I am studying for my assoc of science, after that I'm going for my bachelors in bio/chem with a certification in forensics. I want to be a DNA annalist. Sounds so fun to me!
No announcement yet.
journey:traveling from one place to another
journey:traveling from one place to another
I am studying for my assoc of science, after that I'm going for my bachelors in bio/chem with a certification in forensics. I want to be a DNA annalist. Sounds so fun to me!You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Jenny, I had to read approximately 2 paragraphs that referenced DNA in my Human Development class, and that nearly killed me!!! :H I'm glad YOU have the apptitude and interest for DNA analysis because I sure don't!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
I love all that science geek stuff DG, I am a data/numbers cruncher!
Sharky- the AL limit really helps when doing homework, I very much loose the will to do it if I've been drinking, also going to class with AL in me or thinking about AL being there when I get home so would not work...I wouldn't be able to pay attention!
I have so much to do this weekend I think me and AL need to take a break. Friday night is the state fair with the family. Saturday I need to do my computer mid-term in speech and do the slides for my informative speech that I will give a Nov. 1 (eeekkk!), and I need to complete one math assignment and a take home history test, I will try to complete the later before the weekend cause I also need to take my kids costume shoping and to the pumpkin path and the corn maze. Wow, I can get it all done though cause I am a time management specialist! Ya'll have a great hump day!You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hi Jenny! Just sending you a Friday shout out. Have an awesome time at the fair tonight!!! Seems so odd to be talking about fairs in October. The fairs are LONG gone here in my neck of the woods! Eat a corn dog for me if you would please. With lots of mustard.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Checking in on this cold Friday here in Texas. I had a great time at the fair last week. This weekend I have a wedding to go to. My husband is the best man. We'll see how all that works out. I also have only one homework assignment this weekend...get my informative speech ready for Tuesday. I will I knew how not to get so nervous. Haven't drank anything since last Friday. Tuesday I had intentions on drinking what was left from Friday, I went and got my red bull mixer and had it all in the fridge, then about 7 I though "nope I don't want to drink today" went and poured out the AL and the red bull is still in the fridge. I have never stopped that far in before. Normally if I have manifested the idea with buying the supplies then the deed will be done. But it was not and I was all the better for it! Happy Friday. I have no intentions of drinking today.You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hey Jenny! Happy Friday. I always think of you on Fridays!! Good for you on that Tuesday event! Wish I could send you some STRONG vibes for your speech. I actually love giving presentations and making speeches - I think because my Mom had me involved in that sort of stuff when I was a kid. (I was in "Miss Majorette" pageants where we answered silly questions like the Miss America pageants. Can you imagine a bunch of 9 year olds explaining why they want to solve world hunger and such?? :H)
Anyway....I hope you remember that it is very normal to be nervous!!! That adrenaline will help you be even sharper and better in your speech!!!! I believe in you and I know you will do great!!!
Have fun at the wedding this weekend. Most importantly, BE SAFE OUT THERE!!!!!
What's the weather like in Texas at this time?
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Thanks DG, good to hear from you! There weather here today is highs in the 60's lows in the 40's, we just had a cold front but this time of year they don't last long. Next week will be high 70's and low 60's, we don't get really cold till January normally.
My speech is good, I just get so nervous that I blank, I still talk and everything, but I can't remember what I said or much about the speech when I'm done...kind of like blacking out when your drunk, I remember bits and pieces. She is going to record our speeches and send the recording home so we can watch and write about what need improvement. I don't think that will be fun but I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time. I have such a good speech so I hope I can relax enough to get my point across, I would be a shame if I didn't the subject matter great!
I always think of you thinking of me on Friday DG, that is why I post:l thanks for all your kind word and your caring. Maybe you could be my counselor one day! Is there such a thing as internet counseling, would that be something that would work from the counseling side?
You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
LOL Jenny - EVERYTHING is attempted on the internet these days!!!!!! Will be a long time until I'm qualified though. So how 'bout a cyber friendship?
Sounds like you are well prepared for your speech. I think I understand what you describe - that quasi black out feeling. I describe it as something like "tunnel vision" where my focus is so intense - it's not like normal awareness. Hard to describe really. I'm an adrenaline junkie so I love it and hate it at the same time! :H You will do great. Come back and report how it goes, OK? Cool that the teacher is taping it for you. I bet you will find that you feel all nervous inside but it's all good when you watch it!
Wow - sounds like a great time of year for weather in TX!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Oh Jenny! Where is Jenny! I thought about you when I was wrapping up the day yesterday. I realized I didn't come by and wish you happy Friday. How are things going? I had a final at school today. I'm relieved that is over! Hope you are well and life is good.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hey DG and anyone else. I'm here, busy busy with school and work. Not much on the drinking front. I just don't drink very much anymore, and not at all Sunday thru Thursday. It's really not even a thought anymore during the week. Friday's are still a weakness though, I limit myself but hey whats the fun in that, and if I were to not limit myself hey what's the fun in that? Drinking at all is starting to seam pointless and I had been set on going to my first AA meeting tonight just to go and be with some people who are not drinking on Friday night, however my hubby's boss/best friend just got fired from his job, he has been there 11 years and he was just out of the blue. He came back from his honeymoon and they let him go. So we are going over to console him and his new bride tonight. I think I am not going to drink, I don't want to. I will take a separate car from hubby and leave early because of homework and I will not be lying. Oh the homework! I am keeping on top of it though! I am making a 102% in history! Well there is my weekly update. See you cats next week!You always succeed if you never stop trying.
Everyday we choose the direction of change.
journey:traveling from one place to another
Hey Jenny! I had a midterm this week so have not been on here as much as usual the last several days. So I missed your update!!! I hope the boss consoling event went OK. I was glad to see you resurrect your other thread.
I understand what you mean about reaching the point where drinking seems pointless. I never ever ever got any real satisfaction out of the first 1, 2, or even 3 drinks. I love to get plastered! So "fighting it" to have 2 drinks I don't even enjoy indeed seems pointless. (and of course, I was rarely able to stop at 2 or 3 anyway, and NEVER at 1).
Look forward to catching up - CONGRATULATIONS on your awesome history score!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.