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I need to come back here!!

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    I need to come back here!!

    Not that I ever left, always reading. But today is the day. Day 1 AF. I have to beat this demon, or I will loose my partner that I love so much.
    So here I am again. Hungover, sad confused, ashamed and wondering how am I going to stay AL free this time.

    I need to come back here!!

    Hi Mia. Welcome back out of lurkdom. Alcohol abuse sure can cause us to lose that which matters most to us.

    So what is your plan? What are you going to do differently with this AF effort than you have done before?

    For me, just wishing it to happen in the aftermath of yet another bad drinking experience was not enough to get me to a sober life.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      I need to come back here!!


      My plan? My plan today is not to come home after work. Thats all I have at the moment. I have been reading your posts now for over 3 years. You are my inspiration doggygirl!! I think you joined around the same time as me. And look where you are today :goodjob:
      This morning my partner said he just cannot take it anymore.
      I have been living in my own private hell!! And making him pay for it. So digusting.. He is a good man.
      I have to stop drinking full stop!!


        I need to come back here!!

        Do you post much? I find for myself it helps to post and put myself out there, even when I am not in the mood. If I convey my feelings about AL, it takes away the want sometimes. All I know is you have to do it for yourself in order for it to take effect. Wishing you well friend!

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          I need to come back here!!

          Mia, for me, it took a LOT more of a plan than just "I won't go home after work tonight.' You will have to go home eventually, right? There is alcohol in other places besides your home, right? Just HOPING that I would somehow not drink didn't do it for me. And believe me, I tried that for a lot of years.

          How much effort are you willing to put into this? I had to make it my absolute #1 mission in life to get sober. That's what it took in my world.

          Here is a thread that has lots of sobriety plans. Maybe this will inspire you to make your own plan.

          And there are tons of ideas in the trusty toolbox.

          Hope is important, but so is action.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            I need to come back here!!

            Hi Mia, welcome back, like DG said you need a better plan. Use the links and work out what your going to do when the craving starts so that you can be ready for them, learn how to urge surf. Being preprared now for how your going to feel later and how your going to deal with your feelings is very important
            AF 5/jan/2011


              I need to come back here!!

              Hi Mia;

              I'm in the same boat as you. I have been watching this site for many years, thinking I can control my drinking. Truth is I can't! I also live in my own hell, hiding beer cans and always lying on how much I have been drinking.
              My husband had enough...he is not talking to me. I really want to change, but were do you start picking up the pieces?


                I need to come back here!!

                Hi Mia and just one more. I am no expert and relatively new at this. You just have to dig deep and make a plan and post here and more. I find writing the words makes it real.

                Sometimes it takes a fright to cop on and in my case it was my health. Good luck.


                  I need to come back here!!

                  Just one more;1121085 wrote: Hi Mia;

                  I'm in the same boat as you. I have been watching this site for many years, thinking I can control my drinking. Truth is I can't! I also live in my own hell, hiding beer cans and always lying on how much I have been drinking.
                  My husband had enough...he is not talking to me. I really want to change, but were do you start picking up the pieces?
                  Start with right now. RIGHT NOW is the only moment we really have any control over. We can't change the past. We have no idea what the future will hold. But RIGHT NOW we can be the people we believe we can be. Sober people. People who are not drinking right now in this moment.

                  Newgrange is right (IMO) about having a plan. I needed one. I still need one. There is a thread in the "Just Starting Out" section called "What's Your Sobriety Plan" that has lots of examples of people's plans. There is also a lot of good info in the "Toolbox" thread - stickied at the top of the Monthly Abstinence section.

                  The resources are there - decide what you are going to do with your time right now.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    I need to come back here!!

                    Day 4 AL FREE

                    Thanks for all the replys.
                    Wow how much better do we all fell without that poison in our bodies!!!!!
                    Doggygirl, I am very much the same story as you. I am 47 years old and have been trying to stop drinking for many years. Our stories are very similar, 7 oclock in the morning and so on.
                    I did stop drinking a long time ago 7 YEARS in fact!!! You can read all about that in my old posts.
                    This time around ...something has shifted in me. I simply do not drink AL. Thats it!!!!
                    My plan, well, I have told my close friends my problem. I am a extremely private person. Very embrassing and confronting. Some of them already knew. Yikes. That hit me very hard.
                    Witching hour I put on my running gear and off I go!!!
                    I do not drink anymore and I will keep posting.. xxxxxxxxx


                      I need to come back here!!

                      Just One More Time

                      Hi! How are you Just one more time?
                      Why dont we do this together?
                      I understand how you are feeling!!
                      I'm not hiding anymore not even the bottles. I have just shown my partner of 18 months this site, I nearly lost him last last week, due to this hideous disease.
                      I have told him everything he is a beautiful man and I will not loose him to AL.
                      Thats it I do not drink!!! It does not serve ME anymore or anyone that is close to me.
                      I end my relationship with this poison!
                      Just One More Time you have a friend in me!! :l


                        I need to come back here!!

                        Sending you strenght mia & onemoretime,With good support and your own strenght you can do this.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          I need to come back here!!


                          Thanks Mario, glad you are still here!!! I do not drink anymore!!!

