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binge drink.

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    binge drink.

    hi Everyone i found this forum today .

    My problem with alcohol is that I cannot stop once I start. If I am out, I drink to get drunk and drink quite a bit. This usually happens every time I go out every weekend and I'm so very tired of it. Im an now 30 and this has been going on for 15 years. iam now a mum .

    I don't know how to control myself and I get so depressed about everything the next day. I want to stop binge drinking but I can't.

    I do not drink every day and I do not ever get an urge to drink during the week. It's just when the weekends roll around and I'm set to go out. It's sad that I cannot control myself and have to quit drinking completely as I think this is the only way to stop. I don't know what else to do. If anyone else has a similar problem such as mine, I would really like to hear from you. Should I see a doctor or perhaps AA? Am I someone who would benefit from AA? Why can't I stop?

    binge drink.

    Hi emmaline,

    I am just like you. I will be thirty this year and have been binge drinking for the past 9 years. It used to only be the weekends that I have binge drank but it has slowly crept into the week. I'm afraid if I don't stop now the weekends will start to move into other days of the week. I am going to talk ton a therapist and see if I can get on topamax or some other drug ton help with cravings. I also had gone to a few aa meetings but then stopped. I feel like I should start going back though. It's nice to be able to hear other people's stories and relate to them. In my experience everyone is really helpful and nice. They have all been in our situation and want to help in any way they can. I am so tired of the hold alcohol has on me and want to be free. I have to do this for myself and for my marriage.
    Believe in yourself and have faith! Life will be much better alcohol free!


      binge drink.

      ello Emmaline, I am exactly the same. Just cant stop at one or two drinks. Usually only dr weekends starting Friday nIght. Its a bit like rewarding yourself after a hard week. I work with kids who have disabilities and come friday 4.00pm I am screaming out for booze. I hate it and the next day I am pretty well wasted. The same on Sundays. I used to binge everday but now its only w/e. You should try AA or meds give anything a go if you think it will work for you. As I am still drinking cant offer a lot of advice but keep posting mwo has helped a lot of people the very best to you


        binge drink.

        This is me too, but like Neveah I do it a few nights throughout the week too. I tell myself in the morning that's it, never again. By that night I'm telling myself why I deserve a drink or two or six.


          binge drink.

          Been there done that. (every day for me) It is so good to be off of that dizzying merry go round from hell. If I can do it, you can too.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            binge drink.

            I was a binge drinker too only I didn't go out. I would stay at home and fix myself drinks as if my husband wasn't watching me do it. He is a very controled drinker - a 12 pack a year kind of guy....the worst kind to live with.

            I would drink every night and I wouldn't stop until I was so drunk I was stagger upstairs and go to bed. I was having to get up early to go to work. I don't know how I did it.

            I never could drink just one drink. It wasn't worth wasting the rum on one drink. It wouldn't get me drunk. So I knew when I made that first drink that I would probably end up with 10 or more.

            It's been almost 2 years since I last drank anything. I am proud of me. I know you can do this...stop drinking. If I could do it after 20 years of this, you can. I stopped drinking for months and years only to go back to binge drinking. It's not easy, but stay with this website. These people here have been where you are and can help!:h
            AKA: April Moon
            AF since September 24, 2009


              binge drink.

              I'm a home drinker, too. I don't drink every day, but the day that I do, it's like I can't stop at just one. I am a super light weight so it doesn't take much to get me drunk. I need to stop if only for my health. I don't want to be 20 years down the road having a drink to cope with life. That's how most of my father's family lives. It's so hard to say no when it seems so right at the time.
              'You might not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you!' - Walt Disney

              I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. ~Agatha Christie


                binge drink.

                Hey Emmaline,

                Welcome to the site. You'll find lots of useful information here. Read and post and ask questions. By all means try AA - go with an open mind though. I'm now 6 months sober with AA when I couldn't stay stopped on my own. I had tried AA before witha closed mind and wasn't interested - when I opened my mind, I saw the beauty of recovery through mutual support. Just lovely. It has saved me from drinking many times already.

                K x
                Recovery Coaching website

                "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                Recovery Videos


                  binge drink.

                  Welcome Emmaline.
                  I too used to drink like that. Then it become more than just the weekends. It became drinks after work, or drinks for whatever reason. Then when my lifestyle changed it turned into drinking at home. I found this site almost four months ago. It has been a life saver for myself. I hope the best for you!

