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Still not getting better after all these years
Still not getting better after all these years
I have been trying to sort out my drinking for about 8 years now although I first went to an AA meeting around 20 years ago. I have been in a hospital detox and treatment centre, in a 12 step rehab to hundreds of AA meetings and still end up drinking and know deep down even when I am not drinking that I havent got this sorted. I can now have periods of weeks without a drink, I used to be a daily drinker but now seem to bingd. I have been looking into buying meds online, have had campral from gp but still ended up drunk. I also suffer from depression and anxiety and take citalopram. Any ideas or advice would be grateful for.Tags: None
Still not getting better after all these years
Hi Sunshine,
Welcome to MWO firstly.
You have come to the right place if you want some help and guidance but may I suggest that you post in the Just Starting Out thread as I think your post will be seen more there and more people can help and advise you.
My motto has to be never give up trying to stop and I can see that you are desparately trying to so you have definately come to the right place for some help.
Take care Luv FloNow I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Still not getting better after all these years
Hi Sunshine and :welcome:
Different things work for different people - I tried modding, relapse prevention, counselling, diffierent types of therapy, antidepressants, groups, detox, whiteknuckling, antabuse, loads of stuff.
I too used to be a daily drinker and almost every relapse I have had has been a very heavy week-long binge ending in withdrawals.
I am only just trying out AA 'properly' - taking it seriously, embracing it and planning to do the steps with a sponsor etc - and i really believe this is the one thing which will work in the long-term when done properly and in tadnem with a therapy tailored to managing my personality disorder.
You say you have depression and anxiety - have you tried any talking therapies? Many alcoholics will never get better until the issues that caused them to drink are either dealt with or improved. I would never EVER have stopped drinking every day until my anxiety disorder (I had agoraphobia and all sorts) was sorted out and I believe my binges will only end with learning to manage my moods (through Dialectical Behvaioural Therapy), a massive support network (AA) and forgiving myself for the past and trying to move on into a better future (also AA).
What can you put in place to heal old wounds and create a more positive future?
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Still not getting better after all these years
Hi Sunshie, welcome.
If you are open to the idea of meds, take a look at baclofen. I've had a lot of personal success with it. You can find out about it here:
Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums
Good luck, with whatever you choose.