Happy Friday! I'm feeling good today! Better than last Friday for sure! I have a paper to write for History this weekend and my landlord is coming for an inspection on Monday so that is what I will be doing this weekend. Today my kids and my hubby will be off doing their own things so I will be home alone...yeah!!! I will start with a clean kitchen and then finish my speech homework so I will have all Saturday and Sunday for my History paper. I also want to go the the vitamin store and get some protein pudding??? I'm interested to see if it's any good. There are some studies that say eating 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking in the morning will increase you fat burning potential by 18%...well shall see! Have a great Friday! I know I will!
No announcement yet.
journey:traveling from one place to another
journey:traveling from one place to another
Happy Friday! I'm feeling good today! Better than last Friday for sure! I have a paper to write for History this weekend and my landlord is coming for an inspection on Monday so that is what I will be doing this weekend. Today my kids and my hubby will be off doing their own things so I will be home alone...yeah!!! I will start with a clean kitchen and then finish my speech homework so I will have all Saturday and Sunday for my History paper. I also want to go the the vitamin store and get some protein pudding??? I'm interested to see if it's any good. There are some studies that say eating 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking in the morning will increase you fat burning potential by 18%...well shall see! Have a great Friday! I know I will!You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hi Jenny, just saw your story here and wanted to wish you luck with the weekend - I know they're hard for you (we're all so programmed to think of drinking on the weekends, it's crazy isn't it). Such a dead end this craziness with alcohol.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Jenny, I think of you every Friday! I'm so happy to see your post. I have a homework filled weekend too.What is in protein pudding?
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hi Jenny, good to see you're doing so well. Have a great weekend! Can't imagine what protein cake would look or taste like - keep us updated on whether you think its working. :lIT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
journey:traveling from one place to another
Well Hello everyone.
DG- thank you for thinking of me on Friday's. I did not get past this last one without AL...however, even if I fall off the wagon sometimes on Friday at least it's only Friday and at least it's only sometimes. I would rather try to be AF and fail than call it moderation and have it escalate. So many people here can't understand that way of thinking and that is fine. If I had to choose to be hungover at all I would rather it be one day a week and no seven....truth be told I would rather it be non but if that is not in the cards for me right now then that can be my goal. Other than a few hours on Friday I have been AF this whole month!
Beautiful day today in Texas and I am loving it. Got all my homework and house work done this weekend and I think I will try to work some extra hours durring the week this week so that I can take Saturday off this week and watch TV and read for fun maybe some shopping and some sleeping too!
Have a great day all!You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hi jenny! Thinking of you this weekend as always. I think you make an excellent point that you have a goal that is not really to be totally AF, but also is not really to moderate.
Your post reminded me of something I read recently in one of my text books. It talked about the fact that in the US, the concept of "harm reduction" is not really embraced. Yet in other countries, "harm reduction" is viewed as an acceptable goal in terms of public policy on down to the individual level. I gave that some considerable thought and I believe it's correct.
I actually think that what you are doing right now - looking to be as AF as you can, but not expecting 100% adherance is honestly what a lot of other people here are trying to do. (assuming I am understanding you correctly, and that "harm reduction" seems a sensible term for it.) And I do really thing that is different than what most of us think of when we think of "moderation" which is more a belief that long term control might be possible.
I dunno. A bit gray perhaps, but maybe that subtle difference sort of explains a frustration that you and others have felt here. Perhaps like you don't belong in the AF groups or the mods groups.
Anyway...I hope you have had a good week and most especially a good Friday and weekend. How are classes going?
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hi Jenny, Thinking of you too!!
DG, I have read about harm reduction too. I get it confused with moderation though.
Does harn reduction mean that you are aware that you need to/should be alcohol free but at this time and stage in your life, it's not possible? Hence, harm reduction. Whereas, moderation is more about not having a need/desire to be AF, rather the goal is to find a way to drink moderately versus excessively.AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart:
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hey guy's! Classes are going great DG thanks for asking. I have midterms this week in speech and a take home test in history and ch 9 test next Monday in math. Also next Monday I am taking on a 6 week Government class, from what I read about the teacher there are 3 test and three reviews and no homework other than read and study the reviews before the test. I think I can handle it! In 7 weeks classes are over until January 17th. I am anxious for the spring schedule to come out so that I can start planning!
On harm reduction, I think that sounds like more of a description of what I am doing vs. moderating. I drink 4-5 oz on Friday. and 3-4 oz on Saturday if I drink on Saturday at all. I try to skip a weekend every two or three weeks. There are lots of rules in my head, but I know what they are and I don't obsess or bargain with myself. I know I get an 8 oz bottle I poor 3 oz down the drain before I take even one drink. Then I only asking myself to make a decision about 1 oz and not 4. That mean if I decide I will drink the one oz there is not another decision to be made. If I decide not to drink the rest I poor it out to avoid obsessing later on in the night. Yes that is a lot but it's not just AL, I do it with everything, eating, school work, bills, I like rules and I like the obsession with them. It's something that has always been there and it's fun to me. Does that make since? DG I think you are much the same way from what I know of you on here, and like I said, I don't think it's a bad thing!
Thanks for checking in on me guys! I had a great weekend, I got everything done and I am having an un-hung Monday because yes Sunday is a weekend day but that does not mean I have to drink, I have to work on MondayYou always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Jenny, I'm glad things are going well for you these days. Our spring course schedule just came out so I too am excited to look it over and start making plans for next semester. You are right - I too like "order" and have my rituals, etc. I often wonder if I cross the line into OCD but I'm not going to worry about that right now LOL!
M3 - I think the lines can be very fuzzy too. In my own view of mod v. harm reduction (which is all new, because I never really considered "harm reduction" as something different before) I think of moderate drinking as low risk drinking. I think of harm reduction (right now anyway) as an effort to lower the risk level from whatever it is to something less risky.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Thanks DG good to see you.
Thanks for checking in! It's almost been a year huh. Good to see you! You can hang out here with me for a while if you want...You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
I've been good. Trying to keep my limits firm. Going to school and work and having two teenagers (grrrr) keeps me really busy so, lately it hasen't been that hard on weekdays.
How are you? Still traveling alot with work?You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Yes. Been on the road every week which for me makes it tough to not drink. I'm usully pretty good and don't go overboard. My worst days tend to be Sunday's - work anxiety, tired really makes me cave. Family's good, lots of activities which is all good.
School sounds busy? Are you studying for anything in particular?