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    binge drink.

                    Hello Emmaline,

                    I am exactly the same when it comes to drinking, Id go to the pub with intentions of 1 or 2 drinks and before I know it, I'm being booted out at closing time. When it came to drinking at home, it was never just 1 can or 1 glass of rum, it was the entire bottle along with probably 7 or 8 cans on top of that.

                    I have only just started my journey as of 3 days ago on becoming completely alcohol free after 3 years of binge drinking 3-4 days a week. It started off with just 1 night a week, then 2, then 3, then 4 and sometimes even 7 days or more straight and it just began getting out of control before I knew it. I have a friend who is really helping me with this, who calls over whenever she can, and keeps me company and ensuring I don't go near a bottle or can.

                    I have never tried AA or anything like that but I know a number of people who have and it has really helped them, but like Kimberley said you would have to go there with an open mind. If you keep coming back to the forum here, myself and everyone else will do everything that we can to help you in your quest.

                    The one thing that you must always remember.... you can do it and there are always people who are here to help you!


                      binge drink.

                      hi everybody,
                      I 'm new here and so far feel comfortable to tell my story as well.
                      I started drinking socially at an early age: 18. but before that I had already experimented with alcohol as a young teenager and since in my country alcohol is part of our culture and tradition, it was always available to me.
                      the strange thing is that my parents have been very strict about drinking and it was never a natural habit in our household.
                      I'm currently in treatment, assisted by a psychiatrist and a psychologist, but still, it's very hard to stop.
                      The truth is that I really never had a reason to start drinking, but I need to find one to stop.
                      Usually I associate drinking with relaxation and also as a " cure" for shyness and professional insecureness. Although I am considered an outstanding professional in my field of work and have a loving husband I still feel an underachiever...


                        binge drink.


                        I have a solution that has worked for me, and it was so simple that it is kind of annoying. I have been binge drinking for eleven years, I am 31 and until recently I binge drank on a bi-nightly basis, it does get worse.

                        I go to AA and have gone to outpatient programs because my binge drinking got too intense. I am not full blown, drinking all the time. In fact, I don't know if that is possible for me! I drink so much and so intensely in my binge that I inevitably pass out and wake up well into a powerful hangover.

                        What I have found out is that I was chronically hypoglycemic from my drinking and my body was craving the glucose overload that I was providing with alcohol. When your body is overloaded with sugar, your body creates too much insulin - which creates forced hypoglycemia. I had a sugar addiction as a kid, yet always tested really low when my sugars were tested, my mother and grandfather are diabetic and would test me on occasion.

                        I changed my diet (no alcohol, white grains, refined sugar), it is suggested to cut out caffeine and dairy but I didn't - I just limit my intake. I eat carrots throughout the day to maintain a healthy sugar balance. The key and most important change is taking 2000 mg of L-Glutamine during the day (check with your doctor!) The results were immediate.

                        The energy that I feel is amazing, I now know that I was "running on empty". I feel I have been brought out of a brain fog that was keeping me depressed, anxious, confused and above all craving alcohol! I don't have any of these symptoms anymore.

                        I completely abstain by choice, I don't want to test fate although the cravings have stopped. I don't like the life drinking leads to, even social drinking - I am over it. I still go to AA as I like the fellowship and spiritual program, but AA was not working until I changed my diet - maybe you need a combo, maybe you just need a change of diet.

                        Take it from someone who has tried almost everything - try everything before things get worse. Good luck!


                          binge drink.

                          Emmaline (and everyone else)
                          Well, that's me, too.
                          I binge drink only one day a week - that could be a Fri, Sat or Sunday.
                          The reason I don't do it the day after is because I'm hungover.
                          I hate that I have no self control. I'm normally a very controlled person and a minimul risk taker except when it comes to alcohol.
                          I don't know if this makes us addicts or not. I don't even know if that matters.
                          My wish is for us ALL to find peace and results in this journey.


                            binge drink.

                            hey in the same poisition, im sure shit happened to you when you were amont of booze fixes it
                            Say, Mr. Fields, I read in the paper where you consumed two quarts of liquor a day. What would your father think about that?
                            WC: He'd think I was a sissy.

