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    I am desperate for answers. I am writing from Namibia and feel too far away from the core of participants to hope I can share significantly and get the book, health stuff etc. I worked as a journalist/activist in the apartheid years, worked as a missionary with AIDS patients and orphans. Now I am broken and discouraged and desperately crying out to
    God to have mercy on me. I have three children and my wife left me in 2009. It so good to read all your stories and testimonies but cannot help to think I am not strong enough to overcome this collapse from where I was to where I am now. I worked so enthusiastically in Colorado and back in South Africa, I am run down with thoughts of suicide and shame...


    Hello Victorious and welcome, don't feel that you are too far away from everyone, time and distance does not count here. As you can see there are people from all around the world here. Just like you i didn't think i could get back to were i was . The people on this site has lots to offer and we all have one thing in common the will to get better and to reclaim our life back. You are strong enough to do this to and it does get easier with everyday AF. I didn't use the book or any of the health stuff but i did use this site loads by reading and posting. Don't ever give up you have too much to live for MM
    AF 5/jan/2011



      :welcome: Victorious, I'm glad you found us!
      As Madman says location doesn't matter here, we are all spread out across the globe but united in our battle against AL.

      Please check out where there is some great advice on getting started. Please dont despair at having to turn your life around overnight, baby steps are the best, if you can do just one thing today that will improve your situation, no matter how small, do it.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996



        Welcome from a fellow Saffer!
        I too thought that I would not be able to follow the MWO programme as set out in the book as so much would not be available to me here in SA but believe it or not we can get a lot of the meds here and my GP was really open reading up on the info I gave her.
        I ordered my Kudzu from the MWO site and it got here within a week. You can download the book for a minimal fee otherwise let me know and I'll send you a copy:-)

        The great thing about MWO is it doesn't matter where you live or the time difference as there is always AMAZING support any time of day or night.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



          It's Monday and I got a few responses already.... I just cried as I read through it. Thank you... Thank you. I am tired of the struggle with rejection and lonliness and I drink in every drop of love and advice, thank you. I have entered for the Two Oceans marathon in CTown and hope to stay focused and do it. Thank you for all who have responded



            Ahh Victorious - welcome.
            Sometimes this disease can feel like a big dark black hole that there is no way of getting out of. You sound very isolated and alone. The biggest realisation (light bulb moment) I felt was when I realised it was all inside me. The power to change everything round is inside, I didn't do the MWO med. route - was in too bad a place when I started here to even think bout reading books or ordering medications, so with just the kindness and advice received here I started the 'journey'. Cant say I've never looked back - but my life has turned round so much since booze is no longer my best friend.
            Stick around here - everyone is/has been in the same place and understands.
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14



              Hi Victorious it good to see you are more positive and like Molly said you have the power to change this. Have you checked out its on the just starting out section were you will find lots of help and encouragement . Read and post on this site i really does help. MM
              AF 5/jan/2011



                Hi Victorius, and welcome.

                It doesn't matter where you are. I'm in Zimbabwe, which is really a black hole in terms of that sort of thing, and I managed to pull through. No internet ordering (I'm still waiting for my first ever shipment, ordered in December), couldn't get the book, thought it was tickets for me, I'd just read a few success stories on my way down the drain...

                Turns out all my fears were for nothing. Baclofen fell into my lap, the cure followed soon after, and it seems to have worked out okay in the end. No reason for yours not to do the same. I will send you a PM shortly.

                What's your situation like there regarding credit cards, internet access, postal service, etc?

                Don't despair, you have come to the right place. Once you start chipping away at the problems bit by bit, you'll see that it's not nearly as bad as it seems from here.



                  The pain is too much and it is only 9 in the morning!!! I miss my family!



                    Victorious the only way to deal with that pain is to face it , by drinking you are only putting it off until tomorrow and then tomorrow again. your three children might not be living with you now but they will always be yours and you will always be their dad. everything will improve in your life when you stop drinking and i do mean everything , every person on this site that has done that will tell you the same, now i don't mean everything will be perfect but it will be easier to deal with the things life fires at you, life stops being a drama and we stop overreacting to the small things that would "drive us to drink". Do hang in there you are a very important to your children , you might not think it right now but you are, very much so .MM
                    AF 5/jan/2011

