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me my buddy al

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    me my buddy al

    I am 47 years old, mother of two girls 17, and 19.
    I am self employed and run a successful business. Being self employed facilitates my drinking problem as I can come to work late or not at all on those bad hangover days!!
    I did a rough estimate and I think that I must have woken up about 7000-8000 days in my life promising myself I would not drink anymore. I considered a moderate night about 1 bottle of wine, a bad night 2 bottles a couple of beers maybe even a shot or 2.
    I am 5'3" and weigh 110lbs, that amount of alcohol is devastating to my body.
    My doctor suspected I suffered from bipolar disorder. Sometimes she would see me hyper excited full of energy doing projects, looking kind of high, and other times I would come in exhausted crying depessed etc. I have been off and on a drug called effexor for the past 5 years and it has hepled with the up and downs and inadvertently the excess drinking.
    However it is not a panacea, and I still have bad nights.
    For instance last night, I was feeling high on a good good business day, a good sleep the night before (because I only drank half a beer), wow life is great and I can controll myself.
    On the way home from work I visited a friend as I was in a great mood!
    I had 2 beers and a big glass of wine. When I left I decided to drop by the store and pick up another bottle of wine for dinner, was husband also bought a bottle for dinner, well I guess you know the end of this story....
    I am terribly grateful for this website, as it a least offers me hope. I have ordered the cd's as well as the kudzo, and hope I can beat this!!
    I believe my brain chemistry has quite alot to do with my AL probems. I had a hysterectomy this summer and find just having my hormones balanced has helped me feel more balanced. No more huge mood swings!!
    My family hates when I over indulge, they expect me to take responsibility for my problems
    without being too jugdemental, they are very supportive when I try new things and they are hoping as much as I am that this program and this website will help.
    I am generally a happy optomistic person, I have many things to feel grateful for, and very few things to complain about.
    I should be on day 4 of moderation, but I am back to day one.
    Not drinking tonight should not be a problem because I kinda feel gross!!
    Well that is my Story.:new:

    me my buddy al

    Welcome Magdalana,
    Give 30 days AF a go and then keep on going from there, It is hard to tell what will happen when you are sober, I found out I am quite a moody person now I am sober, but the good thing is that I realise this and can keep it in check.

    Stick around, find a thread group that you enjoy visiting and log on everyday, especially when you are feeling low or tempted.
    good luck
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      me my buddy al

      Welcome Magdalana. I agree with Zeppie, give 30 days a go and then step back and reassess the situation with a clear head. Life may look so good from the sober vantage point that you may never want to drink again...or the old Moding point of view may slip into the picture too. But at least whatever you decide it will be from a clear perspective. Best of luck to you ....stay strong.
      Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


        me my buddy al

        Hi Magdalena I am quite similar to you as I am self-employed and can work or not. I'm 54, mum to 18 year old and 15 year old. I'm recently divorced and have been drnking 1 bottle red wine almost every night - sometimes more as 1 bottle doesn't always get me to 'that mellow place'. Am on day 5 of abstinence for 35 days and then going to try moderation. I've found Allen Carr's book helpful though he recommends abstinence for ever.


          me my buddy al

          :welcome: Magdalena!

          Good advice given to you so far - I too would highly recommend the 30 days AF - I now see things in a totally different way looking thru sober eyes instead of foggy ones. Not saying it will be easy but it is so worth it. Could you maybe get your husband to support you in that you can get rid of all the AL in the house?

          I would also recommend reading Allen Carr's book - "The easy way to stop drinking". I too used to think of AL as my friend - my beloved friend. I now see AL as a poison - never liked the taste - just the effect. Try to look at AL as the enemy - because that is truly what it is.

          I recommend hopping over to the just starting out thread and reading thru the posts. The newbies nest is a great place to start sharing your story and listening to others as we all look for overcoming our addiction to this beast!

          Bet you'll find lost of stories similar to yours.

          Good luck you you!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            me my buddy al

            Hello, Magdalana! Your life sounds very much like mine---two daughters (a bit older than yours, both early 20s) and I, too work at home (as a freelance writer/editor). How right you are that being at home during the day is very convenient for tippling "just one glass" (at a time, that is---if you're like I was, it's NEVER just one!)

            You've found a wonderful place for support. You sound as if you have great family support, too. I predict you'll be a success at defeating this problem.

            I'm on Day 13...not sure it's really a good idea to keep a count, though. As I finally, once and for all KNOW that I can never, ever drink again, might as well forget the numbers and "just do it."

            I wish you all the very best! I look forward to seeing more posts from you.
            Jane Jane

