work like...At first it seems a mad panic now we've decided to go with this, to get EVERYTHING out...talking about the million different issues that ramble around the convoluted avenues of the old grey matter on a daily basis. The thing is, usually (maybe not the same for you as your partner sounds beautifully supportive) we cannot talk to anyone about all this stuff, but now, finding a site where it is easy to be honest....well, the dam just bursts doesn't it? Which problem do I talk about first...which question do I need an answer to immediately??? Oh my's all of them...

                    I don't know what any one else thinks, but I feel it's COMPLETELY natural...I do the same myself...your thoughts and concerns are completely coherent, relevant and necessary. And DO NOT in any way shape or form go with the worry about smug/attention seeking stuff. This is a site about a group of people who all talk in the same way...we understand the feelings because we can truly empathize with your situation.

                    If you went for careers advice say, at the employment centre, looking for a new direction...wouldn't you give them EVERY bit of info about yourself? Wouldn't this be the best way to ensure that they really knew you and could help in the best way possible?

                    Carry on Bud...It's people like you that make me want to stick like glue to this really is the only way to go for me, and this feeling gets strengthened every day when I read posts like yours...Be healthy, stay calm....and stopping smoking!......curse you!!! The green eyed monster is rapping on my lungs as I tap away........'see is possible' Paul did it.........
                    That is definately my next goal after quitting the vino tinto, like you though, one step at a time!!! Thank you Paul, thank you....keep's keeping me going in the right direction x



                      Hi again,
                      I know what you mean about the connections you can make with people here. It's almost like the connection you can get with fictional characters in a book...they can make you happy, sad, scared even. But the common aims that brought us here make the connection real. Thanks for your help.
                      I like you already. Everything you said about rambling makes perfect sense to me. It is a complicated issue we are dealing with here and it seems sometimes that I have to work everthing out NOW. Reading other posts, it is abundantly clear that there will be ups and downs for most of us; that my situation will change and my way of dealing with those changes will have to adapt if I am to progress.
                      I didn't know any of this a month ago. It's with insight from people like you that, hopefully I can progress, and for that I am grateful.




                        Go, go, go my wee free man (makes sense if you read Terry Pratchett, say it in a Scotish accent of course!!) Nac Mac Feegle...and to infinity and beyond (hang on...that's not Pratchett??????) speak soon....keep going......The melon



                          Paul , thanks have really enjoyed reading your honest account and insights - keep going mate.



                            Hello All,

                            Bloody weekends!!!!!!
                            I had a drink last night.
                            Not too much, but more than I wanted. I don't want any.
                            Well, it's Saturday morning and I can remember Friday night, which, I suppose is OK, moderate, not bad, etc....
                            That bas##rd in my head got his own way again. Today is a new day and will not involve any booze.........( I was going to write 'hopefully', but I shall say 'definately'.)
                            I feel as if I have let you all down...... :upset: ......silly, isn't it?



                              Morning Paul

                              Don't beat yourself up....

                              It' amazing that we can all tell each other that it's OK but we never tell ourselves that.

                              You really are winning when you compare last night to a few weeks ago.

                              Take care, Love Paula xx :l



                                Thanks Paula.:l

