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Groundhog Day

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    Groundhog Day

    This morning I woke with another hangover as I have drunk 13 out of the last 14 nights. A bottle of wine most nights- more last nights as I was at a friends house.
    Before that I hadn't drunk for 6 weeks as I was pregnant. I am 45 & have 4 fabulous kids. I had a miscarriage 3 years ago as well & hit the bottle big time then- it didn't help then & it is not helping now. I have drunk on & off since I was 14. When I met my husband 25 years ago I was drinking alot 'socially' but he didn't drink at all. I stopped then for a year & when I was pregnant. For the last 10 years & have drunk a bottle of wine 3-6 nights a week- and felt pretty bad most days.
    I have had high blood pressure for 10 years & have battled with my weight since I was 17- but especially the last 10 years.
    Mondays at work are always a struggle from a few glasses of wine on a Sunday> I try not to have too much wine in the house but my husband likes a glass with dinner. Id there is not enough then I sneakily have some whiskey in some juice- I always feel shocking after wine & whiskey. But I can't stop myself- it is like I can't stand to be sober once I start drinking.
    I used to be able to stop drinking for a few weeks a couple of times a year but only lasted 2 days when I tried in January.
    There have been times that I have had a few glasses of wine & then one of my kids will want a lift & I will have to drive them. I know there wont be any police because of where I live but it is really dangerous & stupid, but I could never say that I have had too much to drink. I know I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to anyone because of my drinking, but can't seem to stop myself. I am feeling out of control- but very relieved to be here.
    I had to cancel my work today because of my hangover. This has never happened before & is a bit scary.
    I have ordered the downloadable book but haven't received it yet- I thought it would be instant. I hope it will help to get me on the right track.
    Looking forward to meeting lots of you & looking forward to some support. My friends are great but love to drink like it is some kind of sport! But most of them can live without it most of the time.


    Thanks for reading.
    SarahJane x
    SJ xxx :groupluv:

    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle

    Groundhog Day

    Hello and welcome Sarah Jane, you are very wise to hop on the message board and start posting. You will find amazing support here and alot of advice from people who started out just like you and have managed to tame the beast. Some are completely alcohol free and some have learned to moderate. Then there are those who are struggling just like you and me. I, myself am a wine drinker and have switched to cherry juice. Only on day two but have joined two very inspiring threads and encourage you to join us. One is in General Discussion and it's called here-we-go-30-days-af-june and another in Focus on Fitness called 30 days no wine, no junk, lots of exercise. They are all in favour of helping each other stay off the booze for the month of June. Just my suggestions. There are others here who will give you some ideas on how to get the tools you need to be successful. The older wiser ones...

    Good luck and keep posting.


    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


      Groundhog Day

      Oooops I shouldn't say 'older', wiser yes but I am 54 so that was not appropriate... but you know what I meant....

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Groundhog Day

        Hi sarah jane welcome to mwo, lots of good advice and support shared here,You are not alone in this battle as we/are have been there,keep posting and sharing your thoughts and i hope to see you around the boards. good luck.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Groundhog Day

          Welcome SJ and well done for taking the plunge! Its now or never and we all know it! you can do it, you made it here and therefore although it will tough you are not alone, they don't call it the battle of the booze for nothing! Us wine drinkers have a demon inside that we must silence, it takes over if we let it but NO MORE I SAY, dam you demon, i will not listen to your excuses today, tomorrow or never as long as i keep coming here for support, inspiration, strength and determination. Join us on the exercise thread Tips mentioned we are all trying to do exercise every day in jun, eat no junk and stay AF, the exercise really helps even if it is only a ten minute walk it makes you feel in control! Anyway welcome again and keep posting x
          Keeps x:happyheart:


            Groundhog Day

            Sarah Jane-- I am sorry if I am dense-- did you just have a baby or a miscarriage recently? Maybe I am reading incorrectly? I too had weight struggles in the last 6 years due to booze-- that is the only reason. It is hard to stop but worth it. I am 44 myself. Also had several miscarraiges between 39 and 43, another child was not meant to be. We can do this for our kids! Good luck!


              Groundhog Day

              Hello Sarah Jane
              And a very warm welcome, just turn to MWO, you will find love, friendship, care and support all in great amounts. Hang in there. We are all in the same boat and are here for each other always.
              Love and Sunshine Kaza x
              Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                Groundhog Day

                Thanks guys for your amazing support. I will have a look at those threads- I have in my mind that June will be alcohol free & that exercise is going to help- so they sound perfect for me.
                Day 2 today & feeling positive- will have my first Friday night sober for a while.
                And ATLTrash-it was a miscarriage I had 2 weeks ago, my youngest child is 10. I have been drinking alot since the miscarriage and my weight has gone mad since then. I checked my blood pressure last night & that was up as well- but should all start to settle down now that I am not drinking.
                SJ x
                SJ xxx :groupluv:

                'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                  Groundhog Day

                  Sj-- I am so sorry about your miscarriage. My blood pressure was high for quite awhile after I had my son-- I found it seemed to be a combo of weighing 55 pounds more than pre-son (weight which I had not lost due to booze consumption and the crud food that often accompanies it) and also of drinking. Apparently drinking can make bp rise by quite a few points. I started walking and stopped drinking or very occasionally had a drink or two and the bp is largely normal. Weight is still a struggle but I have not wholly given up on that . Good luck-- you can do this!


                    Groundhog Day

                    Hi SJ
                    I am so very sorry about your miscarriage, I don't really know if people understand such a loss unless they have personally gone through it, I had one a lot of years ago. Maybe we self medicate to alleviate the pain, so dear girl hang in there and just take one day at a time, which you are already doing and I might add, doing a fine job, so hang in there and remember everyone on MWO are here for you at any time. Love and Sunshine Always. Kaza x
                    Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                      Groundhog Day

                      Hi Guys. Day 3 and doing well despite the holiday weekend. My 16 year old son texted me for a lift home late last night & it was great to be able to do it & not have to ask my husband- who normally has to do all of the night driving. Woke early today & felt great- went for a 4 mile run & got lots done around the house.
                      Am planning on a marathon in my local town in December- need to stay off the wine to achieve such a massive goal. Also need to lose weight- am aiming to lose 26 pounds to run 26 miles.
                      It is such inspiration to read everyone's stories- to see so many people battling with alcohol cravings. I know my life is much better without it- it doesn't take away the pain of a miscarriage or any other pain- it just numbs everything & makes me pissed off with myself- again & again.
                      No more Groundhog Day for me- not today anyway.
                      SJ x
                      SJ xxx :groupluv:

                      'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                        Groundhog Day

                        Hi Sarah,

                        Just wanted to say keep up the good work, its so very hard but worth it.

                        Take care luv Flo x
                        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                          Groundhog Day

                          Thanks Flo. I know I have a lot of hard work ahead of me but it is so great to have you guys along for the ride.
                          Day 5 AF today & feeling good- just back from a 4 mile run & looking forward to a productive day at home. Much better than my normal 'hangover Monday'- where I just get through the day rather than live it.
                          SJ x
                          SJ xxx :groupluv:

                          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                            Groundhog Day

                            Hi SJ,

                            A hugh congratulations on Day 5, I know how hard it is to even start let alone make 5 days !!!
                            Phew a 4 mile run, I get bored running to the bus stop lol.
                            I know what you mean about having normal days now, I used to hate getting up feeling and looking so bad, problem is I am feeling good but still looking bad
                            Look forward to hearing from you more on MWO.
                            Luv Flo x
                            Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

